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Simon Davey

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Everything posted by Simon Davey

  1. Cheers @bonio, these replies give me a bit more confidence, and will hopefully also mean I'll not drift across the other side of the road whilst craning my neck behind me.
  2. Thanks @fullscreenaging , I always used to look over my shoulder, and it's a habit I still have whilst driving the car too. Over twenty years of not riding has left me with less confidence (for now), and It's probably a little paranoia of course, I suppose I just need to keep riding. Thanks for your time.
  3. Apologies for the cryptic title, but just wondering if it's my advancing years that are preventing good life-savers, or a combination of my XXL modular helmet combined with my bulky winter jacket? I've only had a couple of hours astride the beast, but I found I could only manage 90 degrees out, and couldn't get over my shoulder, I was also relying on my mirrors. The helmet HJC i90, does seem mahoosive compared to my old helmet, which I just binned because of the road rash.
  4. Wow, they're absolutely stunning! My biggest motorcycle regret is letting my Z1300 go for a few hundred quid, so I could buy a Ford Sierra
  5. I know it's the whole point of such a meticulous restore, but I love how it looks brand new.
  6. I like their writ-ups/reviews, totally unbiased, and cover all the points needed.
  7. Those pictures, wow! Looks really interesting. Took a while for the link to load, but got there in the end.
  8. That's seriously smart, I love the stance of the front end, it's all muscle looking.
  9. I still have no idea what's going on, but if it means I can get the bike out, can I have 292 please.
  10. Wow, my ride-on mower is a single pot, and that thunders along, can't imagine a 500cc single that won't rattle one's nuts and bolts.
  11. I'm about as tucked in as bed sheets blowing in the wind on a washing line. I snapped the bike up because I liked the "tourer" part of the sports tourer description. I'll see what cash I have after Christmas. Unless I can get away with buying the missus a screen for my bike for Christmas
  12. Thanks @onesea I was originally looking at something very similar, but rather than fit one to the narrow bubble that I have (which would probably be ineffective) I think I'll replace the whole screen. Either get a standard screen and fit a spoiler that you have, or buy a touring screen, which has the spoiler shape at the top..
  13. I've seen a touring screen somewhere £165,had the spoiler lip at the top.
  14. Brilliant, that's exactly what I was hoping someone would say. Thanks Steve. Considering throttle behaviour, I'm also thinking I don't have standard jets either, along with the Beowolf cans..
  15. Soooooo...... Went out for an hour this morning, and although it was windy, I did get a little more bashed about than I'd like. I have a feeling this is actually a double bubble/race screen. Whilst I appreciate it's supposed to create a higher airflow pattern, the "bubble" does seem quite narrow, having looked at many ZZR1200's on tinternet and YouTube, I'm thinking that a standard, or touring screen might be the solution. Do you good people agree this is a double bubble, or am I talking bo*****s?
  16. I agree with buying cheap whenever possible, and I often do, as long as I know it'll do the same job, and last as long as something thrice the price. A spoiler is a good example. There are plenty of bad examples though.
  17. Yes, that's looking likely. Besides, I can't yet order anything else for the bike, until I can think of something for the missus for Christmas........
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