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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Clarkson had lost there edge any way. The fact that May and the Gerbil could not even manage 2 programs with just a cardboard cut out to back them means they must go to .... Then again maybe Clarkson already knows the moneys that are being offered by Skye or who ever and they are just waiting for a wage increase. Either way the formula was tired and needed refreshing. What replaces it will not be better, that team was special and only comes once a in a blue moon. As for TV licenses sorry its the one tax that I do not mind paying you know where it goes you know what it supplies. The content may not be great but they don't have the budget of the big boys Skye and the rest. Its amazing when abroad how many people turn to the BBC news & world service when they want to know what's happening. Its one of the last things out there that makes Britain stand out against the rest of the developed world. For 50p a day its a tax I do not object to.
  2. Recently I had a similar issue.. My first helmet had become loose and I noticed the lack of corner vision particularly with the Pinlock Fitted. I treated myself to one of these Shark Vision R. OK I got the Carbon one http://www.helmetcity.co.uk/categories/ ... Clearance/ On offer they are sub £200. My Ride home it was a revelation, quieter (but still some noise) it was like looking out of a conservatory after looking out of a port hole. The Sun-visor is good to. The Carbon one has the pumped up cheek pads.
  3. I have to grant it to the 3 x grade 1 variety Nob's I was in my cage. Having stopped and allowed on coming traffic to clear a well known bottle neck. So did 3 cars behind me then the subsequent 2 cars overtook re creating the creating the grid lock. Had I of not pulled out and stopped car number 3. This was challenging considering the speed you where doing, had of been stopped for one of the towns famously old dithery residents to cross they would not of not stood a chance. Knowing the area and bottle neck well, it takes some minutes to clear. I got out and spoke to car no 3 behind whilst the cars coming the other way cleared. The fact that you could not even understand what you where doing could be wrong is incredible: 1) You thought 3 of us had simultaneously where parked! 2) You thought I should signal out. There was a double yellow line and we where waiting on coming traffic. 3) You said you could not see the traffic! As I advised you, you are a grade on Knob and should have your eye site and driving skills tested at the first opportunity...
  4. Well I got impatient, Shark Vision-R GT Carbon. Got to say it has got brilliant vision to the sides. Lifesavers are suddenly so much easier and quicker... It makes my old helmet feel like your looking through a port hole.
  5. All depends on what you like but: Geocaching.com Might be worth a try to get you out and about....
  6. Right y present helmet a HJC TR1 is great comfortable if a little noisy (first helmet so I cannot compare)... It has kept me toasty warm all winter. There in lies the problem, now its getting a little warmer I am getting hot headed. I am tempted by the Shark Vision R Any other suggestions I would like something to keep me cool now its getting warmer..
  7. I am going to nominate the white van that pulled out of a side road in front of bringing me near to a stop. When I beeped him to say I was there slowed down turned his head looked at me and gave me the finger... Tw*t...
  8. OK 2 more: Vine Inn http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150301_105344_zps1mbjuvzw.jpg Departure Lounge Cafe http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150301_115600_zpsgupor61y.jpg
  9. I thought you northerners where, not nesh like us who live in the south! My score now 120 :D Seems I traversed 4 counties to get that one!
  10. Lime Kiln Inn http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150228_131708_zpsvujbueus.jpg
  11. and the problem is? get out and get it Onesea Challenge score 110 Stu Challenge Score... urm ZERO. Down south the sensible way to calculate journey times is at 30 mph (Sadly VERY reliable) so 70 miles is over 4 hours straight riding, there and back. We will see what happens when the weather pic's up there is a thought that buy adding a little on to that I can get another couple of tags whilst I am that way....
  12. No worries the next nearest Cock Inn is 70 odd miles away compared with 30, so it was worth the question. I will see how I do for collecting Tags now they are getting further away...
  13. Just thought I would check is "The Fighting Cocks" or "The Cock and Bottle" Acceptable for "The Cock" Pub?
  14. I thought I should Google up some appropriate size Water pistols.... Think I might of go carried away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMIgexVD9Y4 Not certain I would want the water bill though Thanks for the help guys various none lethal weapons to hand, still looking for the solution that does not involve stalking cats......
  15. Not own cats Seriously having had dogs most of my life if I did with a dog what people do with a cat. Letting it run round in the road unattended, Let it go into other peoples gardens and poo and pee all over them, Running round trying to kill wild animals birds mice rabbits etc, I know some dog owners do but there is a FAR higher proportion of cat owners... I have never been a cat fan but now when barely a day goes by without cat poo appearing in the garden it does get frustrating. Today's message is only vented because they pooped on the front path (a first) and it got walked in, not something I want to happen daily. Why the high % of cats probably because we don't have a cat or dog so we do not have the deterrents suggested above. Do not panic I would not poison them, water pistol I will borrow my daughters plus a Nerff Gun to assist with the potatoes.
  16. Sorry I believe you should never teach your partner or spouse to drive, sail, ride etc. Get your mate to do it, or approach a school for more training. At some point the unnecessary argument or resentment will build. Much better they learn afresh with others keeps the mind open and stops both your frustrations...
  17. Me and my neighbor's are locked in a battle of wits we discuss our plans and techniques openly. As each of us inflicts a victory the other receives a defeat. Sadly my other neighbor has won this battle but we are left defending ourselves. Victorious Neighbor: has dog's no cats venture into his gardens (they are just left to clean up there own dogs poo, a far more attractive task). Sadly work stops us getting a k9 companion. My other neighbor and I are locked in battle. If either of us let our guard down we are in undated with poo and left watching our step. Armament so far: Sonic cat repellent (worked till weather got to it), Anti Cat Granules (works till washed away), Anti Cat Spikes (do not last long), Old potatoes to throw at any passing cats (works in short term but they just get smarter, although potato contact brings a smile) Road Salt sprinkled on gravel and decking (has added benefit of killing green slime on decking, again washes away in rain, kills most plants), Next door has installed anti cat spike or strips on the top of his fence (I am considering putting up trellising on mine), Success it seems we have them now moving round the front to do there business. Meaning that if you get home in the dark shoes come off before you step in the house . Sorry if this makes me sound like a grizzly sod, before I joined this war I could not step into the back garden/ yard without the over whelming stink of cat pee and poo. Its improved but you have to be constantly on your guard both in keeping prevention in place and where you stand . People say dog owners are irresponsible sorry cat owners are worse! Any advice appreciated.
  18. Three to add this weekend... The Black Bull http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150214_165343_zpscu5ll25d.jpg Crawley Inn http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150215_102524_zpsfwltjvr5.jpg The Crown and Anchor http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150215_131646_zpsf0pwvibq.jpg
  19. I plan to go along my first bike show... Not certain the day yet, if the weather warms up, I will go on 2 wheels... That will please the misses I cannot carry so much stuff home
  20. Don't update it again is my advice.... How the hell did I end up second, will not happen again so don't update it
  21. Just noticed this post.... I am New Forest based often up for a ride out was out yesterday for a little whilst and probably again today... Meeting a friend today for a couple of hours splat. PM Me if anyone wants to join in...
  22. Can I claim a bonus for 2 Pubs in one Photo? The White Swan and Ship Inn.... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/de4a1a828d83f7d1328d6407c88addfd5dd5c81ec211edc38d3866502e474419_zpsa353f88a.jpg Then I got to the right place in the end... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/c00fc8efe5f356284183b1ae57eb1c33935c6ffa6bd0dd41905030aca699ee220_zpse1e71787.jpg Hiker Cafe
  23. Old Sarum..... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/oldsarum_zpse92d1028.jpg
  24. Not a bad idea on the swerving or the secrecy, I tried not to tell people when mine was takes the pressure off... IN the mean tie enjoy your rideing, it al counts and should still make you smile
  25. Did you do a good job on the cone did you get to keep it Sorry to hear you bad news fingers crossed for you for next time...
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