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Everything posted by JRH

  1. Got one on my bike and the only time I look at it is when stationary for neutral. Cause the light don't work all the time.
  2. The sensor should be on the radiator either at the top or bottom and will have a wire coming from it.
  3. Nice but cold ride out to Berkhamstead castle. Met up with Hoggs hoggs'sOH and Wrenchmonkey. Good lunch. Coffee at Ace. Then ride back to Warwickshire via Bicester for the black bull. Good day out
  4. Berkhamstead castle before Hoggs got there. Berkhamstead castle Black Bull
  5. That might be a Kwack thing. The GPX needed full choke to start. Revved up to 4-5000 back the choke off to 2500ish let it settle then ride away
  6. I'm the same. Left are more comfortable to take than right handlers. Not sure if it is to do with being right handed. We need a poll. Do left handed people find left handed bends harder than right handed, and fight handed people etc etc?
  7. My bad. Teach me not to skim read forum post while I'm am half awake.
  8. Yep found that out when trying to remove a snapped bleed nipple
  9. I didn't bloody know this. You learn something new each day! Speaks I told you that when you bought the new helmets Listen
  10. Was that the one you failed cause your on the wrong side of the road.
  11. I had the red license. Remember going to the shire hall to renew it. Just a new page pasted in.
  12. That's a b****r Liam. Still as others said the main thing is that you are OK. Hope the repairs go OK.
  13. JRH

    What a week

    That's not good, glad you got out OK and not hurt.
  14. JRH

    Riding to Paris

    I agree it is almost impossible to find a biking guide for France that give a specific answer to a question ie reflective strips on helmets. It was posted a couple of years ago at a similar time to make sat nav with speed camera positions illegal in France but it seems to be hearsay about not needin the reflective strips. Also when we went to France on. Brittanies ferry they were selling said strips. I would be inclined to go with the AA as they are supposed to be a motoring organisation. But also helmet manufacturers advise again using stickers! Solution, become a Sikh and wear a turban.
  15. Read this as "buy a motorboat". Was confused. I didn't realise you could still buy add the acid yourself batteries! Yep. Last battery I bought from a bike shop was a "dry" battery and within the box was a container of acid. So I donned the rubber gauntlets apron and face shield, not, a filled the battery put if on the bike and road it. Put the optimate on when I got back and it was fine. If you do leave a battery on an optimate the for a long period check the liquid level.
  16. JRH

    Riding to Paris

    This says if the hemet is bought in a EU country and conforms to the regs it is ok. If it is bought inFrance must have reflective strips. http://www.brittany-ferries.co.uk/guide ... ing/france However the AA contradict this. http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/to ... monaco.pdf
  17. JRH

    EU... in or out

    I remember that. Think it is an Issac Asimov short story Apparently called Franchise and if anyone is so inclined, you can read it here http://www.rednovels.net/ScienceFiction ... 27325.html That's the one
  18. JRH

    EU... in or out

    I remember that. Think it is an Issac Asimov short story
  19. Well done Liam. Enjoy yourself and remember the learning has just begun.
  20. More car parks are using ticket machine which print reg number, or phone to park and no ticket issued just yor reg number in a data base accessed by the parking wardens.
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