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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. oh god are you all going to be pokemonning? NO POKEMONNING!
  2. Congrats on the pass Glad you managed to regroup after the little spill! Mod 2 is easy in comparison!
  3. oooh unless Stu goes insane and gets like 40 tags before Friday pretty sure I win a pint off GoG
  4. On flat ground you can release the back brake then release clutch whilst rolling on throttle gently. On hills you need to release clutch whilst gently rolling on throttle until you get to the bite point then release the brake then increase throttle and roll off clutch to pull off. This sounds a lot more complicated than it is! I think as soon as you start thinking about it problems start Unless it's a massively open junction you can clearly see both ways on approach then just aim to stop on the line. I think practise is the way forward but maybe break it down in to sections don't think of the junction as a whole? Just focus on one thing at a time So stage one, I need to stop over there Stage 2 make sure nothing is coming, then do my checks Stage 3 pulling off jobs a good un Also if you haven't already have a good long chat with your instructor, see if you can go do some quieter junctions to practise. They are there to help but can't unless you tell what you're struggling with, Also remember nothing is as tough as that Mod 1 - so if you can do that you can nail this!
  5. Hiya! This sounds like nerves and overthinking as you said I'd start off just imagining everything is a stop line. Get your slowing down and stopping sorted. Because you know you can do that. Then you get to practise your pulling away. Do not start to think there is a big timer counting down at the junction, there isn't - do your mirrors and lifesaves, gently roll on the power smoothly away Also it does happen to all of us as Ginnypops said - about a month after I passed my test I had stopped at some lights, went to pull off stalled. ARGH. Started bike went to pull off stalled ARGH (was OHs bike now convinced I had broken it). Wait. Thought I, let's not panic - lets do my checks - oh I'm in 2nd that'll be why
  6. Thanks for arranging glorian we saw Andy coming the other way about 10 mins after we left so we obviously both left the wrong way Great meeting some new people
  7. Hoggs

    Rally Tshirts

    GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN Oh also after measuring I think I need a L
  8. Hoggs

    Rally rideout

    I thought you were coming? Are you not now?!
  9. Oh I'm meeting some people to go on a ride to a pub and eat pie or I would! (not TOGS before anyone panics they have the wrong day for that, that is Sunday ) Let us know how it goes!
  10. I've just got copilot. Seems pretty alright and I've even managed to figure out (with some help from my mate Google) how to load routes downloaded from the interwebs (from the London riding group I'm in) hurrah for me. Just need to wait for my charging port and phone mount now.....
  11. Oh we've had something like this asked before and it all got very confusing.... IIRC you can do the CBT with an EU licence (but please please call the centre you are looking at doing it with and ask them before you book!!) But to do a theory or DAS/ restricted courses you have to swap your licence for a UK one or register your EU one with the DVLA which isn't easy (because they suck) and then it all gets a bit murky yuckyuck Sorry that's not much help!
  12. Hey Stoaty The new clips are CGI (and you can have added bonus fun looking for the same cars going past in each clip!). I failed my first test on these clips and I think it was because I clicked too early and only once per clip as I was paranoid about over clicking. This is not the correct way to do it!! When you see a hazard (car coming quick down a side road) - click As the hazard develops click (car not slowing down there) - click As there is an actual hazard (car now in front of you) - click This should mean you get at least one point for the hazard. Just be nice and logical and anything you see that on the road would make you think "ooh may need to brake if that moron keeps doing that" then click Don't click in a rhythm and don't feel like because you haven't clicked in a while you've missed something! You'll be fine
  13. Hoggs

    Rally rideout

    oooh don't forget to bring your tag numbers people that are doing it!
  14. Hoggs

    Rally Tshirts

    Yup http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/wVAAAOSwZVlXjNjV/s-l225.jpg
  15. Where's Xtreme when you need him....
  16. Most of us got it right though.. just a couple of.... "specials" getting confused
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! may it be filled with cider and donuts
  18. Oh and all the grief you gave me when my reservoir bracket broke and I had to fix it with tape! Karma bitches!
  19. Gin's making us all wear tshirts with our name on
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