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Everything posted by mojobanana

  1. F**K IT!!! D*ckhead Austrian is trying to land the blame for late orders onto me, instead of taking responsibility for his own c*ck-ups. And he won't answer the questions I asked in a previous email. f**king Austrians....He's probably got his daughter locked in his cellar....
  2. Have you tried Sidi Vertigo? They have adjustable calf panels and are what I use.
  3. Might be worth tying up with my thread in Midlands and Lincs, could arrange somewhere to group up - Newark or something. Last time we rode up from Dan's via Newark and it was a fairly good route.
  4. Has he got really long arms then?!
  5. Hi, Bit early, but a thread for anyone riding from the area up to Market Rasen. Quite happy for anyone from the south to meet at mine (in Milton Keynes, 2 miles off the M1) then ride up to the next meet point. Stick your name up, or if you'd like to suggest an alternative meet point then suggest away
  6. Stuff's gone missing in transit between our two offices and somehow it's my fault. !!!!f**k IT!!!!
  7. If we're going at a similar time we could meet up outside and ride up. Plus there's a nice pub round the corner for a spot of lunch. Nman will remember the wasps, no doubt...
  8. Could possibly be up for going on the Sunday too, never actually made it to the BMF last year even though I tried
  9. Aw...that's really nice!
  10. Just for old time's sake.... Have you checked the killswitch?
  11. Hi all, As Mikey's Meet 2009 was such a success I had a chat with Lori about arranging another, so here comes Mikey's Meet 2 Mikey's having severe motorbike withdrawals so hopefully he'll enjoy the day again. The linky from last year... The plan is the same as last year - meet at the market square in Market Rasen in the morning (around 11am should do it) then scooch off en masse to Willingham Woods. If everyone's happy to make a collection in aid of Mikey's hospice again then please post and I'll collect the monies on the day and shove greasy fivers at Lori at some point. I think the total was nearly £300 last year, which was a fantastic result. EDIT: 15th April, link to Midlands and Lincs rideouts meet. EDIT: 16th April, link to Cambs and East Anglia rideouts meet. EDIT: 29th June, attendance list so far (by trawling the thread - apologies if I've missed anyone but PM me or Dan and you'll be added) mojobanana Korben (will message on fb to make sure) Ruthie Chris92 (if he can face 3 hours on a 125) bex CobbZ Rosie Suzilew Stu Tinkerbell techno craig nman1 denisejo bigsisterbiker CarlosvonBrum rick okcoky Decor58 VFR800 GrumpyOldGit Wannars125 eastanglianbiker IWannaGoFast Jixerman Dan (and poss TheWife - tbc) DaddyG acemastr Jonathan Crofts
  12. F*ck it. Came back yesterday evening from a trip to Hungary for work (two nights away from home). Have to go to Poland next Wednesday morning for another two nights, again for work. Will probably have to go to Poland again the week after that for at least another night (again for work). I express my disappointment that I have to do so much travel and get told I have to, "take the rough with the smooth" by someone who sits on her arse all day, doesn't do any travel and hasn't left the country in years. F*CK IT!!!
  13. Ello all, in the spirit of wanting to see my bikery mates, anyone fancy a meet at good old Jack's Hill cafe? Spot of brekkie, cup of tea and coffee, sticky bun, etc. Assuming dry and fairly non-arctic conditions, that is. Just proposing a meet and natter, unless anyone would like to suggest a ride out from there. Anyone welcome, two wheels or four (or come on the bus). Just north of Towcester (and the A43) on the A5. Linky here So, who's up for it?
  14. IT WORKS!!! A Bill arrived and started shifting the gear lever up and down, switched the engine on then got it into first and neutral. Got it going in and out of first to neutral then second without any issues, then I popped it round the block with absolutely no problems. It's always had 'sticky' clutch plates (I've been advised). If you start the engine while in gear then the bike lurches forward. I wonder if sitting for 6 weeks while my ankle's been dodgy means the gear selector fork's got stuck. I'm going to get it looked at anyway, it could just be wear on the clutch plates. Thanks for all your help peeps
  15. I'll take another photo today and post it up. No fluids coming out but I could just about get my fingernail into the top of it.
  16. Cheers Simon What about the crack in the casing? Is it best to replace the cover?
  17. Hi, RE: SV650s K5 I usually try and avoid this section of the site, but my bikey is broked. The sun was out (and is now) and I decided to get my gear on and blast the cobwebs away. Got about 2 miles away and coming up to a set of traffic lights I can't change back down into 1st or neutral. I appear to be stuck in 3rd. I tried for a few moments to kick it back, but ended up revving up and pulling away in 3rd thinking I could knock it back down at the next opportunity. Push up into 4th, 5th and 6th, then try again to knock all the way back down again. No joy. The lowest gear I can get to is now 4th. I turn around and come home (ever tried pulling away in 4th?). Pulled into the drive and got off, had a look at the gear lever. I can see no physical reason why it can't move, it moves freely up and down from 4th to 6th, but just won't go any lower. I took a photo of something metal that appears to have a crack in it (not being a technical type, but I am about to get the Haynes out). Photo here... The only thing I think at the moment is that being out in the wet, cold and salt has taken its toll and the clutch has suffered. Of course, not being the techy type, it's going to be a new clutch at the garage. Anyone know how much a new clutch on an SV650s might cost? Absolutely gutted, really needed a ride out today
  18. Let mojo be the first to congratulate you! Well done mate, fab feeling. May many years of trouble-free biking lie ahead of you
  19. Play nicely you pair.. or I'll come over there and smack the arses of the pair of ya.
  20. F**k it... my ankle's still bloody painful and everyone keeps telling me to go to the docs. Been walking around this morning and it's f**king agony! AND I CAN'T RIDE MY BIKE!!!
  21. techno vicki and kids Susieque Rennie (reckon he'll be coming with me! ) Yorbandit camping Bex Decor (95% Sure I'll be there) hurtank WalneyFrankie (Camping) Gary (camping) Fri & Saturday nights JoshRS Chris CobbZ - more on the provision that edgey comes too so i've got someone to ride with... (camping) nman1 ( camping in me ickle tent ) Suzilew - camping keithg24 Dan & TheWife (camping) Wiigglet + 1 (vamping oops Camping) Parapanfan - tbc - I really hope I can make this - (camping) Duane69 (camping) GarethNW (Camping) mojobanana (camping both nights, but I might decide to get a room)
  22. Ah, hence the reason for the good mood. Got plans tomorrow matey, but catch yer soon and good luck with the new bike Not jealous at all me. Nope.
  23. No, but there are other Ironbutt events that spread over 24hrs. Sadly you must do a SS1000 first. If you start to feel drowsy you stop take a break, simples. What's an SS1000?
  24. I'm interested, but worried...! Are you allowed to split the 24 hours over two days? Was just discussing with a colleague and we decided the opportunity to get over-tired and fall asleep on two wheels was quite high.
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