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Everything posted by mojobanana

  1. HEXTON 418111 = 16 GarethNW - 549 - (19) 7vwh - 405 - (15) TC - 301 (11) RJ and WF - 263- (10) mojo - 257 (10) Bigsis - 165 - (5) nman1 - 147 - (6) Yorbandit 124 (4)
  2. There's a knack to it Ruthie, a knack
  3. Saw tarmac and looked for potholes...saw none. Very jealous! Awesome, love seeing your posts and photos on TMBF.
  4. W O B U R N S A N D S 413111 11121 +2 = 19 GarethNW - 549 - (19) 7vwh - 405 - (15) TC - 282 (10) RJ and WF - 263- (10) mojo - 241 (9) Bigsis - 165 - (5) nman1 - 147 - (6) Yorbandit 124 (4)
  5. L E I G H T O N B U Z Z A R D 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 10 10 1 1 2 +2 = 41 GarethNW - 529 - (18) 7vwh - 405 - (15) TC - 282 (10) RJ and WF - 263- (10) mojo - 222 (8) Bigsis - 165 - (5) nman1 - 147 - (6) Yorbandit 124 (4)
  6. MEPPERSHALL 31331114111 = 20 GarethNW - 500 - (17) 7vwh - 405 - (15) TC - 282 (10) RJ and WF - 263- (10) mojo - 181 (7) Bigsis - 165 - (5) nman1 - 147 - (6) Yorbandit 124 (4)
  7. GarethNW - 468 - (16) 7vwh - 405 - (15) TC - 282 (10) RJ and WF - 263- (10) Bigsis - 165 - (5) mojo - 161 (6) nman1 - 147 - (6) Yorbandit 124 (4) P U L L O X H I L L 3 1 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 = 22
  8. Good idea... the only issue I can think is distribution of light reactive particles evenly across the visor...if you introduce particles to plastic then you end up with flow lines so you'd have stripes across the visor emanating from the injection point. Could be quite attractive though... EDIT: can end up with flow lines, depending on the size of the particle and the nature of the raw material...
  9. f**k IT Apparently I now have to report into someone who's at the same grade as me...who seems to think that all my actions are late or out of date because I don't copy him into every f**king email I send. When was I demoted? Hmm...don't remember being told about that. When was he promoted?! Hmm...don't remember that particular newsflash....... Apparently he's more experienced than me, despite the person telling me that having no idea about my experience, qualifications or background. Nice company I work for... not.
  10. I get cold easily and struggle staying warm, so I was looking at a 3 season sleeping bag, but I notice you can also get fleece liners for bags so I might get one of those too. Will keep an eye on this thread as I'm lookng at getting a new bag...been looking at snugpak since marsey mentioned them.
  11. Sorry Neil, I saw you'd dropped off and added you back on but then you seemed to drop off again. Thought you'd decided not to take part and I'd missed it. Really need more time out on the bike to get my score up! What's happened to the weather? It's pants!!!
  12. 7vwh - 324 - (10) GarethNW - 266 - (8) TC - 173 (6) Bigsis - 165 - (5) RJ and WF - 206 - (8) Yorbandit 124 (4) mojo - 139 (5) BARTON LE CLAY 311111 11 3114 +3 = 22
  13. Is this what you meant by bike Scrabble? http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/IMAG0033.jpg
  14. IRELAND 1111112 +5 = 13 7vwh - 324 - (10) GarethNW - 239 - (7) TC - 173 (6) Bigsis - 165 - (5) RJ and WF - 206 - (8) mojo - 117 (4) Yorbandit 88 (3)
  15. 7vwh - 324 - (10) GarethNW - 239 - (7) TC - 173 (6) Bigsis - 165 - (5) RJ and WF - 173 - (7) mojo - 104 (3) Yorbandit 88 (3) nman1 - 34 - (2) HOUGHTON CONQUEST 41124111 311 10 1111 +2 = 36
  16. http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/IMAG0014.jpg Woughton on the Green 41124111 11 141 21111 +4 = 33 7vwh - 108 - (3) GarethNW - 163 - (5) Bigsis - 136 - (4) nman1 - 34 - (2) RJ and WF - 90 - (4) TC - 100 (3) mojo - 68 (2)
  17. http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/MKVillage.jpg MILTON KEYNES VILLAGE 311111 514111 4111121 +3 = 35 7vwh - 108 - (3) GarethNW - 163 - (5) Bigsis - 136 - (4) nman1 - 34 - (2) RJ and WF - 67 - (3) TC - 100 (3) mojo - 35 (1)
  18. In Welsh, Y is a vowel and pronounced as an eee sound when it's on its own. It's kind of an 'uh' sound when you put it in a word, like ysbyty (which is hospital).
  19. Same as others really, wide berth, slow down and pull the clutch in as you roll past. If the horse/rider starts to look very nervous or jumpy then it might be an idea to pull over if it's safe and cut the engine, especially if you've got a loud exhaust.
  20. I'm liking your new numberplate Gareth....although methinks you have too much time on your hands.
  21. Great fun, can't wait to get involved! Not on bike today, but will be tomorrow Miles of smiles all round.
  22. Haha! Well done mrgreen!! I had something similar, got off the bike at the end of a distinctly average ride and the examiner asked me, "what do you do on right hand turns?" I explained what you're meant to do and he then asked, "No, what do you do on right hand turns?" I 'fessed up (just doing things in the wrong order) and he said in the quietest of quiet voices, "Well, you've passed." I had to ask him to repeat, then jumped up and down on the spot for about 10 minutes!!! Well done, enjoy!
  23. I can vouch for the Kriega R25, top quality (it's been drenched several times and nothing's got through) and very comfy. Bit pricey though. Knox 6-packs get a good write-up too.
  24. I have Sidi Vertigos and I like them a lot, got £70 or so off by buying them on ebay (after trying on in a shop). Not had an off in them (touch wood) but they are very comfortable and feel reassuring.
  25. f**k IT!!! Car's poorly and I can't afford any repairs....
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