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Everything posted by Gin

  1. After this latest episode I'm pretty sure they're deliberately making her unlikable and quite likely they're going to send her Mad like her family line is known for, setting it up for Jon to be put forward as King. (Wouldn't be surprised at this point if Jon has to be the one to strike her down at her height of fury and madness.) I thought ep.4 was a bit pants. The worst bit for me was ... There were a couple of other bits which ... well were just a bit pants. ALSO I really thought they were going to explain what the hell Bran was playing at last episode, but I guess not
  2. They explained in the film that "Changing something in the past doesn’t change the future." I think this explains it but basically what is done, is done. When they go back they go to OTHER versions of time, not going back into their own exact time line to borrow the stones. I'm pretty sure the soul stone doesn't contain a return policy in it's terms and conditions... They still had to pay the price to take the stone, just cos they put it back after doesn't make the price unpaid. I would guess that most of the other planets, with previously thriving populations and societies, would have been in as much turmoil, if not more, than earth was. We got 10+ heros to help out earth, I reckon all those other planets deserve just one hero shared between them. Yup, much like Cpt Marvel, it's not going to in line with the current events. I would assume it's going to be Hawkeye and Blackwidow when they were mercenaries together. Well... I mean... He is Dead, that does make it a little hard to keep making new footage...
  3. I really liked it and thought it was a good way to tie up the 11 years of stories which lead to that point. I wish that there had been a way to recover Vision and I am looking forward to buying the Blue-Ray so I can sit through Alll the extras, as I've heard there's a lot of footage they've kept to one side. I enjoyed the contrast between the way in which Thanos recovered the Soul Stone compared to the Avengers. I think that show of selflessness vs. Thanos' stoic, logical acceptance against Gamoras wishes. However, wtf happened to Adam Warlock!? Loved the way they did Professor Hulk. And I really enjoyed seeing Paul Rudds performance in this one, I think he's really grown into the role.
  4. Fan theories are he was a Targayren hence not being able to be killed by fire I don’t think he could be though!, he’s meant to have been around for 1000s of years, the Targaryens have only been around for 300 ish. I just thought the reason he could fly a dragon is because he bought it back from the dead, same as he rode dead horses and stuff?. Him being made of ice and not melting into a puddle from getting a blast of fire that turned normal people to ash was a bit weird but then it was also pretty cool. I thought he was meant to be one of the Andals (sp?) who were in Westeros before the Targerians came over and conquered the land. I assumed he was immune to the dragon fire as he has a thumping great shard of Dragon Glass shoved into the center of his chest which gave him the powers of the Night King. Yup, I had expected a smaller force to hit Winterfell and the main army would continue to march down to Kings Landing. Now Cersei never has to deal with the selfishness of her actions to not defend the realm that she's meant to be protector of. The people of the 7 Kingdoms didn't get to see the Snarks and Grumpkins which they were warned were apocalyptic and therefore think the North men are whining for nothing. Even the Glovers, north men in their own right, didn't see the horror of the Army of the Dead before it was demolished. Agree I'm glad who ended it, but it feels weird having it end so suddenly after such a huge build up. (Also, like I said before, with so many lead characters surviving.)
  5. Yeah, I was thinking something along the same lines. So Berwick Dondarion was brought back from the clutches of death time and time again, just so he could be there to save Arya and allow her to carry on into the fight. Jorah was sent away into exile for his betrayal, only to redeem himself and come back to lay down his life for his queen. I wonder if, in true GoT fashion, these main characters have been saved for now as they have to stay alive for the next fight; they are instrumental in the story to come in the assault on Kings Landing. Also, other note, Tyrions gentle kiss on Sansa's knuckles before they stepped out into the Crypts was ridiculously sweet. I love that even though all the Lannisters she's known treated her horrifically, yet he's always tried to instead show her respect and deference. Such a lovely act of kindness and affection in the face of almost certain death.
  6. Yes! That gentle dagger press under the chin and then slowly laying the wight down! Really showed off her training well. This same scene as well, I loved what a point they made of her moving absolutely silently. And yes, the torches were amazing! So powerful to see the reactions of everyone back at the keep. I think anyone with a "True-black" TV would have really enjoyed the episode. I can imagine if the black was really deep then then whole episode would have felt amazing (I know what you mean about the audience feeling the chaos and confusion of a war in the middle of the night) but I've had my TV for at least 5 years now and as good as it was when I first got it, it can't do the darkness this episode needed.
  7. Right, still going to wrap this one in spoiler tags Just in Case it can be seen from the main thread list!
  8. Hey all, Figure I'd put a thread up for this as I'm pretty sure people are going to want to talk about it, while others are going to actively avoid the spoilers. So feel free to chat in here and hopefully it will keep it a bit contained!
  9. It is nice that you're showing more photos of your home life with us Six Do we have to refer to her by a name or is "Six's cock holster" ok? Her names Barbara , she's got a variety of different size strap on's .... and before you ask , yes I will loan her out Oohh you should put up rates, there's one or two members I can think of that would agree to meet you in a carpark with flashlights! (..... God the idea of a used doll, never mind a used Strap on that's been near Six's arse is making me very grateful I didn't have breakfast!) P.s. Sorry Dynax.
  10. Yeh in the car wouldn't look any weirder... It is nice that you're showing more photos of your home life with us Six Do we have to refer to her by a name or is "Six's cock holster" ok?
  11. Thats most threads True... True... Fancy a biscuit? I genuinely thought this thread was going to be for advice on taking a first time pillion! Would be happy to help with that one, especially with a less confident rider. I think the day I took [mention]RantMachine[/mention] pillion on mine was a terrifying day for Everyone involved (p.s. I'm 5ft3 and he's like 7ft something... It looked as silly as you'd imagine.)
  12. This.... This thread did not go as I expected it to...
  13. This was my main worry as I always had it in my head that the BMF show was the show for gear, now with MCN I wasn't sure how well that had translated over. Oh well, we're going to break in the camping gear for the year ahead and hopefully see a few friendly faces
  14. The Ferrari team management have got the App that controls the drains for this race. What about that bridge that took out the recovery truck? It's like wacky racers!
  15. Yes I think the placement is cute, and I prefer the ring in comparison to the metal and placement for a tragus! Its quite close to your head and snuggled nicely in your ear so it should be too awful for sleeping, obviously the first couple of days it may throb a little while it heals. The worst thing for it is catching your hair on it while it heals! Helmet shouldnt be too bad. The only issue = earplugs (and earbuds)! You wont be able to put them in while it's healing really as I find I have to lift the ring in order to put them in. And once it has healed, it does make it hard to put them in (and make them stay in!). mine have a habit of falling out on that ear when I remove my helmet as the piercing stops it being a really tight fit! Thanks so much! This was just the kind of answer I was looking for. Might start looking about for Piercing studios in MK now that we've moved. It will take me at least two months to find somewhere I trust enough anyway ...
  16. It's nice to see their livening up the sport by putting obstacles along the track now.
  17. Nope You've just properly been bitten by the biker bug! Enjoy it and take it easy on your ride home
  18. They're really lovely Mark, love the stories to them as well [mention]elizabethf[/mention], like I said I don't expect it to do anything, but I do like the placement. I also like the Rook and Tragus but I imagine I would get the tragus caught alot, especially on bike helmets. How did you find the healing with yours? How do you find sleeping with it?
  19. I don't really mind if it doesn't work (honestly I'm not expected it to. If the NHS in 5 years and their tests / medications can't get them to stop, I doubt a hole through my ear will) but I do want piercings in that sort of area anyway, as I like the look, and figure if they have a 0.1% chance of stopping the migraines too then it's Win Win. Honestly my biggest worry with them and the scaffolding is where it will get in the way of taking a bike helmet on and off. How did your mrs find that? Does anyone have any experiences with piercings and getting caught in your helmet? (No Prince Albert jokes please... I'm looking at You [mention]Six30[/mention] !)
  20. Jeez those are GORGEOUS! Have you got stories behind them? Or just liked the designs when you met with the artist? Also, what's the meaning being the "Ka" symbol?
  21. Hi all, I did have a quick look for another thread on this one but couldn't see it. If I'm wrong, Mods do your thing. Coming up in a couple of weeks is the MCN Festival, which if I'm right is whats taken over from the big Peterborough show. Loads going on and it did used to be a great show to go for to look for gear! Anyway, I think Jay and I will be heading over to it and hopefully camping so would be cool to bump into some of you guys there.
  22. Yeah that looks good, we may only be able to do one night rather than Fri and Sat night as the week after is pretty busy (need prep time on the Sunday). Will put it in the calendar and check with Jay. The other one people might be interested in, though it's getting a bit close now, is the MCE Festival which has camping. We're hoping to get over there and I think [mention]Glorian[/mention] is looking to be there too. If you can't make the camping it's still a fun event to pop along to for the day.
  23. Hah they're not interesting! Tongue, nose, ears a few times and belly button. Have stretched one lobe but only to 8mm (Didn't fancy the spaghetti look.. ) and have a gauge like this in: Want to get scaffolding at some point (bar across top of the ear) and the anti-migraine on both ears. I have to say there's more I would like to get, but I've always been very careful that all piercings I get can be easily hidden for work I know they're not meant to (and they certainly would never say) but I wouldn't want to miss out on a job offer / promotion etc because of my style choices. Same with tattoos, the ones I have planned are all very easily hidden.
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