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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Yeah it was a bit shaky with the vibrations, wooden floors Shows how much power it has, or how rattly it is.
  2. Have the camera a bit more stable next time lol
  3. Bender

    Hi all

    Indeed, the answers may be the right answer but probably just not to the question you asked Welcome
  4. It's the future, embrace it, think that will spoil your style, just want till its got mobility in front of it.
  5. Really you passed up a free lecy ride.
  6. Bender


    Welcome Unfortunately the reputation for niggles, poor build quality and rusting cannot simply be ignored, not having ago at your choice Did you both get the same?
  7. I sealed mine with waterproof pva, it's kept dust down, hasn't peeled but it is prone to abrasion damage but so is paint, upside it's cheap.
  8. Toyota do a nice red, in the old days your choice would have been post office red
  9. I also heard that he crashed while trying to make a zoom call but it melted
  10. I hear emergency services were delayed as the driver kept dialing 99
  11. My sparkplug cleaner consists of a small wire brush and a gas hob.
  12. Wrong attitude, you just keep going you eventually get used to it and also being skint.
  13. 2nd car 3Ltr rover, followed by 4.2 jag, then range rover then 5.3 v12 jag, what is this mpg your all on about. I missed out the first car, it was a 850 mini lol
  14. If it can be made to pass emissions no reason why not, I imagine a slight delay tune and some sports cats/dpf's would sort it
  15. Bender


    When 17 you will want a 125 forget the de-restriction Not being good at grammar is fine, being good and being too lazy is just a waste we're not the grammar police but a couple on here have grammar pcso ambitions.
  16. Could you not just register each household with a number, write the number down in a log. Old folk and new ideas often don't mix
  17. Bender


    Welcome, why just a 50cc? When you pass, most get bored with a 150 very quickly, 50cc is very low power and creates it's own problems.
  18. I recently hid my lawnmower under a sheet in the dining room for about a week and it lay undiscovered Lawnmower? giphy.gif I know you don't have grass in the wasteland so here you go, one of these.
  19. That sounds a much better idea than taking a risk on a cheap un known
  20. [mention]dynax[/mention] do we change your name to florider now or when it's running
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