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Everything posted by Muttly

  1. Yeah but you get extra marks
  2. Do! I would be interested to see. There isn't a climbing I do most at the moment. Kids and living in Essex until two months ago really got in the way. Hoping to get back into it. I think of myself as more traditional and mountain but probably split my climbing equally when I can do it. Nice to find a fellow enthusiast. If flashing 6B time to start working 7A!
  3. Fantastic! 6B, where was that? What was the problem like?
  4. Yes. Winter, ice, trade,sport and bouldering. A bit quiet on the climbing front over the last couple of years whilst kids little but still a climber.
  5. Nice bike. Congratulations on the test pass and on the very nice looking bike. I hope you will be very happy together
  6. One way to move away from autopilot is to describe everything as you do it. The more detail the better.
  7. They will but only in the car and only for long enough to ensure no other sleep is had by anyone. I wish I spent more time doing things I liked.
  8. Granted. It is one of the new Enfield's that were made for service in world war one and have been photographed at the bottom of the sea. Unfortunately you part ex'd your current wheels and we cannot raise the bike from it's current position as a nom natural reef. You may visit in dive gear though.
  9. Chap on my CBT had a similar issue. For him the truck was to look at where he wanted to be. As soon as he looked towards where he was wanting to end up the rest just worked.. Frustrating to be in need of repeating but at least you can be confident that the assessors think you are up to it.
  10. Thanks [mention]fastbob[/mention] I am still waiting for a response from cmpo about dimensions etc. I'll just measure on the bike and get back to you.
  11. Not that strange six. You can see his helmet in the bedroom bit!
  12. Thanks for the advice. It is definitely as far as I can tell going to hold at least for the journey home. I shall double check though.
  13. The training I am on has bungy straps (thin ones) to hold our IDs on. Have got a spare and gone out and I will make a spring/bungy for now and then try to sort something onc home.
  14. Thanks @fastbob I'm not sure of the dimensions because I don't have the spring. I'll have a look at the bike later on a lunch break from the course I am on.
  15. Thank you. I know I am daft. Did not occur to me to call them. I will tomorrow.
  16. I need one of these https://www.chinesemotorcyclepartsonline.co.uk/partno_SPRNG009 But it says it is out of stock. I have previously explained I am an idiot with mending so asking for advice.
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