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Everything posted by Muttly

  1. I agree with Mike. With regards to getting yourself armed with a knife I remember reading a statistic that victims of k for crime are more often stabbed with their own writing. In your shoes I would want to move if I could or give up biking until I could move. So sorry that you or anyone can be victimised in this way.
  2. I had it in my Lexmoto too but it turned out I had left a bike lock through the rear wheel.
  3. 90 ish miles to the gallon too!
  4. [mention]RAYK47[/mention] my reading of it was that it was not you that was being referred to as having no idea.
  5. Am I one that gets it wrong? If so do please point it out at the time. I likes lurning.
  6. I’ve not yet left my strap undone, but then I am a bit new to all this. I have definitely had a feeling like my seatbelt is undone, a weird unsettling feeling.
  7. It’s a lot like biscoffs but super sweet!
  8. The silver people carrier in the A38 after edgbaston on the way into town. He clocked me filtering between the traffic, pulled as far toward the middle as he could to prevent me. It was not an accident because he kept looking at me in her wing mirror as he kept to the centre line as much as possible. The knobishness is about the spiteful ness of it.
  9. People should learn to tell a joke as opposed to simply being misogynist. I live a joke; What do you call a fly with no legs.
  10. I ride in urban and city roads mostly but have done big stretch A roads. So far (only wet and cold not iced or snowy) I still enjoy it. I have applied a little layering knowledge from my mountain experience to stay warm And dry and that helps. I have a new Lexmoto Falcon. See my review for honest comments. I passed my CBT in June and have done 1800 miles since. I commute between 12 total miles a day and up to forty. I think it is fab. I also noted you have been a bit unsure, if you can afford the CBT get on and see if you like it.
  11. Dumb ass comment falling short of sattire. How do you know ... was you in the car your more of a DICK Dastardly . I don’t know. But I also don’t presume to suggest it is a woman’s fault simply on the basis of her being a woman. Name call all you like. You’re in the wrong.
  12. Dumb ass comment falling short of sattire.
  13. This year my wife passed her driving test. We moved to Birmingham and decided we needed a second vehicle so I could have one for work and Mrs Muttly still be able to visit family etc. I wanted a bike when I was a kid and somehow never got to it. We agreed a bike would make sense so I did my CBT and bought Lexi. I ride her every work day in all weathers (so far) and I bloomin love it. I enjoy all of my rides, I enjoy filtering and live 90 miles to the gallon. I had some help from the forum to learn change oil and adjust chain. Also a forum member did an observed ride for me. Very happy chippy.
  14. Ah, I stand happily corrected. I remember reading a thread that suggested that was a gentleman’s agreement amongst manufacturers to avoid imposition by regulators.
  15. I have a 125, The limit on CBT for over 17s is CC and not power. I’m afraid you are misinformed newbiker. I commute everyday between 6 and 30 miles in total. On my 125 it’s fine. If I had to do that distance on nsl dual carriageways I would want more than my 125. 30 miles is a reasonably big deal on a 125 in my opinion. But worth trying
  16. Sorry to hear that I’m Glad you are okay in terms of injury etc. Be kind to yourself and save decisions for another time.
  17. I posted quoting Joe I thought but it is absent. In the post I tried to say that I am not delicate and I am not offended either. Racist language was commonly acceptable not very long ago, there are many inequalities which have been acceptable in recent memory. That did not make them right. Your justification as banter is weak, it is not the role of the oppressed to ‘grin and bear it’ it is the role of those perpetuating oppression to stop and by defending it you are one of the oppressors. It’s one thing one Wally saying unacceptable things, what is saddening is the defence of it by others.
  18. They may quite well call it out, but would they storm off vowing never to return while everyone sagely nods their head and say ‘quite right too’ ... I think not ! I don’t know whether they would or not. I have left places and called stuff out. I have also stayed. One left me feeling ashamed and the other probably made no difference to the other people but at least I was not complicit. I have met [mention]Speedy23[/mention] he was generous with his time and seemed a nice fella. I see nothing wrong with his actions.
  19. It takes all sort eh. There is not a circle I hang around in where casual mysogyny would not be called out if in real life. It’s not clever or funny. I don’t usually bother to respond to six because I assume that is the game he is playing. Fishing for outrage and I cannot be bothered. That said the idea that someone finding mysogyny unacceptable should be cause for ridicule does reflect poorly on some of you.
  20. Using personal insults such as Snowflake is the domain of the person without a reasonable argument. Same true for the opposite end of the spectrum of personal insults like fascist. I have never seen someone make their point better by insulting the person as opposed to their ideas. I think good on [mention]Speedy23[/mention] for calling it out. I think it would be better to stick around and keep calling it out. I tend to ignore [mention]Six30[/mention] because he is already a parody of himself and his ideas are ridiculed by that.
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