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Everything posted by Muttly

  1. How many vegans does it take to change a lightbulb? I’M A VEGAN
  2. [mention]raesewell[/mention] is it necessary, is it truthful, is it kind? I aim to have two out of Three before saying something particularly if it might be insensitive.
  3. I have no idea why you would post this? It is invalidating, redundant and irrelevant. If you think someone’s sense of loss at property being lost taken is silly then just move on and don’t post.
  4. [mention]Fleck[/mention] Interesting use of the term personality disorder. Doesn’t seem appropriate to me. You seem to mean people who have a touch of the ‘being an 4r53hole about them, maybe abusive of positions of power’. People described as having a personality disorder are something else (of course like all sections of society there will be some who are both.
  5. Muttly


    Seven years ago I had thirty years to go, would retire on 50% of my final salary and I contributed about 6.5% of my salary. Now I have thirty years to go (despite seven years having passed) I contribute nearly ten percent, the money I paid into the scheme I described before has been frozen and I shall retire with 32/80ths of my career average. No idea how they adjust for inflation on the career average. I am a little bitter about the change.
  6. Nice one [mention]fastbob[/mention] As someone with all the practical skills of a sea anemone I am really rather impressed.
  7. Muttly

    LNER jokers

    Bunch of Cucking Funts!
  8. My four year old girl loves Christine and the Queens. We listen almost only to her at the moment. I don’t mind. It’s good music.
  9. There is also one in a Colchester. I like them Both. You can legitimately go the wrong way round a round about.
  10. I want your boots, your clothes and your motorcycle.
  11. A system that adapts to feedback is cybernetic but that is not quite right for this.
  12. Reflecting upon possible feedback can be a useful process though. It is surely never a bad thing to ask yourself ‘did I do right or wrong in that moment’. It’s not necessarily a social worry- oh that person I do not know may not like me. It could be a ‘did I do something wrong that I would therefor prefer to avoid doing in future’
  13. Just commiserations dude. Sorry to hear it went down like that again. Chump examiner.
  14. if yuo ignore the time it takes to get 'dressed' in my bike clobber i save lots of time. If you include that time, well. I don't include that time
  15. You know when you see pics in film or whatever of someone with their guts on show because of gory murder. That makes me think of that.
  16. Sit on them. I really liked the look of a cruiser style bike where I passed my CBT. They had another bike same price more like a sports bike but not fully faired. Sat on both and knew immediately which one to get ans it was not the eye candy one.
  17. Saw one in a shop near where i used to live. Couldn't ride it obvs because I am a CBT only at the moment. I suspect it would not be for me,
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