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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. Well it does bring to mind the old saw of "You know how stupid the average person in the street is? Well, mathematics says almost half of them are stupider than that"..... What's cracking me up is I guarantee if said person gets offered a speed awareness course they'll be one of those present saying "but they put cameras right after a downwards speed change and you don't have time to slow down, it's not fair", whilst basically admitting here that if the speed change goes upwards them they have zero issues seeing the sign well in advance.... (ps the above scenario happened on one I attended)
  2. Whatever your view on speed limits, speed enforcement, camera enforcement.... that matters not here... I just want to remind you that these people and their wonky understanding of how it all works share the road amongst us (Taken from a local fb group, most people are ranting but I'm doing my best to clarify.... names and faces redacted to protect the not so innocent)
  3. This is the method that worked for me, other vids say about getting your bum near the floor but that didn't work for me. Resting my backside on the saddle helps no end. ">
  4. A lovely day out even in the wind was a bit silly on the way home (not food induced). I don't have my watch on me nor my phone nearby so didn't know what time it was, needless to say it flew by. Leaving the pub and getting out into the cold wind was definitely hard work. As for the baskets, the first thing I did was chuck my chips onto my plate in disgust because no way was I going to eat them out of a basket (pro-tip [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention], Proper Job sell things like that for a couple of quid if you ever get any house guests you don't really like and want to drop a hint)
  5. Have you checked their assumptions? Make sure you clarify some of them after you get your quick quote edit: just done a quick quote and before I change some of the assumptions they're still more expensive than my Hasting Direct renewal
  6. Finally got [mention]Magpie84[/mention] some points. Had to hold on tight to the number today, the wind was ridonkulous out there. First after a meeting with some forum members to prove we very much did exist and I hadn't made up a persona of my wife on the forum for a laugh, we headed to a Red Lion, a pub I'd already got (albeit a different one) which allowed [mention]Magpie84[/mention] to even up her point score with me after my dastardly and underhand points grab the other week. Followed the sat nav until we saw the back of the pub, where the road split into two going either side of it. The sat nav took us around to the left and I knew it went straight into the pub car park so followed it, only to find the side road it brought us along finished at a junction onto a major narrow A road, with a right turn that came tightly back on itself, along with a steep rise from the junction to the busy main road AND an adverse camber. I decided discretion was the better part of valour and said we'd go left before doubling back on ourselves when we could. Grabbed the photo, got back on our bikes only to discover the pub had a second entrances to the car park which connected to the other side road which would have made getting in a doddle. Ho hum. The Kings Arms had a sign up on exit to say that CCTV monitors the car park and non-patrons will receive a fine. So they'll probably quite enjoy us posing for the camera in our photos. Finally for the last pub [mention]Magpie84[/mention] said she'd lead the way as she knew where she was going, only to surprise me by pulling in suddenly to a pub unexpectedly. The problem was, it was a White Post and I was sure [mention]Hoggs[/mention] would be having none of that. So back on the road until we got to the White Hart, where lots of people wondered what on earth these random bikers in hi-viz were doing taking dodgy looking pictures.
  7. Kings Arms and a White Hart (after [mention]Magpie84[/mention] took us to a White Post)
  8. Have you ever tried bone conducting headphones [mention]BIKERDAD[/mention]? They may allow you to hear things like the TV without having closed headphones on, so you can still interact with everyone else (Unless you don't want to that is )
  9. The amount of ppl who was caught speeding and other crimes when the police just had Heddlu on the cars . . Then they were pretty thick then, frankly. Anyway, I don't get this idea everyone seems to have that if something is an offence you shouldn't be done for it if you didn't realise the police were around at the time you were doing it.
  10. I wonder how many people will think you're on a 50CC moped and get a shock?
  11. *Nails perfect 180 turn* "Show off" I think LTF: "If only u-turns were that easy in my DAS"
  12. The stupid thing about that is the Highways Engineer who signed it off will say "no no, it makes sense, it's so you can access the shared use pavement on the other side without having to slow in traffic"
  13. I do find the British humour does kind of lens itself to punnage
  14. It's nice that in a flash you both found a new focus for discussion.
  15. "To suggest so is nonsense" No, based on the public information that is there it's a valid insinuation. I assume Visordown approached them for a comment, although their article doesn't say that
  16. Or have a plastic container full of old, dark oil, then as i’m cleaning the screw from underneath, i suddenly hear ‘spladoosh’ as it drops into said oil. I had to edit out the loud scream of ‘BOLLOCKS!’ that followed Which is what those magnetic telescopic things are for "Oh bugger" The sound of my instructor on two training days after he attempted to take the restrictor off the bike school's motorbike before I rode it. and prompted dropped the screw into the bike somewhere. Luckily both times I was able to go over to the nearby car mechanic workshop and borrow one
  17. Yes my immediate response was "but why?" There could be a simple explanation for it but brushing it off as "simply" just a late filing notice doesn't explain much.
  18. I saw this last night. The accounts are past due which I guess is why Companies House issued it. Another site said the CEO emailed them, explained all and they apologised for running the story, but didn't actually say the reason he gave. I'm guessing the accounts have had issues being signed off or something. https://www.rideapart.com/articles/308701/norton-might-be-in-trouble/
  19. No problem, but dad moment - you're not riding insured. Don't, it's not worth the risk.
  20. I'm no expert, but it appears you can do your A2 test on a SV650S https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/784096/motorcycle-test-vehicle-list.csv/preview ps congrats on the pass
  22. New underwear? I think the bike nearly disappeared up my backside I clenched so hard.... so probably need the underwear too
  23. Me. For the fuel tank issue. That nearly caused me to stack it a few hundred metres from home. Feeling quite the idiot right now. ">
  24. As above, you were right. And from afar you spotted it. Huge thanks for yours and everyone else's perseverance with this numpty
  25. I just reread that bit about pushing it on until you hear a click. Then I noticed the lump that's on the spriggot. And wondered. At first it didn't seem like it stretched far enough, but with a really hearty shove it bounces over it, and then the red clip goes back on easily without much force, and then it's on perfectly snug. Also explains why it's a bitch to get off in the first place FFS I've done about 200 hundred miles with it like that, and nearly stacked it because I'm an idiot. And now I feel bad for anyone that also comes across the fuel I left
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