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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. They are already climbing. Two weeks ago my area was 95 cases per 100,000 its now 140. One interesting statistic though was 1/3 of positive results are asymptomatic so things are not perhaps so awful as they might appear. Also in per capita terms the UK is going downwards in the league of fatalities. Pretty crass to get any pleasure out of any deaths but things do seem slightly improved. Not that they could have got much worse!
  2. So its toss-up between Warm and Safe heated liner gloves which can be powered off the bikes electrics or Racer heated gloves which have a battery pack which in its latest iteration can be good for up to 6 hours. I'll think on it a bit. We'll cancel the Racer gloves as the only sizes available are 3XL.
  3. I'm sure he's not licking dribbling old pricks!
  4. Probably be a good idea if you didn't then. Neither of the options sound particularly pleasant.
  5. It's the contempt they have for other people's property which really grates. I know its often hyped by Daily Fail etc but the fact is they do set up camp on school playing fields, village cricket greens etc and trash them.
  6. My brother in law had exactly the same on a field on his wife's farm. He blocked them in with a jcb and wouldn't let them leave until they paid cash for damages. Never been bothered since.
  7. Part of it i think is because gypsies whether genuine Romany or pikies/travellers are always on the fringes of society and are always therefore the "other" and looked on with distrust.
  8. Ask any Romanian seaman his opinion of Romanian gypsies of which there are a few here and sadly their opinions are unprintable. There's a degree of hate there which i find difficult to understand. Unfortunately some gypsies don't help their case by stretching the limits of the law wherever they may be
  9. If every Romanian over here murdered a bike thief we'd have no bike theft! Sadly most Romanians are quite normal law abiding people (unless you steal their motorbike of course)!
  10. According to my Romanian colleagues if he'd been in Romania neither of the thieves would have survived and the police wouldn't have given a toss. Don't particularly want to live in Romania but I have zero sympathy for the thieves.
  11. Guessing from the experience here that I'll go for the warm and safe heated liner gloves.
  12. Throwing this out to the floor. Never used to suffer from cold hands until lately but now I do plus I've arthritis in my fingers. So heated grips or gloves? Any opinions as to which is better? Cost isn't really an issue as I can add heated gloves to my warm and safe kit. Ducati's heated grips are 10 times the price of Oxford ones but are set up through the bike on board computer.
  13. Shock, horror - actually rode my bike today. Perfect weather for a bimble to the Forest of Dean then back via Cirencester. About 65 miles. No photos but experimented with new ghost xl which I've yet to view myself.
  14. They moved the shipyards down the coast to Setubal. Still going strong or they were 5 years ago when I was last there.
  15. That's you classed as one of the minions of the anti-Christ.
  16. It was also a rather good BBC radio production. I've got you pegged as Marvin. Bloody pedantic engineer.....
  17. My wife does something very similar to that and after a good portion I have to go and have a lie down in a darkened room for a while. One day I'll try and remember the after affects when she made it with a bottle I brought home of 140 proof Puerto Rican rum. I remember it was quite nice but then it all gets a bit hazy.
  18. Pineapple with anything except pineapple is pretty disgusting. As for so-called hawaiian pizza -
  19. If there was a question the answer must be 42.
  20. According to my mother some old woman came up to me in my pram and told her that boy will go far. She was right - I've done over 2,000,000 sea miles so far. Not quite what my mother hoped but there you go.
  21. I dunno. He inflicted that name on his bike himself.
  22. Back in the good old days Lisnave drydocks were just across the river on the south side. Spent many happy evenings in small bars where they grilled sardines over charcoal and washed down with lots of vinho verde.
  23. You can have mine. Hate the bloody things along with Christmas cake and pudding
  24. Finding an employer who doesn't take the piss is the particularly difficult one. Thought I'd found it then senior management retired and its gone down the tubes. Just a couple more years and I'll retire -thank f**k.
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