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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Obviously quality management. Assuming you are working together any plague swapping will happen regardless. Wouldnt have thought a tree was exactly high risk infection vector but I know nothing anyway. Just say your sense of smell has gone weird and all you can smell is bull shit. Must have the virus and go and isolate.
  2. Not on a cold damp December afternoon.
  3. Last summer before I went away I did close to 9 hours but it wasn't entirely sitting on the bike. I stopped now and again so it was maybe 7 hours actual riding and just over 350 miles.
  4. Might have tad envy there but you can stuff your bloody turkey in whichever way you like. Horrible pallid tasteless meat. Like mine to be good and bloody.
  5. Actually Veuve Cliquot in a bloody big goblet old boy.
  6. Not sure my bum is up to 9 hours in the saddle and the Multi is pretty comfy!
  7. Not at all. I was quite disappointed, never saw a single cop car. Can't say the ride home was particularly enjoyable. Apart from my Leeds adventure it was pretty well a boring motorway slog the whole way.
  8. My original Drift was the 4K and it turned out to be very vulnerable to rhe rain which is probably why I got it cheap in Singapore as it rains a lot there! Mine died in one of our summer downpours. The XL is supposed to be waterproof and is actively marketed as such. Its only got 1080 video quality but tbh that's all I ever used. I never bothered with the 4K capability as the file sizes were too big. It apparently has a 9 hour battery life which is what the extended battery pack on the 4k was good for. According to the J&S salesman the 4K will be discontinued but an XL MK 2 is on the cards.
  9. Well today I rode my bike home from Barnard Castle. Unlike a certain effete Welshman who only rides when the sun is shining and the temperature is balmy, us real bikers ride in whatever nature throws at us. I did make the mistake of going via Leeds and apologies to anyone who hails from there but some bits are post-apocalypse. I also got lost as my Tom Tom for reasons best left unsaid was trying to get me to J&S in Leeds via twisty roads. In the city ffs! I treated myself to a new Drift camera but the waterproof XL version. I've tried a Gopro but its not as good as the Drift although the optics are a bit better. The battery life is poor.
  10. Much prefer wild venison to farmed as it has a gamier taste. Also very fond of hare but difficult to get down south.
  11. Can't stand Christmas pudding but love cheesecake. My wife has an entire book of cheesecake recipes.
  12. Chocolate and cream? Sounds a winner to me.
  13. Gloucestershire wild boar started as farmed wild boar, escaped in numbers partly due to green muppets and Forest of Dean is boar heaven. They are the real deal. https://www.shootinguk.co.uk/wild-boar-shooting/wild-boar-shooting-in-uk-22146
  14. For Christmas Dinner a good gamey loin of venison with St. Hubert sauce. Baked sour apples, roasted potatoes and perhaps baked parsnips or golden beetroot. Starters would be something along the lines of gravid lax, or a half lobster. Dessert - lime cheesecake or possibly Rum pudding. Copious amounts of bubbly, red wine and port to finish. Sometime in the festive season will try and fit in a goose and at New year a dark cured ham. Currently sitting in motorway services eating an alleged bacon sandwich. Home in a few hours with bike.
  15. In Gloucestershire we're overrun with wild boar. I'm told 700 a year get culled. Tasty stuff but not Christmas.
  16. Apparently North Yorkshire which is Tier 2 have been patrolling the roads leading to Co. Durham which is Tier 3 and advising wanderers to return to their plague infested country. As I'll be retrieving my bike tomorrow morning from that well known den of inequity Barnard Castle and then returning south i look forward to any encounter with North Yorkshire plod. Trailing of coats might be on the cards.
  17. Its probably to keep naughty people escaping from Tier 3 to Tier 2. After all that seems more important to some of our boys in blue than catching scrotes.
  18. Someone said long ago "if you've got a $10 head buy a $10 helmet." Also the Canadian guy FortNine has an interesting video where he tests some helmets to destruction. There's a few others out there. Personally as I value my head I buy the best I can afford that fits well.
  19. I think the old Turkish punishment of impalement is probably about right.
  20. Almost got scammed today. As I am retrieving my bike tomorrow decided I'd update my Tom Tom GPS. Went on line with my lap top and was on what I thought was the correct website. Ended up having a long discussion and started getting twitchy when the guy on the phone (with an Indian accent) said he would have to access my laptop remotely and if there were any problems with my device it would cost £100 to fix. At that point I said I'd buy a new one instead whereupon he immediately killed the phone connection. The horse having well and truly bolted by that point I did a bit of research and apparently the web is full of product support scammers. Something to be aware of if you are ever looking for tech support. Even Microsoft suffers from it according to their website.
  21. Actually parts of milford haven are pretty damned nice, particularly further up the bay. Used to visit it regularly when had a boat.
  22. I believe he had taken on a few litres of the local red wine or possibly slivovitz which would turn anyone a little crazy.
  23. Its not the place where an Italian tourist broke in at night and for some reason was riding his bike bare-assed naked when he hit a deer? Fell off my perch when one of my mates told me that one.
  24. What were you doing in Haiti ffs?? It was an absolute shit hole of a place in 1980, doubt its got better since.
  25. Bennett's. Good to deal with. Like everyone its personal. As to breakdown cover its a common part of insurance but sometimes its an optional extra.
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