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Posts posted by fullscreenaging

  1. As above. 

    Buy what you like. It will only go as fast you want it to. 

    One thing I will say though is remember what you were taught and when you need to move the bike about when parking up, get off and walk it. You will massively reduce the risk of dropping it than if you stay on a paddle backwards and forwards. 

    Enjoy and post some pics up when you get it. 

  2. Could it be that the rear wheel needs to be under load?


    I would put it all back together and take it for a gentle spin round the block. See if you can get through the gears under normal conditions. 

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, S-Westerly said:

    basically it seemed to boil down to "shit happens and you just have to live with it" which isn't really what I wanted to hear. 

    That’s got to make a change from the constant height pitch ringing?



    I have tinnitus too. It’s there all the time and most of the time I don’t really notice it. Only come to the front when it’s quiet. I wear ear plugs when I work nights and go to bed in the mornings. It can really play up then. I’ve just learned to live with it. 
    I will have a look at the tone generator site.

    • Like 1
  4. Took it for MOT yesterday


    It was raining yesterday!

    Every time I HAVE to go somewhere, it f**king rains!!


    I got a bloody advisory for the exhaust being noisy. I took it to the same place last year and didn’t get an advisory ( which I pointed out to him) He said he’s covering himself as it’s not original. 
    It’s not noisy as the CAT keeps the noise down!


    Today I washed it. Tomorrow I need to get the front wheel off and go get the tyre changed. 

    • Like 1
  5. That’s a possibility. 

    Have you tried adjusting the preload front and rear to accommodate pillion and luggage?


    You could also look at changing the suspension. 
    I have a 2017 Versys and put Hyperpro front springs and rear shock on last year and it has made a big difference. That was just shy of £1000 with getting someone to change the front springs over for me. I took them in loose.
    I did the rear myself. Very easy. 
    I love my V and don’t find 2 up a problem. I’m only 5’ 7” with a 29” inside leg. 

    You would still have loads of spare change for touring 😉

    • Like 1
  6. Why don’t you just get a new holding rack and bigger panniers for the Versys?

    You will be able the sell the Kawasaki originals to recoup some of your money back and still have £9000 -ish. 
    Unless you definitely want a different bike. 


  7. 7 hours ago, linuxrob said:

    Need to know what bike it is please

    You must have missed it as the OP states that it’s a GSX600F




    It could be that the throttle is sticking or that the return cable is not set correctly (tight enough)

    Is the hand grip fouling the bar end at any point? Does the throttle feel smooth? 

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