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Everything posted by JackieOWheels

  1. But he already has a Honda Africa Twin CRF1000L? Unless he's lying....on the other posts he wrote on this forum.
  2. Yikes! It appears it's on the news now. https://www.getreading.co.uk/news/reading-berkshire-news/m4-closed-motorcyclist-dead-after-16533362
  3. Am I really that boring? I think we will forgive you if you provide us photos of this "couple" or you've wasted all of our time. *tears up missing person form*
  4. This time tomorrow we can file a missing person report!
  5. I was watching random videos on YouTube and came across this helmet and wanted to check with this community to see if anyone has one and what they think about it? They are really expensive but the technology involved in them seems to be top class, it's like an alternative to Bell's MIPS. https://www.6dhelmets.com/innovation/ All the local dealerships near me do not stock them so I have no idea what to think.
  6. The fact there is no update from @MarkW from last night means he has either stolen the girl off said bloke or he is still partying with them and hasn't had the chance to update us.
  7. She only had 25.5k on her when I picked her up, only a few very small scratches on her that are only really noticable up close. She was very well looked after. 25.5k! Dude, the bike would still be going well after you've moved on to another bike It does look like it's well looked after though from the photo there. Well jealous!
  8. Nice bike man! It's like the big brother version to my CBR125.
  9. that sir is a lovely looking bike. it's '94, what's the mileage on that just now??
  10. Hi Susie, Welcome to the forum, I have a CBR125 which IMO is the same bike but with fairing and I find that my hand is over 3/4 extended out by the time I hit the biting point too. I do know you can get aftermarket adjustable levers but I can't comment how good they are as I don't use them.
  11. Haha, close but no cigar Thanks for looking though! I wonder if that relates to the first registration (my dad), it was purchased in Essex. Well, I have some news! I was able to post to a facebook Bude group and someone sent a pic of THE bike! They found it and it was posted on 1st April this year on facebook so I've messaged the guy that posted it. He could be the current owner! Exciting stuff!! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for good news!
  12. It must mean it's in storage just now if it's not taxed. What you going to do CTRdemon? Are you going to put a local ad out on paper or something? Posting in that area in Gumtree might get you a few replies?
  13. When I was entering the world of biking, I went with my bro to get my helmet and the second I had picked one, I was told to not skim on the gloves as he claimed that would be the first thing you would use in an event of a crash. Sure enough when I did come off, my gloves was the only thing that was damaged when I hit the asphalt. Luckily I came off unscathed from that collision as the driver pulled out a give way when he clearly saw me riding along. (my witnesses agreed!) Apart from the helmet, I always have my back protector, gloves, motorcycle boots on at all times. I tend to wear covec jeans so have protection on for my knees as I can get away with jeans at work but I really should have my arm protector on though it's only for work though, when I'm out in the weekends it's always full gear.
  14. You gotta love the idiot for claiming this is the new norm when there is still loads of cars on the road that aren't anywhere near what we would call a "modern car".
  15. Holy sh*t! Now that's what I call a close call with nature.
  16. I wonder if that is from a lack of experience/confidence, there have been times, when i felt a bit unstable, but managed to correct, without putting a foot down I would say lack of confidence, either in themselves or the bike. I'd agree with that as I believe it is a confidence issue, don't get me wrong, I do it sometimes myself as a form of balancing but I do get told off for that from my instructor.
  17. Ah right, I see. I've did some digging online and this website seems to have a good explanation on this: http://www.90-one.com/itbplus.html I would have thought you would have legacy rights but it was more to do with larger motor vehicles: https://www.drivex.co.uk/driving-licence-info/ The reason I thought that was I'm sure at one point my dad who took his driving test in the 70's had legacy rights where he could ride a motorbike on his car licence (if he chose to that is, he never did). It's now completely taken off his licence though due to new driving laws.
  18. Eh, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere where the only bike you can ride on the road with L plates are 125. If you wanted to ride anything over that a qualified DVSA instructor needs to be present at all time. I wonder how your license is Cat A restricted though as you got your license back in 1987. Did you ever sit your bike test, Mike?
  19. Best bet is to check your driving license entitlements against the GOV.UK website. If you enter your details, it would show you what restrictions (if any) you have for your A License, I would imagine you have legacy rights if you got your license way back. https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence
  20. Good Luck indeed CTR, really hoping for good news in the months/years to come!! I'm not confident that you can pay DVLA to obtain registered owner details as would that not breach GDPR, without consent from the owner that is?
  21. JackieOWheels


    Wet I can handle but the fierce crosswinds on Rannoch Moor and Glen Coe were bloody terrifying . This holiday can only get better . Staying in Glen Nevis to recuperate. On a brighter note , the camp shop is selling off out of date Tunnocks caramel wafers for 10p each . 10p Tunnocks, result! I sure hope you gave them a £2 and then cleared the stock out?
  22. It also looks like a fan made website, the links are old and Crime Facts are now 10 years old, I would like to know if the rate of stolen bikes are a higher or lower than 2009, without checking I would think higher? right? The Bennet's link i posted is from Nov last year, Oh yea, thanks Mike! I stand corrected!
  23. I take it no news means good news that it's fixed now? Did you ever find out what was causing it to cut out? Just curious in case it happens on mine..
  24. Much like the others here, I too have a Drift, but only the Ghost X. I love it, it's got 5 hours battery life and with expandable memory up to 128GB, you can literally record it for weeks before it starts looping back to the beginning. I just set it to Car DVR mode for my daily commute to work so the battery lasts me for the whole week without needing to charge it so it's really handy! I originally opted for X as it worked out cheaper than the 4K and for what I am using it for, it was the the best financial choice for me. Like I said, I love it!
  25. It also looks like a fan made website, the links are old and Crime Facts are now 10 years old, I would like to know if the rate of stolen bikes are a higher or lower than 2009, without checking I would think higher? right?
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