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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Feels like masturbation to me.
  2. Oh, ofcourse. If I was the boss I'd ban it if there was that little stock. I just disagree with the feeling that alot of people have which is that shops are some kind of public service which they are entitled to. I don't disagree with it being stupid though
  3. Could it be owt to do with why people are stopped from entering competitions for companies they work for, also why goto all the trouble of advertising why not offer them to staff first? Its just a ploy a con to get you into the shop. Like that con abouit putting prices up first, that made the papers. I'm just saying that if it makes you "pee'd off", then take your custom elsewhere. To think that someone on their own property, running their own business, is somehow obliged to sell you a particular product at a particular price, in the name of 'fairness', is not reasonable
  4. Yeah, no sales tax in the US. So you'll have to pay VAT.
  5. It'll be back on the 21st again next year after the leap.
  6. What makes you think that you are more deserving of the bargains than the staff that work there? Talking about fairness makes it sound like you have some kind of right to a shops services. If you have a word with the management, though, maybe they'll find you one from somewhere. A happy customer is a repeat customer.
  7. You was a day early Tango!
  8. If you're referring to Jesus being born of a virgin, then that's not the immaculate conception. If you weren't then my apologies... I'm on a mission to stop people saying 'immaculate conception' when they mean virgin birth! I'm not sure why. Maybe it makes me feel clever
  9. Although for 95% of the population in this country, "Christmas" celebrations have almost nothing to do with Christmas. Hence, "Holidays". Add to your boycott list anything containing "Xmas", 'cause it's pike-on-a-bike
  10. Aaron

    Higgs Boson

    Hmm... That's one of those one liners that i'm not entirely sure counts as a joke
  11. Pack a rubber pistol and start waving it about next time. **edit** you might get taken out by the cops though.
  12. Aaron

    Higgs Boson

    I challenge you to think of a joke that includes the word 'nucleotide'
  13. Aaron


    I reckon there are alot of Daily Mail readers lurking here!
  14. Aaron


    Why? I prefer not to forcibly take other people's money and spend it for them. I call it common decency.
  15. Aaron


    I meant they can stock up on real heroin But that costs them money, Scotland gives out methadone for free. So if it weren't illegal it would be cheap and they could buy their own and without fear of prosecution. No need to it to be given out for free.
  16. Aaron


    I meant they can stock up on real heroin
  17. Yeah Funny how "a good deal" is so easily synonymous with "a bank bailout" ... "In front of 3 witnesses, Bank of England Governor Eddie George spoke to Nicholas J. Morrell (CEO of Lonmin Plc) after the Washington Agreement gold price explosion in Sept/Oct 1999. Mr. George said "We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K."
  18. Aaron


    Ofcourse, having never signed a contract obliging them to pay a license fee for the BBC, a TV license related fine should be invalid and stop noone from going on holiday. When it comes to benefits claimants going on holiday - if you don't like people spending your money on things you don't approve of, then you shouldn't give it. Simples. When it comes to heroin addicts going on holiday - If it wasn't illegal they could just stock up on the real thing to take away with them, and it wouldn't cost you and I a penny
  19. Speaking of Gordon, I saw this on Zero Hedge today (posted yesterday)... http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/gordon-browns-gold-trade
  20. Well the US has just legalized beastiality in the armed forces. I kid you not.
  21. Can't see any problem on submarines. Not in infantry though (any decent infantry anyway ), because 99.99% of women just wouldn't be physically string or fit enough to justify the massive logistical implications. When 10% of women applicants could run any kind of distance with a 16 stone man over their shoulders then maybe it's worth considering.
  22. Aaron


    If it wasn't so easy to become a criminal there would be loads of space in prison for those that deserve it. End the stupid and immoral war on drugs, etc, and then there is no excuse to not lock up dangerous arsonists.
  23. Aaron


    Well I think it's disgusting that anyone can be fined anything at all for burning poppies. But, IMO, the difference is that settig fire to your house upsets very few people. Setting fire to a public building, a religious one especially, will upset alot of people. It's politics. The word 'Justice' is over & mis-used.
  24. THe system is fundamentally broken (by design), and it needs to change. But in order to be able to make the change we need to hit the reset switch. Steve keen's debt jubilee ideas, i think, are now the only way forward. "> This telegraph article explains why that is a bad idea, but is flawed. It's based on the assumption that somehow we are going to repay our debt (which is impossible), and expect that the same thing won't happen again. If we don't operate a debt-based economy then we don't have to worry so much about how 'investable' we are. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/edmundconway/6986140/Why-a-debt-jubilee-is-not-the-answer-to-Britains-prayers.html
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