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Everything posted by Fish

  1. So today I went for test rides on an MT-07 and a Tracer 700 GT. Both the same engine and gearbox but suspension and seating is quite different. The MT07 was up first, which started badly as it had ZERO petrol in it so a 30 mins delay whilst they went to the petrol station to fill a jerry can to come and fill me up at the side of the road. The bike itself had circa 2k of upgrades, akra exhaust, LED lights, short alli foot rests with stubby gear change and rear brake levers. I found the bike snatchy in the lower gears but once rolling it was a very nice ride. Then came the Tracer 700 GT, bog standard and unmolested. Higher seating position which felt really nice and the handle bars. Only down side is lots of buffeting at motorway speeds. Both are nice and flickable and really nice. Just trying to organise test rides on a Trident 660, Versys 650 and a KTM 790 Adventure for Friday.
  2. When I did a Scottish trip a few years back I found the A86 towards Dalwhinnie was a fantastic road Maybe next time I'll be doing it on a bike and not a car.
  3. one of my customers has gender-neutral toilets and lets just say that the women are not happy when we men walk in. The have now got the union involved but there hands are tied due to who that customer is.
  4. I wanted to go new bike shopping but have to take a family member to hospital for a scan.
  5. PASSED MY BLOODY MOD2!!!! Time to go shopping. PS. sorry for shouting, I'm just happy
  6. Bike stock coming from overseas has been an issue for a fair while now, it not just Kwak's that are having this issue. That tow boat that screwed the suez canal didn't help much either.
  7. Fish

    Spam call.

    Had a text from Santander today saying my account had been hacked... Good job I thought. Usually get the National Crime Agency are coming to see me, I've already got the kettle on I tell them
  8. I am lead to believe you look more like this
  9. Not much looking at the weather, however I would like to have a little trip down the Gillingham to check of of the possible routes of the mod 2
  10. The MT125 are a fairly good for larger people. I'm 6' and 15 stone and it works ok for me.
  11. OK which coating did they use? Very few will use a proper ceramic product as the work involved are mostly applied by valeting companies that machine polish the paintwork to remove any swirls in the paint prior to application of the coating.
  12. A proper ceramic coating lasts for years. The one applied to my car the day after picking it up almost 5 years ago is just starting to lose it's protection.
  13. Took my Mod 1 at Gillingham this morning. Conditions was wet and lite rain. So I got started with the manual handling then onto the slalom and figure 8 (which I screwed up last time with a foot down on the second loop). All went well as the bike engine was still fairly cold so on high idle for most of it. Then onto the controlled, emergancy and avoidance stops, all went to plan with speeds for the emergancy being 51 and avoidance with 53. With that all finished I was asked to exit the test area and right up until I finished, turned the engine off and kick stand down I treated it like I was still being tested. So shoulder checks aand all the other stuff. Now just waiting for the 8th July for the Mod 2. Fish
  14. Passed my Mod 1 in the pissy rain
  15. I did, also when asked if I was a member of a club or forum, I said I was on here.
  16. Fitted my first chain and sprockets set. Spring clip was a PITA, but nice shiney gold chain that was a fair bit heavier than the OE chocolate one I took off.
  17. Fully agree S-Westerly, ended up with Adrian Flux.... sorry I meant Bikesure
  18. Learning how these fit if it stops raining
  19. So my current policy runs out tonight (midnight) and I've been busy with work and not got anything sorted yet. Currently with LV, but as I now have a years no claims bonus I thought it wise to shop around. So who do you boys and girls recommend I try? I hate comparision sites as the quote is never quite right. Thanks Fish
  20. Was in Bristol last night and today and it was quite nice.
  21. I'd say the worst bit they picked up on was my filtering. Commuting into central London each day, gives you a kill or be killed mindset and I am a little aggressive shall we say. I'll do my best to ease off and see how that goes. There were a couple of other little bits, being a bit too close when following and coming into corners, think accordion effect. Still left space, just not enough. All little bits that I'll do my best to put into practice. In the next 24-48 hours I should receive an email with the certificate of completion and what comments/improvements should be attempted. It's well worth emailling them to ask about courses in your region. I was scheduled to be on one last year which was cancelled due to covid, then when they started up again the emails came out and the dates got snapped up VERY quickly.
  22. Just back from the course. Starts with slides, videos and discussions, this took most of the morning. Then we was paired off with an officer (all one to one at the moment), they asked what we wanted to concentrate on, be it city or country riding. Being on the outskirts of London, we still had to do a bit of city type riding before we hit the country roads. Trying to put into practice what was talked about in the morning, being road positioning, speed, gear selection, reading the corners as so on. All this whilst trying to keep an eye on the officer who follows mostly thought out the day for their indicators for directions. This went wrong a few times, but wasn't a big issue as we either changed the route or I realised a bit down the road and doubled back as soon as possible. Stopped for lunch and a quick debrief about things he had noticed I was doing and shall I say needed adjustment Once lunch was done it was back out into the Kentish countryside for some more fun. Riding thru one village I could hear someone say that I was in trouble as I was being closely followed. One stop during the afternoon then back for the debrief and the sales pitch for IAM, RoSPA and ERS but mostly for IAM and RoSPA. Such a worthwhile day, bits for me to practice and get out of the habit of doing and these should make me a smoother rider. not to mention a tad quicker
  23. Fish

    New bike!

    Very nice. Good job it's not white otherwise you might get mistaken for the plod.
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