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Everything posted by Fish

  1. I'd say the worst bit they picked up on was my filtering. Commuting into central London each day, gives you a kill or be killed mindset and I am a little aggressive shall we say. I'll do my best to ease off and see how that goes. There were a couple of other little bits, being a bit too close when following and coming into corners, think accordion effect. Still left space, just not enough. All little bits that I'll do my best to put into practice. In the next 24-48 hours I should receive an email with the certificate of completion and what comments/improvements should be attempted. It's well worth emailling them to ask about courses in your region. I was scheduled to be on one last year which was cancelled due to covid, then when they started up again the emails came out and the dates got snapped up VERY quickly.
  2. Just back from the course. Starts with slides, videos and discussions, this took most of the morning. Then we was paired off with an officer (all one to one at the moment), they asked what we wanted to concentrate on, be it city or country riding. Being on the outskirts of London, we still had to do a bit of city type riding before we hit the country roads. Trying to put into practice what was talked about in the morning, being road positioning, speed, gear selection, reading the corners as so on. All this whilst trying to keep an eye on the officer who follows mostly thought out the day for their indicators for directions. This went wrong a few times, but wasn't a big issue as we either changed the route or I realised a bit down the road and doubled back as soon as possible. Stopped for lunch and a quick debrief about things he had noticed I was doing and shall I say needed adjustment Once lunch was done it was back out into the Kentish countryside for some more fun. Riding thru one village I could hear someone say that I was in trouble as I was being closely followed. One stop during the afternoon then back for the debrief and the sales pitch for IAM, RoSPA and ERS but mostly for IAM and RoSPA. Such a worthwhile day, bits for me to practice and get out of the habit of doing and these should make me a smoother rider. not to mention a tad quicker
  3. Fish

    New bike!

    Very nice. Good job it's not white otherwise you might get mistaken for the plod.
  4. Just got back from the BikeSafe course with the Met out of the Warren. 5 attendee's (6th was a no show) with each having our own officer. The morning was all about videos and discussion then a shortish ride out before lunch, with the afternoon being all about the riding. I now await the feedback with the things I can improve on. There was a couple of bits my instructor mentioned when we had the odd stop, which gives me something to work on. Really recommend this course.
  5. Bikesafe tomorrow, at least I cant fail this thing!
  6. I think I took my frustration out on the ride home. I'm now rebooked for the 24th. Mod 1 only at this point, they did try and get both modules on the same day, but I requested that they be split as the government takes enough of my money already. I'm now tempted to book the modules but using my 125, at least if I pass I can lose the L's Still I've got Bikesafe on Saturday to look forward to.
  7. Failed my MOD 1 with a foot down on the figure 8 after a faultless slalom. Everything else after that was also faultless. Speed traps for the emergancy stop and advoidance was a bit high (up in the 60's) Trying to get dates to rebook is now a headache as work is now really kicking off and really busy. Fish
  8. Today I'll not be on my bike.... I'm getting my lardy arse on a big bike.... DAS learning for me.
  9. Leaving my phone at a customer site, get home to a voicemail from said customer who was busy laughing at my mistake (we get on quite well). Well at least it wont be putting me off my DAS training tomorrow. Silver lining and all that.
  10. That's one of the bikes on my protential purchases list.
  11. BoxHill this morning, then back home for a wash, chain clean, wax and adjustment. Now tucked away and beer in hand.
  12. Where's the best place to get a chain and sprockets? Is eBay safe or are they mostly knock offs? Fish
  13. to help with the flys, soak a cloth and leave it over that area to wet them up a bit.
  14. First May day coast run on the mighty 125.... 182 miles, £7 in momentum petrol, slightly sunburnt, decent company (colleague from work, but no work chat) and a chain that needed a lot of adjustment when I got back home. Just short of 11 hours in the saddle, but a top day was had. Fish
  15. Working tomorrow, shooting on Sunday and my first bank holiday coast bike ride on Monday.
  16. All comes to budget. For decent tools that will last and don't cost SnapOn money..... Halfords Advanced. Fish
  17. Gave it a much needed wash and chain clean/wax. The water in the bucket was very dirty and I'm ashamed it got that bad. The weather just hasn't been playing nicely. I'd just got finished and put back under the cover when the heavens opened up. Fish
  18. You could try Phoenix, but they will like almost all others be looking after those that had training/tests canceled due to the lockdown. Fish
  19. The poor sod who was riding his Ténéré around the M25 last night in the heavy rain. My car was aquaplaning, so god know how he was managing. Fish
  20. shooting (clays) this morning, then off to Boxhill in the PM. Busy as usual.
  21. Needs to be multiple choice, but either BMW or XSR for me. Fish
  22. Fish

    Test rides

    The store where I purchased my 125 are doing them, so others should be. Fish
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