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Everything posted by curlylegend

  1. Here, I'm getting out of here. This is getting to political for me ! If my wife gets wind of this, I'l be getting laldy !
  2. Aye, right ! When there's an Orange walk in Glasgow the majority of the polis are away getting ingrown toenails done, or haircuts or something. The truth is they're all away lurking in their various Lodges. Masonic or Orange, frequently both !
  3. Ooh ! That's harsh ! In my humble opinion this is the vehicle that should have been developed for twenty first century use. People raved about linked hydrolastic suspension on BMC cars years ago. Which was pretty unreliable actually. 2CV suspension was an elegant purely mechanical system and caused no problems. And an air cooled flat twin engine ? Jings, BMW are still using them albeit fuel injected and CAT 5 approved. Think about it. What is really more ecological ? A 750kg 2CV capable of easily 100MPG with a lightly upgraded engine or a 1850kg Model 3 Tesla which nobody really knows how much it cost to run ? It is however very much an acquired taste. Like oysters or foie gras or kissing the postman on both cheeks when he's brought you good news.
  4. I'm told that the polis are very keen on this. The idle sods can put in a full shift sitting on their arses listening to clypes and putting peoples' names in the book. Hence the poor souls who've just voiced their opinion will now officially have a police record. Even if they know nothing about it until they ask to go to Disneyland in Florida with the weans. Sorry buddy, police record ? Couldn't let you set foot on American Soil ! I'm also reliably ( do you believe that ?) informed that the polis are particularly interested in young unemployed white males who belong to groups with strong opinions. I'm sure that the Celtic supporting First minister of Scotland now has the Orange Lodge and Rangers supporters at the top of the list. My, my, Orange parades are going to be rather dull affairs from now on.
  5. You know, it's maybe just as well this is not a Scotch based Forum. There's a possibility the Hate Thought Polis might be taking an interest in a remark like that.
  6. Exactly ! Even Rikki Fulton's Supercop was a twisted b*stard . There's very few Dixons of Dock Green in Scotland. And people ask why I left ?
  7. Ay weel, I'm sure it was something like this that piked oot Kirk Douglas's eye in "The Vikings" I've been leery of them ever since.
  8. Early Eighties one of BMW's design staff developed a casque modulable. I cant remember what it's called in English, but it's the kind that sort of goes from open face to fully enclosed. He happened to have a holiday cottage near Girvan in Ayrshire and was one day stopped by Strathclyde's finest while riding his BMW. One of the sharp eyed polis noticed that the helmet didn't have a BSI kite sticker on it, which was required in those days to be legal. They asked for his documents which he didn't have with him and when he told them his name was Peter Sellars they were convinced he was taking the piss. So they booked him for not wearing a regulation helmet and he was duly summonsed to the Sheriff Court in Ayr where he was fined £50. However within a few months of this the helmet was approved by the BSI and all motorcycle cops in Strathclyde were issued with them. Peter Sellars sold his holiday cottage in Scotland and vowed never to set foot in the country again. And the cop who booked him ? He also was one of our customers, and a nastier more vindictive piece of work you would be hard pressed to meet. He would have been drummed out of the SS for wickedness, he was so bad.
  9. Post a report on the SeaFoam. I'm sure quite a lot of us would be interested.
  10. Depends on the company you keep, I suppose.
  11. Would that be the one I saw a few years ago on a train in London knocking back a couple of cans of Gin and Tonic ?
  12. Not in my back garden ?
  13. What, those things with bloody big claws and sharp pecky beaks ? You'd better hope he doesn't bring one ! Nasty things !
  14. You're going to love it. At our age getting a set of carbs finely tuned is better than sex .... so I'm told !
  15. What, like an owl or a lesser spotted grebe ? Or maybe I'm missing something here ?
  16. A good firm to deal with in my experience.
  17. Good result then. Audio is such a personal thing. I used to read rave reviews about components but when I actually listened to them I was somewhat underwhelmed. Again, it's the environment you're listening in making a big contribution to your perception. Glad you're contented, I know what it feels like.
  18. Looks lovely, but more importantly how does it sound ?
  19. What ? Lascivious thoughts ?
  20. Well it was, I suppose. Let's face it, the plot was rubbish. I think we only watched it to see when she got deflowered. I either couldn't be bothered waiting or I got old. Probably both !
  21. Augmented reality ? Jings, we just used to take wee tablets for that in the 60's Not me of course !
  22. Just a point, some magnesium supplements can loosen your bowels. Magnesium Citrate was a nightmare for me, Magnesium Chloride made me nauseous but Magnesium Bisglycinate seems to do the trick. I take it to relieve irritating cramping in my legs at night. Another thing to look forward to when you get old. And I can now watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer without having lascivious thoughts.
  23. Took a run over the Pont St Nazaire and headed north into deepest Morbihan. A shame to waste a nice spring like day. Going through parts of Morbihan I keep getting the impression that it resembles Disneyland but spread out a lot more and no crowds. Very Picturesque ! First stop was a very old site, 1700, 1800 years old ? A Roman bath house converted to a church in the early middle ages and dedicated to Sainte Agathe. It's claim to fame, apart from the remains of a Roman salacious painting on the bathroom wall, is that if wet nurses and mothers with infants are having difficulty feeding babies they can walk round the wee chapelle seven times while praying and the problem will be resolved. No NHS in those days ! However, many years ago the local wit decided to debunk this and walked round the chapelle seven times while praying, and having a good laugh with his cronies. The next morning he woke up with a bosom Jane Mansefield would have coveted !! He spent the next seven years circling the place and praying for forgiveness before his manly chest was restored.
  24. If you're going to Scotland, it WILL rain and possibly snow. ANY month of the year. So be prepared and go. f**k the forecasts, you might just be lucky ?
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