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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. 15 panels @380w The battery is 8kwh We have yet to arrange a feed in contract but should be looking at around 6p /kWh for any juice after usage and the battery is full. 6p, in my mind, being a bit of a rip off considering they’ll resell it at 30p
  2. Day one of having panels on the roof. So far, so good. They were fitted and operational by mid afternoon yesterday. It was cloudy and any sun was from the south west (the panels face south east). Even in that short space of available light they generated 5Kwh of electricity. They’re currently generating over 3kwh and most is going into the battery. Though the App seems to be poor at arithmetic and has rounding errors.
  3. Washing the bike is my least favourite part of ownership so I’m all for snowfoam and jet wash, followed by a once over with a cheap car shampoo using a sponge if required. I am cautious with how I use the jet wash, though, keeping it a decent distance from moving parts, electrics etc. I occasionally use waterless wipes to clean the “dark side” of the frame rails as they’re tricky to get to by any other means. So far, so good…
  4. To be honest, they were free shares which I can’t trade through my online account. I’ve had them since the company floated and can’t be arsed to go through the hassle to get rid. The dividend most years will pay for a couple of day’s fuel when touring. I may flog them if I get desperate (ie. we run out of funds to complete the house renovation).
  5. I’ve done a week in France, solo, with pretty well just a large tank bag. Containing 7 Tee shirts, underwear, socks and one pair walking trousers, as well as my wash bag items. Map in map pocket (pre satnav days), wallet in bum bag and disc lock in tank bag pocket. I had a roll up all in one “boil in the bag” waterproof which I strapped to the rear seat. Nowadays I tour with my good lady, first tour had total of 90l of luggage. She packed far, far too much (eg. she packed a thick sweater in case it got cold in the Alps) so it was a bit of a squeeze. Last 2 week tour we had 30l space each, providing 10 days* worth of changes + clothes for the evening, with waterproofs, maps, etc. in the topbox, leaving room for a lunchtime picnic snack. *we stop at a hotel that has service wash option around day 7 or 8 so we dump the clothes on the evening then collect them washed and dry the next day. We started this approach when we discovered the local laundry outside Zel Am See offered the service.
  6. Looks a good itinerary. The joys of breaking it down to smaller days’ riding gives you chance to do things off the bike or explore some of the “off route” options. We spent a couple of hours exploring Inverewe gardens in 2016, and still had time to amble up to our hotel.
  7. So the total value of my shares should, all other things being equal after all the dust has settled, be worth the same as they are now? As I said, I only hold a small number of shares which I’m holding on to because the dividend is a better return than money in the bank.
  8. I have a very small holding of shares in Aviva. There has been an announcement regarding “return of capital” and “consolidation of shares” link below. A) It seems they’re giving us a “B share” value £1 for each share we own, and that will be immediately redeemed for cash B) they’re consolidating the shares such that (approximately) each 100 shares will become 75. Do either of these the total value of my share holding on completion? If so, why? Link to announcement. Many thanks.
  9. The local community centre has announced it will be hosting live music. First up is Jo Harrop. Never heard of her. Until now. https://youtu.be/al7hnEP-u7o
  10. Good evening all. After a day of mixed weather nature has presented us with a fine sunset.
  11. Good morning. We’ve had a light dusting of snow here. Bloody cold outside. I didn’t expect to have the wood burner on until after summer but it’s lit and warming us nicely.
  12. Particularly as we have visitors scheduled for this weekend. Now postponed.
  13. My riding is always defective. Incidentally, in the junction situation, I always try to ride across their line of sight by moving across my lane. Traffic etc. Permitting
  14. I’ve had a metallic taste and smell for a few days, shortness of breath (which I ascribed to asthma but since I was recently put on steroid treatment is unlikely), headache, stomach cramps, runny nose, and slight dizziness. My good lady is on the tail end of her infection, a few more days and hopefully no long covid, and she should be ok. I seem to be following a few days behind her…
  15. What, and infect the people I’d be meeting?
  16. Good morning. After two days of sunshine, with intentions of having a nice little jaunt out on the bike the weather turns grotty. And I test positive for covid. Bugger.
  17. This makes interesting (?) reading. Or, to save time wading through the waffle…
  18. This… Though size of fairing is a factor, I was quite surprised how effective the relatively smalls(er) fairing of the R1200GS is after the FJR1300. I also used a MRA Vario on my Triumph Tiger 1050. It made a huge difference. You might like to consider that should your chosen bike needs a little more fairing.
  19. Good morning. It’s bright and sunny, perfect for a jaunt on the bike. Unfortunately my good lady is still unwell so there goes that plan.
  20. Unfortunately there’s still a lingering machismo in Judo, especially among the old timers, despite the tragedy of one of the U.K.’s best ever players, Craig Fallon, committing suicide not so long ago. No idea how you get past that.
  21. I worked as an infrastructure PM for a large service provider for a while. It wasn’t an uncommon situation for upgrades to happen without understanding the impact. Or, in the case of the people I worked for (and since I signed a NDA, I’ll keep their name out of it) no upgrades / patches for 18months only to find latest customer software upgrades don’t run on it, and projects (most of mine) delayed or not feasible.
  22. A friend of ours keeps bees. She talked to my good lady at length about bee management over dinner one evening. Bloody complicated if you ask me. We’re hoping a local bee keeper will put a hive or two on our paddock once we’ve made some progress towards it being a wildflower meadow.
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