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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Love country music as well Favourites at moment are probably Eric church and dierks bentley
  2. I used to work nights and remember those winter morning freezing bum mornings very well!
  3. Get yourself something like this and you will always have the size you need ready to go. I've had one for years, makes life easier https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/419-Pcs-Rubber-O-Ring-Oring-Seal-Plumbing-Garage-Set-Kit-32-Sizes-With-Case-4-34/221854546225?epid=1960364672&hash=item33a78fb931:g:c60AAOSwJQdXARmq
  4. Tiggie


    I personally don't understand the hatred toward malted milks. One of my favourites
  5. Tiggie


    I hope this won't affect my ginger biscuits
  6. Do [mention]Bender[/mention]'s dream of electric sheep?
  7. Tiggie


    anyone care for a biscuit instead?
  8. Is there other cats around? That's usually why they mark things. Their way of saying paws off, it's mine
  9. Hopefully the cat piss will melt the superglue
  10. Tiggie

    Today's crash

    ouch glad it didn't turn out worse for you, and now you get to go new glove shopping
  11. [mention]Fozzie[/mention] Very true r.e. packages left on doorstop. I get all my parcels delivered to work now to combat this
  12. Dont apologize or leave! This place would be no fun if we all thought the same!!
  13. I've always been of the assumption that the older you get the more common sense you acquire
  14. On the roundabout. I remember. Don't think it was anyone from the forum though.
  15. [mention]Gin[/mention] That's right, I remember seeing them coming back before I had set off. I was driving Aaron's mum and younger brother in the car.
  16. Did something go wrong with his bike? I remember I was in the car that year and had a toolkit that I lent him. Can't quite remember what was wrong though
  17. I remember one year at the rally where [mention]Tango[/mention] was tailend charlie and had to roundup and redirect Sue and myself like a couple of lost sheep as we had taken a wrong turning!
  18. My bike failed mot for not having a chain guard. It's not a requirement apparently but if the bike is supposed to have one fitted as standard and the bolt holes are there it needs to be on. I also was told to remove my rear foot pegs as I had taken the pillion seat off. Maybe I just had a jobsworth tester!! Seemed a sound enough guy though
  19. I'd ask if she's planning on paying you in magic beans
  20. Guess who didn't know this as a 15 year old putting together his new bike?
  21. [mention]Westbeef[/mention] I've played that. Good fun if a little repetitive at times. funnily enough the game is a lot easier if you already have a knowledge of engines and what goes wrong with cars in general
  22. You cant complain about Terminator 2 without mentioning the dirt bike with 17 gears
  23. [mention]Marino[/mention] I wouldn't admit that in a public forum though I think I might have it on dvd somewhere!! Wild Hogs is ok, I kind of like Hells Angels on wheels with Jack Nicholson. There's a documentary called Somewhere else tomorrow thats meant to be good, haven't seen that yet. Brit comedy called FreeBird was a laugh from what I remember
  24. This is very good advice as my cat many years ago was almost poisoned in this way. Not by me being careless but someone purposely putting some out on the road Apparently nowadays a lot of coolant brands contain Denatonium (Bitrex) which is meant to be the most bitter chemical compound known to man
  25. Funny thing is, after finding it, I had a long talk with my wife about how weird it is how decorating tastes have changed. We both grew up in houses with wallpaper like that. and carpets with weird patterns. Nowadays everything is plain solid colours. I wonder if in 20 years we'll look back and think how utterly boring it all used to look
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