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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Bloodbath most likely Hearing a lot of complaints about the last episode but I enjoyed it. .
  2. Scary how fast it can be done. Battery powered grinders and multitools are a knightmare to defend against
  3. You can all meet up in the local chippie in Bingley, I'll be there frying. I'll offer a 10% discount to the mannequin
  4. [mention]skyrider[/mention] Looks that way, taken from the Mutt website: To do this, we spent time developing and sourcing our parts with manufacturers throughout the Far East. We needed a robust, reliable starting point for our customs, so plumped for a version of the bullet proof Suzuki GN 125 made by a Suzuki partner, an engine renowned for its power and longevity.
  5. Spare & Repairs prices for these bikes are pretty good
  6. BMW F700GS apparently. There is an article about them here at this link https://www.bikerandbike.co.uk/bmw-and-police-collaborate-on-moped-basher/ nicknamed the Moped Basher
  7. Just saw this on my facebook page. Police stopped two thieves in the process of wheeling the bike away. They had used an angle grinder to cut the brake disc to remove the lock.
  8. Mod's!!!! please move this to the crap joke thread forthwith
  9. Could well be that as said above its had new clocks installed at some point. I'd probably stay clear of it though, reads very dodgy as you pointed out
  10. Did you view the bike? Just wondering where you got the numberplate from as its not on any of the pics
  11. [mention]Stu[/mention] I believe you. My dad was a bus driver and obviously got all his licenses years before the hazard perception tests came about. About ten years ago he was given a chance to have a go at them, purely for fun, he didn't miss a single hazard but failed due to clicking too early
  12. [mention]MarkW[/mention] Mine is similar, caused by a splinter from a burnt piece of wood
  13. I failed my driving test first time for letting the clutch out to allow the car to roll back into place I had been told to pull in on a hill (to do a hill start) I looked in my mirror and thought I wasn't as close to the curb as I should be so I disengaged clutch, rolled back a couple of feet until I was closer then put on the handbrake. Out came the pen and a big circle on the clipboard Was given a major fault for 'driving without full control of the vehicle' or something similar to that. She told me afterwards if I had just put it in reverse gear I would of passed
  14. Thats a shame. I've managed to get back deleted photos from a usb drive before with that program. Might be too corrupted
  15. give this program go. https://www.easeus.com/datarecoverywizard/free-data-recovery-software.htm It lets you recover up to 2gb for free which should be enough for you. I used it to recover nearly everything from a corrupted hard drive. I had to bite the bullet and pay out £60 at the time for the full version Though i'm not complaining as it worked and I got everything back that I had lost
  16. I would like an indicator switch to be large enough that when using winter gloves I don't blast the horn when trying to use them
  17. Tiggie


    I have a 4 litre bottle of industrial degreaser that the chip shop duct cleaning people left behind one year. Very strong stuff not tried it out on anything bike related but I bet it'd shift it
  18. Asda local to me has pay at pump. You'll usually find its the supermarket stations that do it as opposed to jet, shell etc
  19. If you try gorilla glue be careful as it expands when drying! You don't need a lot of it. I found out the hard way
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