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Everything posted by essbeebee

  1. Cheers everyone. Alas I am using four wheels today taxiing my daughter about, but I have a fridge full of pale ale for tonight.
  2. They should tagged and forced to live in their handy work 24 hours a day unless they are doing community service such as cleaning sewers.
  3. For the ride out section they group you according to your experience (well they did for the Suffolk course), so if you say you're an experienced rider they may treat you appropriately...... or it could be a waste of time. It's a risk I suppose. I did it for the ride out and enjoyed it.
  4. When I did a course the line they took was more or less we're not interested in things like that today as it's about the course, but if we see you about tomorrow about anything then you're fair game.
  5. Had to take the car to go shopping yesterday. Forgot I was driving and so I nodded at an oncoming bike......who nodded back! Sorry it's another nodding thread, but I couldn't help it.
  6. That's certainly Jabba the Cat.
  7. I was enjoying my day off riding through the back lanes of Suffolk today. However, I had to pass a dozen cyclists who were out too. I waited until there was a straight bit of road, but the twonks at the front were too busy racing each other (presumably because they saw the straight, but not the motorbike behind them) so I had to slow down as they occupied the whole lane. Then as we neared a corner they all jeered at me because there was an oncoming car! An utter bunch of tossers the lot of them I expect I'll on YouTube as an inconsiderate motorbiker once they've edit out their blocking manoeuvres beforehand.
  8. Nob of the day doesn't go to the rider going down the bus lane in Star Lane in Ipswich (which motorcycles are not permitted to use) who slowed down the fire engine going along siren and lights on, but rather to the cyclist following who would not stop and get on the pavement who blocked the second fire engine. I last saw him merrily making his way to the college without a care in the world.
  9. I quit just under three years ago. I was a chain smoker back then and went for cold turkey. It's not easy at first, but worth it in the long run. The GLW still smokes, but not at home.
  10. Eye tests. Isn't that prejudiced against blind people?
  11. Get well soon. I hope the leg mends quickly.
  12. They do retesting in Yankland don't they? I don't think it's safer there than here. Mind you I'm all for stricter limits in built up areas. Especially for the 4x4 drivers, like the one who almost took me out as I was on the zebra crossing on Saturday. Didn't slow down as I leapt out the way just kept looking ahead and pretended I wasn't there. Oh sorry this isn't NotD thread. Got a bit carried away.
  13. To the cyclist riding past the Legion this evening. Give way to oncoming traffic signs apply to you too.
  14. 9/10 and still nob of the day. Tough crowd!
  15. I don't know which board members I'm going to insult but........ Typical IT doing the work when it suits them and not the company/customer.
  16. The fracking drunk driver twonk I followed through the Shotley peninsula and along the strand to Ipswich just now. He was weaving onto the oncoming lane and breaking hard whenever traffic came the other way. He beats the 4x4 twonk who decided to overtake on a bend just as I was going the other way. The t#ss#r seemed more narked that I had the audacity to be on the road, than anything decent like apologising.
  17. Both. With bacon - peanut butter. ......yes I said peanut butter.
  18. Yep. Looks like them Duke boys are causing mayhem again.
  19. Today's NotD goes to the lady in the 4x4 who spent half a minute passing me then suddenly pulled in front of me and braked to make the turn off on the A14 this evening.
  20. S B B ess bee bee iiisecondcreep is correct. Some of my friends still call me Sicko.
  21. I was joining the A12 in Ipswich heading towards Essex. I was following a Renault at the speed limit as an Audi tries to undertake us. The Renault driver must uave seen this and he decided to move into the same lane. What a star! The instant result was the Audi was boxed in. I saw the nob driving the Audi actually punching the steering wheel, as I very very very slowly started to overtake the Renault.
  22. essbeebee


    Also your polizeien Freund was doubly nice, as he could have done you for filtering. Which is illegal in Germany.
  23. A friend of mine from Cardiff is always accusing a Swansea friend of ours of being English, as "everyone from Swansea is English." What the heck is that all about? I've never got a straight answer and it seems a bit more than simple winding up.
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