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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Nothing wrong with the battery if it turns the engine over for ages. Like augustburnsred says, are you using the choke??
  2. Hi Joeman......I was using Google Navigation but this allows more control over route planning.....it's basically a step up from Google Navigation in my opinion. Google Navigation is free as you pointed out and I did procastinate over investing the money in CoPilot....but now I've done it I have no regrets at all..... Good to hear a comparrison between the two systems sounds like money well spent
  3. interested to know how you guys clean your chains... anyone use anything like this?? (this is for pedal bikes but there must be somethign similar for motorbikes right?) http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=8207
  4. Have you looked at Google Navigation (Beta)? http://www.google.co.uk/mobile/navigation/ this is what i use... and its FREE!
  5. Yep, thats my view too.. After a good ride, as im wheeling the old gal back into the garage, i always give 'er a good squirting with lube...
  6. Ive read in lots of places about NOT using chain Lube on o-ring chains as it knackers the rings.. any thoughts on this? I've always used spray on lube...
  7. All that sweat and tears for 18quid!! LOL... good to have a guy you can trust whos cheap too... At those prices, you never need to get your hands dirty again!
  8. What do you think it is about the job that makes some instructors behave like this?? I wonder how many people are put off by rude/arrogant instructors??? these idiot instructors are harming our sport - they need to be dealt with so that more people are not put off biking
  9. Aw, thank you! I forgot to mention I already got an instructor fired....I SWEAR I HAVE NO LUCK WITH THESE GUYS?! Has no one else seriously had any problem?!! Just me?!! Well this was my second ever lesson on a bike bike (after my CBT) and an instructor took me out on a grade 6 ride when I wasnt even a grade 1 rider - through rush hour traffic. No instruction from him at all, he just sat behind and laughed everytime I stalled or did something stupid like ride straight into a kerb!! I had to figure out hill starts on my own with a line of angry beeping cars behind me & he even had me doing 70mph on the motorway....!! I was terrified!!!! He had forgotten to check what level I was at and was fired. (I can laugh about that one now...!!) LOL, should have laid the bike down in the middle of the road, and got a cab back to the test center, leaving the instructor to deal with two bikes and a queue of cars!!
  10. There are some idiots out there who think its ok to boss people about, but there is never an excuse to shout and swear in a professional situation, especially not at a lady! Swearing just demonstrates lack of vocabulary, and shouting demonstrates lack of self control… its their problem, not yours Don’t let these egotistical idiot instructors set you back. you know you can ride, you know you are safe, so just read up on everything that’s likely to come up in the test, and practice when ever you get the chance, and go into the test with confidence
  11. If its about weight transfer, what they really need to do is stick their legs out backwards as far as they can to push the COG back.. Moving the leg forward of the foot pegs would have the wrong affect as it would move the COG forward..
  12. 6amp draw - hope thats with the bike on.. If youre drawing 6amps with the bike off you have a real problem!!
  13. Ring spanner slipping? Are you sure you are using the right size?
  14. Did you warm the bike up first before trying to undo the sump plug? (warm oil flows out better, and plug is easier to remove when engine is warm. Got any photos showing were the drain plug is?
  15. Whos watching the motoGP today on BBC2? Whats with the whole "foot down before bends" riding style that a lot of the guys have? how does that help them??
  16. 6750miles on the clock with only 1 day on the road... thats a lot of laps!! However, so long as its not been dropped, bent, written off, and has good level of service history, you'll probably be ok. If they were seriouse about track days, they were also likely serious about keeping the bike well maintained and probably didnt ride in the wet too much. Look for signs of accident damage, if you decide to buy the bike, use all the faults (no matter how small) as bargaining chips to drop the price. If she's not using the bike much, she probably just wants shot of it, so you could end up getting yourself a bargain!!
  17. If i pull mine down to cover my ankles, the zip on my boot wont do up, so i pull them up to a couple of inches above the nobly boney bit which allows my knee to bend more freely and allows the boots to do up. what brand did you go for in the end??
  18. Joeman

    Tank Repair

    After studying Metalergy, I would say that is absolute crap. The best way I have found for getting rid of dints, is to fill your tank with water (Petrol is too expensive) then cut a tennis ball in half and put the compressed air through that. A hair dryer does not come up to any where near the heat needed to ply steel like that. If it really is as small as you say then you are probably best, getting a steel rod and trying to knock it out from the inside. I don't think a hair dryer could boil a cup of water let alone mate steel malleable enough to be bent. There is a reason we use Oxy-Acetelyn to got it up to 'cherry red' Roughly 1000 - 1600C before trying to bend it. Not just up near 50. Slap whoever gave you that idea. See thats what i thought... But having seen a couple of videos on YouTube, it seems that its the extreme rapid cooling affect of the liquid CO2 that causes the metel to Pop back into shape... Personally im very dubious, but happy to be proven wrong
  19. someone should invent a fuel flow meter that connects on the fuel line from the tank and measures the rate of flow. you could then reset the counter when you fill up, and it could count down the number of litres of fuel used, or if you program in your tanks capacity it could tell you how much you have left... Dragons Den anyone?? EDIT: Looks like someone beat me to it: http://www.possi.de/spritmesser/spritmesser.html
  20. remove air filter, put hadn over the intake to the carb... "Choking" unlikely the kickstart, but you can try "bump starting" the bike... 2nd gear, run along with the bike, let the clutch out... back wheel turns engine, a healthy bike would start.
  21. Stick your ammeter in series between the +ve battery terminal and the +ve battery cable, and with the bike switched OFF (keys out) measure the current draw to see if you have something draining the battery.. if nothing draining the battery, then its likley a duff battery not holding its charge.
  22. Try this: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31332222/Suzuki-GSX1100G-Repair-Manual
  23. things to try.. Make sure you have a spark - plug out, connected to HT lead, kickstart, look for spark. if you have a spark, your CDI is probably ok. When testing compresssion your finget should get blow out of the hole - bit worrying that you didnt get blown away... did you install the rings correctly?? With plug back in, put your hand over the carb (choking it), throttle wide open, and kick it a few times, then remove your hand. You should feel suction when kicking and when you smell your hand it should smell of petrol. Hopefully by choking it like this, once your hand is removed and you kick it again it might fire.
  24. Joeman

    Tank Repair

    does a hair dryer really heat the metal enough to make the dent pop out??
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