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Drivers and police 2 !

Craig 8150

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inspired by the original post by gautrek I am starting a thread ( probably been done before ) to hear experiences ( whether funny angry or whatever ) of roadside pullovers or experiences with police in whatever situation .

I can remember one time ( a12 ) when I got pulled over in a van doing 80 mph once in the lay-by and having got out the occifer himself was quite animated and clearly het up ! ( would that be because he sat behind me with lights flashing for two miles maybe and wanting to execute his authority with much relish and getting annoyed that I was quite oblivious to his presence ) :booty:

Anyhow one ticket beckoning I was quite resigned to the fact I was going to get points and a fine so I let him vent off and lecture me blah blah blah ...I just agreed with him and became quite philosophical about it all to the point that I was quite calm and collected and not bothered . This I believe rubbed off on the fellow and that I was a conduit where his wrath was filtered away into the ether allowing himself becoming calm and at ....peace ..( well not so pissed off at least ).

He did some checks as per usual checked my license for any points , misdemeanours etc , I was clean thankfully. So what with that and my demeanour in general I think he saw me as a good egg in general and I think he was a ' good cop ' ? Without any angst or an axe to grind ( as some of them do ).

He slapped my wrist and drove,off !! Woohoo :cheers:

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A word of warning

Keeps this clean and not a police bashing thread guys otherwise it will be locked :thumb:

These always turn in to a cop bashing and it won't be tolerated :-)

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I used to get pulled over all the time when I was younger. I found the police always to be very reasonable.

But I've not been pulled over for many years. I miss my little roadside chats with the boys in blue.

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I was 18. It was a wet February night 1989.I had been driving all of a month.

I had been to a local pub with a few mates and 1 pint of larger.

About half hour later bombing down a one way street, I came round a blind 90 degree corner broadside (my car was rear wheel drive) with a mate hanging out the back window approaching my local Asda only to be greeted by a copper standing in the middle of the road with his hand up in the STOP position!!!

Oh shit!

He directed me to the bus lay-by where they were conducting spot checks and proceeded to question me.

Can you step out of the car please?

Have you got your licence on you? I did.

Have you been drinking? Yes

What, how much, and how long ago? Half a shandy an hour ago.

As he pulled the breathalyser out I absolutely shit myself and thought I was going to get banned for DD

Keep blowing, keep blowing. Stop.......

I was well under the limit. Phew!

They checked my car over which was good and then he got onto the subject of passengers.

Keep your passengers under control and if I catch you driving like that again you'll be nicked my son. Now on your way.

I changed my underpants when I got home later that night but not before laughing my head off with my mates at my close call when we got out of sight.thats the only time I've ever been stopped.

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I once got pulled early hours one morning wearing a wetsuit....

Policeman "where have you been?" Me "A party" policemans face :shock: .

He eventually asked where I was going, the reply became sailing....

A mate a few weeks later got pulled in a pink tuttu, he replied to a friends :wink: . Apparently he was not delayed to much longer...

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I think a lot of people chose to ignore the fact that they get pulled over or stopped for a reason. Perhaps it's part of a road safety campaign, maybe they're looking for a villain or it could be that the motorist was committing an offence. :shock:

If it's the latter then at least have the grace to take it on the chin. If we're honest with ourselves, we'd probably say that we all break traffic laws now and again. If you come on like a nob then you're likely to be subject to the letter of the law. If you're reasonable, you might get some discretion. Unless you're drink driving in which case you deserve what you get.

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In my late teens as a student walking home in the evening carrying a bag with my supper in it & 2 cops pull up next to me " what's in the bag son "

" just me supper "

" got any cannabis "

" er no no "

" you know what it is then "

" well I know what an atom bomb is and I haven't one of those either "

They gave me a smartarse look then drove off laughing.

That is a true story, the other encounter which turned out to be an extended one was around 1980 when a massive knock kicked off outside the club next to the chinese I was in, a cop was losing badly to one of the group so I weighed in help the cop. It all ended up with a crown court appearance & a chief constables commendation to a member of public for assisting the police which I've still got somewhere. During the trial I rubbed shoulders with quite a few cops as a riot van also attended the original knock later on. They were a great bunch. Folks forget the dangers in that job.

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when many years younger a mate of mine used to live a few doors up from a traffic police officer some of us had noisy bikes and we would often come out to find a note on the seat saying verbal warning keep the noise down, but he did come in handy one day when he pulled me doing 80 in a 50 area and just gave me a serious telling off before sending me on my way

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Not me, but a lad I was at school with:

He drew attention to himself on his 125 not only because he was underage with no licence and no helmet, but also because he had made a disastrous DIY attempt at dying his hair green. One of those police-spec Vauxhall Senators drew up alongside and told him to pull over. He immediately got into a full racing crouch, gave it a massive fistful of throttle and tried to outrun it. When he was pulled over about 20 yards up the road the copper was laughing so hard he could barely stand up.

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Not me, but a lad I was at school with:

He drew attention to himself on his 125 not only because he was underage with no licence and no helmet, but also because he had made a disastrous DIY attempt at dying his hair green. One of those police-spec Vauxhall Senators drew up alongside and told him to pull over. He immediately got into a full racing crouch, gave it a massive fistful of throttle and tried to outrun it. When he was pulled over about 20 yards up the road the copper was laughing so hard he could barely stand up.

You seem to know an awful lot about this event... ;-)

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Many many years ago I had a BSA C15. Which is a 250 cc single.

http://www.vintagebike.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/1965-bsa-c15-1-760x570.jpg Not this one but one like it

It was a Monday night and I was on painkillers for some ailment. I was told not to drink on them so what did I do. I went down to rock night at the old Adam and Eve night club in Leicester. Which was a right Townie pub but it did rock nights on Monday night. Anyway I had about 4 pints while I was there and also had a pint of beer spilt down me. About midnight I decided it was about time I went home. I said to my mates I'm off now. To which my mate Jeff says gis a lift home. I said no sorry mate you don't have a helmet. Anyway he kept pestering me and then said its not a traffic offence its a civil offence so you wont get any points. So if we get stopped I'll pay you fine and that will be that.

So I relented and took him home. Which was about 5 miles form where we were. We got about 4 1/2 miles from our destination and I nearly cut through the estate to his house . but then I thought sod it we are nearly home anyway so lets do the main road. We rode past one of the pubs in the main road to see a plod car sat there looking at us. Next minute the blues and twos start up and the chase is on.

I accelerated away and took a RH turn into a housing estate . Just as I got to the turn Jeff shouts just slow down a bit and I'll jump off. Which he did. I then carried on for a short while and then thought sod it I'm nicked. The plod got out of the car and started asking me where my mate was. To which I denied all knowledge. one of the coppers then wandered back to where my mate jumped off and found him laying in a hedge pissing himself laughing.

He then came back with Jeff and started writing a producer out and a informing me that I was going to be prosecuted for carrying a passenger without a helmet. My mate ( who was a bit the worse for wear 0 was stumbling about and generally being a pain to coppers. I was thinking for f**k sake mate I am over the limit and stink of beer so please calm down a bit ( do bear in mind that drink driving was fairly common back then ).

It ended up with him asking for lift home off the coppers and eventually they relented and took him home in their car.

He was right I just got a fine for this and we still talk about it many years after the event.

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Not me, but a lad I was at school with:

He drew attention to himself on his 125 not only because he was underage with no licence and no helmet, but also because he had made a disastrous DIY attempt at dying his hair green. One of those police-spec Vauxhall Senators drew up alongside and told him to pull over. He immediately got into a full racing crouch, gave it a massive fistful of throttle and tried to outrun it. When he was pulled over about 20 yards up the road the copper was laughing so hard he could barely stand up.

You seem to know an awful lot about this event... ;-)

Not guilty, m'lord... :lol:

This would have been the mid 1980s, and he was riding with a bunch of fifth formers on their scooters when he got pulled. This event alone (there were others) made him a legend in our school.

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In my late teens as a student walking home in the evening carrying a bag with my supper in it & 2 cops pull up next to me " what's in the bag son "

" just me supper "

" got any cannabis "

" er no no "

" you know what it is then "

" well I know what an atom bomb is and I haven't one of those either "

They gave me a smartarse look then drove off laughing.

That is a true story, the other encounter which turned out to be an extended one was around 1980 when a massive knock kicked off outside the club next to the chinese I was in, a cop was losing badly to one of the group so I weighed in help the cop. It all ended up with a crown court appearance & a chief constables commendation to a member of public for assisting the police which I've still got somewhere. During the trial I rubbed shoulders with quite a few cops as a riot van also attended the original knock later on. They were a great bunch. Folks forget the dangers in that job.

That was very decent of you tank bag at the end of the day we are all human and it's easy to see the uniform and not the person !

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when many years younger a mate of mine used to live a few doors up from a traffic police officer some of us had noisy bikes and we would often come out to find a note on the seat saying verbal warning keep the noise down, but he did come in handy one day when he pulled me doing 80 in a 50 area and just gave me a serious telling off before sending me on my way

They should do that more often I think most people would respond well to a telling off knowing that next time it's a fair cop ( excuse the pun ) . Because then you both your separate ways and the offender breaths a sigh of relief not feeling aggrieved and negative to the uniform as a whole .

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Not me, but a lad I was at school with:

He drew attention to himself on his 125 not only because he was underage with no licence and no helmet, but also because he had made a disastrous DIY attempt at dying his hair green. One of those police-spec Vauxhall Senators drew up alongside and told him to pull over. He immediately got into a full racing crouch, gave it a massive fistful of throttle and tried to outrun it. When he was pulled over about 20 yards up the road the copper was laughing so hard he could barely stand up.

Ah! Bless ! The sweet naevity of youth :D

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Many many years ago I had a BSA C15. Which is a 250 cc single.

http://www.vintagebike.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/1965-bsa-c15-1-760x570.jpg Not this one but one like it

It was a Monday night and I was on painkillers for some ailment. I was told not to drink on them so what did I do. I went down to rock night at the old Adam and Eve night club in Leicester. Which was a right Townie pub but it did rock nights on Monday night. Anyway I had about 4 pints while I was there and also had a pint of beer spilt down me. About midnight I decided it was about time I went home. I said to my mates I'm off now. To which my mate Jeff says gis a lift home. I said no sorry mate you don't have a helmet. Anyway he kept pestering me and then said its not a traffic offence its a civil offence so you wont get any points. So if we get stopped I'll pay you fine and that will be that.

So I relented and took him home. Which was about 5 miles form where we were. We got about 4 1/2 miles from our destination and I nearly cut through the estate to his house . but then I thought sod it we are nearly home anyway so lets do the main road. We rode past one of the pubs in the main road to see a plod car sat there looking at us. Next minute the blues and twos start up and the chase is on.

I accelerated away and took a RH turn into a housing estate . Just as I got to the turn Jeff shouts just slow down a bit and I'll jump off. Which he did. I then carried on for a short while and then thought sod it I'm nicked. The plod got out of the car and started asking me where my mate was. To which I denied all knowledge. one of the coppers then wandered back to where my mate jumped off and found him laying in a hedge pissing himself laughing.

He then came back with Jeff and started writing a producer out and a informing me that I was going to be prosecuted for carrying a passenger without a helmet. My mate ( who was a bit the worse for wear 0 was stumbling about and generally being a pain to coppers. I was thinking for f**k sake mate I am over the limit and stink of beer so please calm down a bit ( do bear in mind that drink driving was fairly common back then ).

It ended up with him asking for lift home off the coppers and eventually they relented and took him home in their car.

He was right I just got a fine for this and we still talk about it many years after the event.

Haha great story :cheers:

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Or the time me and a load of my biker mates from the Full Moon pub in Leicester went to Great Yarmouth. There was about 60 of us who used to meet at this pub and then do mass ride outs most nights, this was around the late 70's early 80's. This went on for a few years and then their was a split in the group. About 30 of them decided to become a back patch club and the rest of us including me decided that we didn't want this crap. So we sort of split up.

I still see lots of the old faces and some are still in the Outlaws and some are still in the NCC. But we used to arrive on mass on our bikes and generally have a good time at all the local biker pubs that sprang up around here. We were the typical dirty greasy 70's biker gang that you see in the old photos. We were not a trouble causing sort of gang but we did have problems occasionally.

Any road up we went to Yarmouth on mass one Easter weekend. None of had tents or any camping gear apart from sleeping bags and in my case a orange survival bag to sleep in. Which as it turned out was bad idea as it was f**king cold at night. We arrived after the ride up there which would have involved stopping at various pubs on the way and then we hit the pubs the first night. We then went to one of the large caravan sites on the outskirts and a few people broke into a few caravans and spent the night there. I decided that this was not a good idea so myself and my girlfriend slept in the sand dunes in the survival bag.

To say it was cold was an understatement. We then spent the next day in the pubs and cafes in Yarmouth and an afternoon on the fun fair after a skin full. We both decided that we weren't going to spend another night on the beach as it was too cold so we slept in one of the caravans.

Needless to say we got woken up by the local plod as they raided the site to arrest us. We got woken up at stupid oclock by a light been shone in our face and told to get up. I was one of the ones who got to spend the night in a police cell. There were 5 of us to a 1 man cell which had a toilet which had to be flushed from a button on the outside wall. They ended up arresting about 30 of us and letting the rest go as the police station was only a small one. They crammed as many as possible in the cells and left the rest in the corridor outside. The gits in the corridor refused to flush our toilet for us so we spent the night in stinking cell. With the ones in the corridor taking the piss all night. The night we got arrested there had been an incident with a car full of skin heads shouting their mouth off at us . But it was fun to find out that one cell contained these skinheads who started mouthing off again as we filed in after being cautioned. They started off being very mouthy and then as more and more of us started coming into the cell block they went very very quiet.

We spent the night in the cell and they only let us go after us kicking off and becoming very rowdy after we realised that we qualified for a breakfast after being in the cell for so long. They quickly let us out and told us in no uncertain terms we were barred from Yarmouth for the foreseeable future. We even made it onto all the national papers on the front cover no less.

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when many years younger a mate of mine used to live a few doors up from a traffic police officer some of us had noisy bikes and we would often come out to find a note on the seat saying verbal warning keep the noise down, but he did come in handy one day when he pulled me doing 80 in a 50 area and just gave me a serious telling off before sending me on my way

They should do that more often I think most people would respond well to a telling off knowing that next time it's a fair cop ( excuse the pun ) . Because then you both your separate ways and the offender breaths a sigh of relief not feeling aggrieved and negative to the uniform as a whole .


It's all about public perception and what the publics thinks the Police do and act, as to how they really do go about business.

I agree with the above. For minor traffic offences I think it's fair to start with a verbal warning. Verbal warnings can be recorded on that forces CAD/event/Storm system etc. next time your caught doing the same, well you've already been warned eh. That would massively improve confidence and relations with Police. This is how Cannabis is dealt with, and that's a criminal offence, so traffic matters could be dealt with better for sure.

Drink drive, no insurance/license etc should be dealt with robustly though, IMHO.

I had a right touch on the A14 at Ipswich a long time ago and I could have been right in the shit, and I was very grateful ;)

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only been pulled over 3 times in all my years of driving.

1. pulled over for speeding. copper said he didn't have sufficient evidence, but bent my ear anyway - then handed me a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. (i'd taken it off to get out the car!). But i deserved it, so can't be cross at that.

2. pulled over by the coppers after finishing work (worked at a pub, so drove out the car park, they followed me all the way home). As I got out the car, they asked if i'd been drinking. I said i'd had one when i finished work. They asked if I would mind taking a breathaliser. I said "not at all, but would you like to come in for a cuppa while we sort it out?" They declined and after saying they'd just had one and left me to it!

3. Got pulled over by a copper for driving around in a car with its rear quarterlight smashed out. They asked if it was my car (obviously was) and would I mind if they ran some checks. I said no and since they were outside my house, offered them a cup of tea and somewhere warm to sit while they did it. They politely declined and let me on my way.

So tell me coppers. WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY TEA!!

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Many many years ago I had a BSA C15. Which is a 250 cc single.

It was a Monday night and I was on painkillers for some ailment. I was told not to drink on them so what did I do. I went down to rock night at the old Adam and Eve night club in Leicester. Which was a right Townie pub but it did rock nights on Monday night. Anyway I had about 4 pints while I was there and also had a pint of beer spilt down me. About midnight I decided it was about time I went home. I said to my mates I'm off now. To which my mate Jeff says gis a lift home. I said no sorry mate you don't have a helmet. Anyway he kept pestering me and then said its not a traffic offence its a civil offence so you wont get any points. So if we get stopped I'll pay you fine and that will be that.

So I relented and took him home. Which was about 5 miles form where we were. We got about 4 1/2 miles from our destination and I nearly cut through the estate to his house . but then I thought sod it we are nearly home anyway so lets do the main road. We rode past one of the pubs in the main road to see a plod car sat there looking at us. Next minute the blues and twos start up and the chase is on.

I accelerated away and took a RH turn into a housing estate . Just as I got to the turn Jeff shouts just slow down a bit and I'll jump off. Which he did. I then carried on for a short while and then thought sod it I'm nicked. The plod got out of the car and started asking me where my mate was. To which I denied all knowledge. one of the coppers then wandered back to where my mate jumped off and found him laying in a hedge pissing himself laughing.

He then came back with Jeff and started writing a producer out and a informing me that I was going to be prosecuted for carrying a passenger without a helmet. My mate ( who was a bit the worse for wear 0 was stumbling about and generally being a pain to coppers. I was thinking for f**k sake mate I am over the limit and stink of beer so please calm down a bit ( do bear in mind that drink driving was fairly common back then ).

It ended up with him asking for lift home off the coppers and eventually they relented and took him home in their car.

He was right I just got a fine for this and we still talk about it many years after the event.

That reminds me of a few drink driving stories of my own...

Many years ago of course...I attended a scene one Friday night in Dartford with a report of a car vs skip RTC. Turned up to find the male driver pissed off his tits and a concertinaed car. Him and his girlfriend had been razzing it up and were on their way home. They'd been bombing it up the road (later analysis showed speeds in excess of 50mph in a 30) and the driver had failed to notice a large, highly illuminated skip full to the brim with earth and other hardcore. The car twatted in to the skip, completely crumpling the front nearside and shifting the skip a meter or so. The guy had a 2" cut on his forehead. I had to take him to hospital to get stitched up and all he whinged on about was his car and his job. He barely even noticed that he'd just killed his girlfriend.

Another time; one afternoon I followed a guy in a Peugeot 206 Eastbound towards Gravesend who was all over the road. He was caning it even though he had a washing machine loose in the back (it was rattling about all over the place) and I was in driving a sprinter van 8 up. I finally caught up at some lights - one of my colleagues nipped out, reached through the drivers window and nabbed the keys. Apparently, he didn't notice us behind him for the last few miles. When he finally got out he could barely stand. He said he was in a rush to get the washing machine over to his mates place... In Dover.

Last one for now - this time scooter vs lorry. Some lad and his mates had been drinking all afternoon in a park. When it was time to go home, the lad got on his scooter and decided to show off to his mates by popping a wheelie up the road. Unfortunately, he misjudged it and veered towards an oncoming lorry. His friends watched as the lorry rolled right over him and his scoot, squashing them both. Later analysis showed he was just under 1.5x the limit.

So yeah, drink driving. Funny innit...

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The only advice I can offer after being pulled for a minor speeding infraction many years ago is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is unlikely to cut much ice.

"Are you sure you know which direction I was heading in officer?"

"Yes sir."

"Then you can't possibly know how fast I was going. Good day!"

"Step out of the car please sir..."

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I failed a breathalyzer test once.

But i was three stories up in a house, during a house party that the police attended. In my 'party mood', i jokingly asked one of the officers if i could have a go with his breathalyzer. He obliged and i failed the test spectacularly, so i celebrated with another beer, and tried to use the little white disposable plastic blowtube as a straw...

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One late afternoon in April in 2004 I was [strikeout]flying[/strikeout] riding steadily down a road (hedon road for those that know it) this road is a 40 limit but everyone drives a little bit faster and really it should be a 60!

Anyway I turns off the road and on to a 30 limit and about 2 miles down the road and some blue lights later I was parked up talking to two guys in uniforms :oops:

the conversation went something like this

Plod: muffle muffle muffle muffle

Me: hang on a minute mate I have earplugs in I cant hear a thing!

Plod: oh you do have a little bit of sense then!!

Me: silence!

Plod: how fast was you going back there eh?

Me: err 30!

Plod: No on hedon road!

Me: errr 40!

Plod: :lol: :lol: :lol: you was going a LOT faster than that you over took 6 cars in the space of a quarter mile and I stuggled to catch you up!

has your bike been running longer than 10 minutes?

Me: Its just took you more than that for you to catch me :lol:

Plod: good point! can you start it for me! (proceeds to rev the nuts off it!) thought so! thats a race can which is illegal! nice small plate too! this is looking expensive for you!! so how fast again was you going? and whats the reason why??

Me: errr too fast! I only have my dark visor on I want to get the bike away before its dark you know safety and all that!

Plod: :lol: :lol: watch your speed hurry up home its getting dark

got off lightly I reckon :lol:

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The traffic cop who did our BikeSafe theory bit told us about the day him and a colleague had been on duty down at Duxford, sorting the traffic for the airshow. After a long and exhausting day they were heading back to headquaters on their bikes and ran into some heavy traffic on the A14, so they started filtering. A twat in a mercedes saw the bikes coming up the middle of the traffic and decided to move over and block them. The cops mate, who was in front, wasn't in the mood to f*ck about.......so he switched the blues on. The cop said you've never seen a car get out of the way so quickly, and as they rode past his mate shouted "COCK" at the very sheepish merc driver........ :lol: :lol:

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