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Struggling getting up to high speed for mod 2.

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Got my mod 2 mid October seem to be progressing ok but I am reluctant to get above 65 on a fast duel carriageway with the national speed limit...I have never been a fast driver even in cars...only started riding bike around 3 months ago....think my instructor is getting a bit rattled with me....

But this speed thing is bugging me...I feel quite uneasy at anything over 60 really...I suppose I will get better but time is against me...my age 62 prob dont help.

I wonder how common this is...would I fail my mod 2 if I dont hit 70 where I could do?

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The more times you hit 65 the more you will feel comfortable at that speed and will be able to go faster

Googled your bike out of interest, according to Wikipedia the top speed is 'only' 65mph so you won't be able to go much quicker anyway

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Had a 2 hour lesson today...managed to hit 70 on the way back...not comfy with it but the road being empty helped.

Oldie59...think my Bantam will struggle to hit 60...but when I get my licence...I will be happy at 50 on it.

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Got to be perfectly honest,

If you struggle that much I think you will need more lessons. The whole point of the driving (riding) test is to test your skills and make sure you are confident in all road situations so that you not only do not put yourself in danger but do not put others in danger also, as driving slow on a dual carriageway can cause pileups as people may not realise how slow you're moving until it is to late.

Take your time but make sure you are safe on the roads.

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Got to be perfectly honest,

If you struggle that much I think you will need more lessons. The whole point of the driving (riding) test is to test your skills and make sure you are confident in all road situations so that you not only do not put yourself in danger but do not put others in danger also, as driving slow on a dual carriageway can cause pileups as people may not realise how slow you're moving until it is to late.

Take your time but make sure you are safe on the roads.


Yep, I try to be the fastest moving object rather than the slowest to avoid some half asleep idiot ramming me from behind.

Anything less than the speed limit and you're in danger of getting shunted.

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It may come from driving a speed limited heavy truck for a living and a 50 year old Landrover as my daily transport...so my life tends to go at 50mph.

I am getting more comfy with high speed on the bike but it not something I enjoy.

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It may come from driving a speed limited heavy truck for a living and a 50 year old Landrover as my daily transport...so my life tends to go at 50mph.

I am getting more comfy with high speed on the bike but it not something I enjoy.


By all means, you never have to use a dual carriageway once you've passed, but if you do you need to be safe, None of us want to hear about you getting driven into because someone was really interested in whether the dress is blue or white ;)

Take your time and do your test when ready, also if your instructor is making you uncomfortable tell them or find a new one, you can't be pressured into learning something overnight!

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I passed my MOD2 in July (aged 66). After being a bit tentative I decided (before my test) that I should attempt to get to the speed limit whatever it was. My route (in Glasgow) was all in the city, max 40 so no luck if your route has a 70 section. Thinking about it though if it's busy and you're in the inside lane the traffic will probably only be doing 60 anyway and if your speedo's like mine you're probably only doing 65 even though it's reading 70 :).

Anyway mainly you have to demonstrate that you can ride safely and be in control of the bike at all times. I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck with the test.


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  • 2 weeks later...

When I took my Mod 2 I didn't go anywhere that was above 60mph, but if your examiner takes you onto a dual carriageway you would probably be expected to get to as fast as your bike will allow! Even if it's for a short while, I wouldn't think you'd have to do it for a long stretch. If your bike can't do that fast then I don't think it's a big issue - you just go as fast as it physically can? If you're taking the test on your bike then surely they can't penalise you for not going 70 if your bike can't do that speed ... :? But they will expect to see that you can keep up to speed limits as much as you can - if you're riding in a 50 zone then they will want to see you doing 50 (if safe to do so), etc.

Once you've passed you can ride how you want! :wink:

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Yippppppppeeeey...passed my mod 2 this morning....such a relief.

Didn't sleep very well last night....very very nervous about it all....sitting in the test ctr waiting room my heart was pounding.

Surprisingly as soon as I sat on the bike to start the test the nerves disappeared....it was like that all through the test...I think it must have been that I had to concentrate and had no room for nerves....it was a good pass with no minors at all.

Such a good feeling....a big thank you to you all with your advice for me...it helped lots....

Even getting used to riding at 70mph and over taking big trucks on the duel carriageway.

Thanks again guys.....now the real learning starts.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a bit concerned about going 70 too. I'm not afraid, but my 125 only does 60 and that's pushing it. I'm quite comfortable at that speed so I think I'll be ok with 70 on a big bike, but obviously I haven't actually experienced it.

When doing these training courses (I'm doing a 2 day course at Lightning in Reading to include the tests), do we get to go out on the roads with an instructor or will the test be my first time on public roads on a big bike?

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If your instructor lets you take the test without taking you on the roads first then I'd have serious concerns about them!!!

Your instructor should know the test routes so should take you on at least one.

I wouldn't say they are designed to trick you because as long as you remember your basic highway code and instruction you'll be fine! But they do incorporate speed changes (I sucked at noticing speed signs so had to really tune myself into them! I think incorrect speed (too fast or much too slow!!) is one of the biggest fail reasons).

70mph on a bigger bike doesn't feel as fast as 60 on a 125! But remember your safety distances need to be increased and things happen a lot quicker. If you go on a duel carriageway you will be expected to "make reasonable progress" this basically means if you come up to a lorry doing 50mph and it is safe to overtake you should.

Remember there is no shame at all in telling your instructor you're a bit worried about the high speeds! Time permitting he may do a bit more dual carriage work so you can get a feel for it.

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Speed is the easy part, controlling it is where people feck up.

On your way to your mod 1/ mod 2 ask the instructor ro take you via a national speed limit.... easy.

mod one is easy, when doing the speed tests, pull away, knock it in to 2nd and just average 15-17 mph around the bend and then just roll the throttle back as you straighten up, and then release as you enter the first gate for the swerve.

its the rush of a 650 that normally catches u out

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Look at it this way. You're much safer doing 70 mph on a motorway or dual carriage way A road than any speed below that, because you have much less chance of being rear ended by all the other traffic that is doing 70 mph. It may seem a bit daunting for someone who isn't used to that sort of speed, but you soon get used to it. ;)

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