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Films you keep going back to


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OK, so this has been spawned by the Star Wars thread, and is a list of those films that you find yourself going back to again and again.

There are some 'classic' films I've watched once and which did absolutely nothing for me (2001: A Space Odyssey being a prime example, closely followed by Brief Encounter), some that I'd rather shoot myself in the testicles than ever have to sit through again (Sister Act, Nuns on the Run, anything with Jim Carrey in), and then a small selection that I'm always happy to sit down with whenever they are on.

Off the top of my head, of the 200 or so DVDs on the shelf at home these are the ones I can't imagine throwing out:

1. The Big Lebowski

2. The Third Man

3. The Andromeda Strain

4. Forbidden Planet

5. The Maltese Falcon

6. Fargo

7. Fahrenheit 451

8. Where Eagles Dare

9. The IPCRESS File

Others may occur to me throughout the day, especially as this is great displacement activity for what I'm supposed to be doing.

Let's have yours! :D

Edited by MarkW
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At Christmas I'd say

1. A muppets Christmas carol

2. The Grinch (sorry, it does indeed have Jim Carrey in it)

In general.

1. Star wars original trilogy

2. Indiana jones

3. Red October

4. Forrest Gump

5. Meet Joe Black

6. Saving private Ryan

7. Alien

8. Iron Man

9. Labyrinth

10. You've got mail

Loads of others I just can't think of right now!

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top ten is this:

1. Dredd

2. starship troopers

3. martian chronicles

4. mission impossible 1-5

5. torque

6. drift d

7. star wars movies

8. star trek movies

9. babylon 5

10. everything stargate sg1, atlantis and sgu

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Shawshank Redemption. Yes an obvious choice but I do love it. And I still cry at the end every time.

Groundhog Day

Princess Bride

Pulp Fiction. Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

Happy Gilmore. I have no shame over this it's a great comedy.

North by Northwest

Monsters Inc. Again, NO SHAME!!

Also I have watched Jack Reacher and Lockout three times each but that is mainly as I keep forgetting I have watched them as the beginning is really generic. Lockout is delightfully awful :)

Christmas Bonus: Elf

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1. Memento

2. Yes

3. Orlando

4. Battle Royale

5. The Wall

6. Lost In Translation (someone has to like it)

7. Let The Right One In

8. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Jim Carey, lulz)

9. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

10. Up

Christmas round:

Father Christmas (Raymond Briggs)

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lost in translation is a good film!

my tastes vary so much its stupid. I can have a month long kick watching nothing but classic 70's like taxi driver, death wish etc and then go complete opposite and binge watch adam sandler films :oops:

there are some films that I wish i could go back again and watch for the first time all over as they were so suspenseful which obviously diminishes on repeated views. Unthinkable with Samuel L Jackson comes to mind as one.

I'll do a top five (which if I did again next week would be completely different probably) (and not in order as I can't really rank any of these above each other)

1: The Blues Brothers

2: Fight Club

3: Shawshank Redemption

4: Leon

5: Leaving Las Vegas

Christmas Bonus: Scrooged

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Man on fire , Denzil Washington , most of his films are worth a watch

Knock knock , with Keanu Reeves watched That the other day , good film

There's loads I could list , I do like a good film.

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I have to say.... I like a "bad" film. Hobo With a Shotgun, Machete, Iron Sky, Sharks in Venice, Piranhas 3D, Tank Girl, Repo Man.

They have to be bad enough they are a little bit good.

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Love the Machete films!! can't wait for Machete in Space :mrgreen:

over the last few years I have found animated films to be consistently good (or i'm a big kid) some of my recent favourites

Big hero 6, wreck it ralph, tangled, how to train your dragon, brave

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Die hard. Only the 1st one though.


Saving private ryan ( has to be watched with surround sound).

Act of valour.

Jay & silent bob strike back, complete crap but il watch it start to finish


Private Ryan ..I'm hearing you :thumb:

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Die hard. Only the 1st one though.


Saving private ryan ( has to be watched with surround sound).

Act of valour.

Jay & silent bob strike back, complete crap but il watch it start to finish


Private Ryan ..I'm hearing you :thumb:


Not to be confused with shaving ryans privates.

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Terminator 1 & 2

Big Trouble in Little China (watched this every day for about 3 weeks solid when I was a nipper)



The Matrix.

Shawshank Redemption (probably the best film ever)


Back to the Future Trilogy.


Saving Private Ryan.

Memphis Belle.

Once Upon a Time In The West.

This list can go on....

Most modern films are utter shite and I hate CGI unless tastefully done and not O.T.T

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All Star Wars's (expect the phantom menace shite)

Top Gun

Weird Science

Tron Legacy

Saving Private Ryan

Black Hawk Down


Band of Brothers (Not a film as such but by far the best thing to ever grace TV)


Ah Tron Legacy! I thought I was alone with my liking of that.

"Flynn!! Am I still to create the perfect system?"

The gif in the signature gives it away somewhat :lol:

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All Star Wars's (expect the phantom menace shite)

Top Gun

Weird Science

Tron Legacy

Saving Private Ryan

Black Hawk Down


Band of Brothers (Not a film as such but by far the best thing to ever grace TV)


Ah Tron Legacy! I thought I was alone with my liking of that.

"Flynn!! Am I still to create the perfect system?"

The gif in the signature gives it away somewhat :lol:


No mate it's a cracking film. On a big screen, surround sound, great soundtrack...and a massive bonus is Olivia Wilde in skin tight clothing...what's not to like ;)

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Page 2 of a "Top 10 Films" on a motorbike forum and I've not seen The World's Fastest Indian yet!! C'mon people, get with the plan! :wink:

Others, in no particular order :

Saving Private Ryan

Shawshank Redemption

Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy

12 Monkeys

Road to Perdition

I, Robot

Month Python & the Holy Grail

Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels

Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained

The Matrix

Cloud Atlas

Ex_Machina.........only watched it once so far, but I think it'll bear a few more goes.

Despicable Me, & 2......appeal to my childish sense of humour.

Big Fish

Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them)

The list could go on forever....... 8-)

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My films to keep and watch are

Kellys Heroes. What an awesome cast and fantastic lines.

The first 2 Alien films and the newest one.

Both Star trek films. I couldn't bear to sit through Stars Wars too many times at it just annoys me and I'm not 12 years old.

Most Brit wars films like The Dambusters and A Bridge too Far (and the rest)

Event Horizon ( for the Zero G stuff ( Star Wars take note)).

All the Terminator films ( its a shame the TV series was canned).

Any Star Trek TV show ( including DS9 )

Excalibur ( not got it on disc but watch it when ever its on).

Pacific Rim. Big stompy Robots what more could you want ( yes its a pants film but I love it).

Shaun of the Dead. ( the only simon pegg film I like) ( and he annoys the f*** out of me trying to be scotty in Star Trek, He is the only piece of bad casting in the Star Trek films)

I will add more as I remember them

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