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2016 Yamaha R1


2008 Yamaha FZ1N


1989 Honda CB1 (CB400F)


Is there a previous bikes section on here?

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Find a missus that rides and then you can get all the bikes you want ;)

Sorry boys, I'm taken. And OH has six bikes currently :lol:

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Find a missus that rides and then you can get all the bikes you want ;)

Sorry boys, I'm taken. And OH has six bikes currently :lol:


Lord Almighty, 6 bikes?!


Yeah he only rides three of them though, the others are old bikes and sidecars he is planning to do up. Maybe. At some point :roll:

(he does occasionally lurk so HIYA!)

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My missus wouldn't have none of that! :(


Have a few of theses and just tell her what's going to happen.... It may get violent , good luck.


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3 bikes!? Lemme guess.. R1 for dry weekends, FZ for longer trips and CB for commuting and leaving it anywhere since you don't really care about it?

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My missus wouldn't have none of that! :(


Have a few of theses and just tell her what's going to happen.... It may get violent , good luck.


I've been trying to worm my way round to getting the nod to get a little trailie!

Got to do it softly softly!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all, sorry for the slow reply. The FZ1 is no more! Unfortunately it was written off on July 19th.

While returning to sussex from somerset, where me and the wife were in the process of relocating to (and subsequently have), we were involved in an accident on the A303 in Hampshire.

A dozy, selfy taking bitch decided it was ok to join the A303 dual carriageway from a slip road, and cross straight across lane 1 and into lane 2, immediately in front of me.

I slammed on the anchors, shaved off some speed down to about 45/50 I reckon, but it was no good, slammed into the back of her. I headbutted the back of her car and slid along the road, the wife came off the back and slid along on her face for some time, before ending up on her back in the middle of lane 2.

The wife was in hospital for two weeks with fluid on her heart and her brain.

Unfortunately (and I appreciate I might get flamed for this) but it was a very hot day and she had all of her gear on, except her trousers.

So to put it mildly, there isnt much skin left on her legs which isn't scarred now.

Moral of the story: always wear your f**king gear and look out for stupid young bitches who don't know how a f**king dual carriageway works.

The old bill found her totally in the wrong and have given her the option of a driver awareness course which she must pay for. If she fails to attend she will be prosecuted.

Her insurer paid out the (almost) full value of the FZ1.

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It's horrible when you've got the mrs on the back. I binned it just over a year ago with her on the back and she hurt her knee (not badly, circa 35mph, we rolled down the road over the top of one another) but it was swollen and painful for a few weeks and still hasn't recovered a lot of the feeling in it. I still feel bad about that one all the time. Really put me off carrying a pillion, but she's still keen so looking for a more suitable bike than the ER6. Hoping the CX500 will work well. Incidentally she decided to try to learn to ride herself this summer and binned it on her CBT, smacked the same knee off a fence :s She's since decided to stick to pillion.

No chance I'd be referring someone for the driver improvement scheme in those circumstances. Same thing happened with the guy who mashed me off a push bike mid mini-roundabout but he just made a mistake, wasn't being reckless.

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Me and my other half spent a few weeks fixing up my old bike and getting it running nicely (no small task for a Chinese bike that's been left standing outside for a year without cleaning or draining it before it went away :lol: ) only to have some daft old bint run right over the front of it at a crossroads... other half wasnt wearing proper gear just jeans and a leather jacket, luckily got away with only some serious bruising but now always insist on her wearing ATGATT when riding pillion. Which she hates, and complains about constantly! But that little prang was the wake up call I needed to realise I'd not forgive myself in a hurry if she picked up a serious injury after coming off the back of my bike.

Of course, I actually came out of that one way worse; CE2 armour doesn't do shit about hyper-extension injuries :evil:

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Mine was ATGATT. Neither of us ever ride otherwise, I wouldn't let her on the bike until we'd got her everything. She actually has far better gear than I do! I'm actually considering getting us both a set of knee braces, a bit like MX riders use, to prevent any further injury to her knee if we ever have another spill but I don't know how practical they would be for road use. I've been lucky so far, two spills (one very early on with the 125) and the one with the mrs but I wasn't really injured significantly in either. Had worse on the push bike.

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Man that really sucks..

Theres a junction I go on each day 3 lanes. 1 lane comes off about a mile later back into the town. The other 2 go on towards Ipswich. So a lot of drivers just shoot down into lane 1 and straight into lane 2. sometimes lane 3.

The amount of times you see someone getting sooo close infront of someone is insane :(

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I have a similar roundabout on my way home. Three lanes, just randomly pick one them wildly swerve in front of two lanes of traffic when you realise that for some CRAZY reason you can't turn left from the right hand lane. MADNESS

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I have a similar roundabout on my way home. Three lanes, just randomly pick one them wildly swerve in front of two lanes of traffic when you realise that for some CRAZY reason you can't turn left from the right hand lane. MADNESS


I have been guilty of this in the past as a car driver, though I do at least indicate first.. :oops:

I think more time should be spent on these type of junctions with learner drivers, emphasising that coming off at the wrong exit or going round again are better than causing a collision.

Mind you that should be common sense really!

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You're just an amateur, mate. :wink: Nothing compared to the lady on the bicycle I was following a couple of weeks ago. When we got to the roundabout, our ways parted, even though, as it turned out that we both were turning right: I went around the roundabout, while she - clearly a quick thinker - opted for the more direct, anticlockwise route. Against the flow of two lanes of traffic. In the rush hour. In the dark. With no lights.

We met up again at the exit to the roundabout. She seemed a bit surprised to see me, while I was amazed that she was still alive.

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You're just an amateur, mate. :wink: Nothing compared to the lady on the bicycle I was following a couple of weeks ago. When we got to the roundabout, our ways parted, even though, as it turned out that we both were turning right: I went around the roundabout, while she - clearly a quick thinker - opted for the more direct, anticlockwise route. Against the flow of two lanes of traffic. In the rush hour. In the dark. With no lights.

We met up again at the exit to the roundabout. She seemed a bit surprised to see me, while I was amazed that she was still alive.


Woo, Cambriiiiiidge! :cheers:

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