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I wonder if children who can't speak can see ghosts


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Now THAT give me a good idea!

Next time on of my mates has a kid, I'll clock what make of baby monitor they have and what channel settings they're using then buy the same model and stand outside their house playing whispered latin chants and distorted animal noises into it :lol: :twisted:

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I can explain this with kids ... they are born Senile .... then they get better for a while ...

Then when they get near the end of thier life they go senile again.

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Now THAT give me a good idea!

Next time on of my mates has a kid, I'll clock what make of baby monitor they have and what channel settings they're using then buy the same model and stand outside their house playing whispered latin chants and distorted animal noises into it :lol: :twisted:


I'd pay to watch their reaction! :lol:

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Maybe the reason kids learn so fast is that they have "others" around them teaching them how stuff works.... when they are ready the "others" break contact...

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My whole thing on ghosts was "I'll believe it when I see it". Until I saw it!

It was April 1995 and I was driving along a deserted road in the Welsh countryside......between Landeilo and Llandovery. It was a long straight stretch for about 2 miles, and way up ahead in the distance I could see something above the road heading towards me. As I got nearer I could see it was a plane...it seemed to be greyish in colour with no markings. As I got even closer I realised how low it was....basically about 50 feet (if that) above the road.

I hit the brakes, kept watching, and I could make out propellers on the wings. I was slowing down, but not quick enough....and the plane was literally straight in my path. I kept my hands on the wheel but instinctively ducked my head as the plane seemed to pass literally inches over the roof of the car.

The strange thing was that there was no sound, and no feeling of wind as it passed. I came to a halt, I looked behind and there was NOTHING to be seen.

I put it down to a freak accident that I'd managed to avoid.

I told the wife all about it when I got home and just forgot about it after that! Just thought it was some amateur pilot who was pissing about or something.

However, 3 years later I was reading a newspaper article about a ghost hunter who was listing his findings in different parts of Britain. And one of the reports was a phantom plane seen at the exact same location where I had that experience. And his description of the plane was exactly the same as mine.

Then I did a search on the Net for further info...and I found this:

Wellington Bomber

Location: Llandovery (Wales) - Towy Valley, between Llandovery & Llandeilo

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Unknown

Further Comments: A training zone for World War 2 crews, one assumes this phantom belongs to a group that didn't make the grade.

It was taken from the Paranormal Database:

http://www.paranormaldatabase.com/aviation/pages/avdata.php?pageNum_paradata=1&totalRows_paradata=69" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

So it appears, even though I didn't know it at the time, that I did witness an apparition which many others have seen over the course of the last 70 years.

This isn't a windup.....I know EXACTLY what I saw! And I couldn't have dreamt it.......cos I was driving a car at the time!

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Often thought that when you look at a crowd of people, or people on a busy highstreet, how can you know for sure that they are all real and that some are not ghosts?

They could be walking amongst us all the time and we would never know....

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You want pics of children? [emoji15]

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Very good! The ghosts!

Funny how there's never been 100% proof, there's no science behind it.

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If you ever listen to prof Brian Cox on ghosts that's how I am on the topic.

Flat out says they don't and can't exist.

No physical condition to suggest they ever could exist, no event in which they've ever been detected and measured has ever happened despite viral video maker claims.

I've explored deserted mental asylums for photography at night with a guy who does believe in them and he swears he sees things and I'm sure he's genuine and thinks he does. I personally think he's scared and his brain is thinking of survival and plays a trick to make you leave the danger area. Kids have fiercely strong imaginations and their developing brains will make them more susceptible to seeing things. As a tiny tot I was scared of the monsters in the dark and my room would often turn into things like desolate woods or I'd see a wolf sat on the end of my bed clear as day.

The one thing in common with all ghost sightings is it was something with a brain capable of tricking itself that saw it.

So don't panic. There's nothing out there. :)

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I wonder, in the case of Xtreme's Wellington for example, if it could be something at least theoretically possible such as a time ripple.

On an exploration forum of which I am a member, every now and then someone confuses a bit of lenses flare with a ghostie. I guess people see what they want to see.

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I wonder, in the case of Xtreme's Wellington for example, if it could be something at least theoretically possible such as a time ripple.

On an exploration forum of which I am a member, every now and then someone confuses a bit of lenses flare with a ghostie. I guess people see what they want to see.


I can't explain it......but I know what I saw! And it wasn't till a couple of years later that I found out that it was potentially paranormal related!

My view on ghosts/paranormal was pretty much the same as religion.......show me something and I'll believe it. And that's what happened!

However, I still haven't encountered anyone walking on water or doing tricks with loaves and fishes, so no change as regards religion.

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Id be surprised that any physicists would rule something out based solely on lack of proof.

just because you can't prove something doesn't mean it's not real or doesn't exist.

yes theres a lack of scientific proof, but there is a huge amount of witnesses who swear to have seen something paranormal.

Look back through history and every single civilisation has documented the concept of ghosts... they have all documented extraterrestrials too.

Can every single civilisation throughout the history of mankind really be wrong??

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Could something like this ever be confirmed or disproved by science though?

Because we're talking about something that is completely at odds with everything that science (as we know it) is based on.

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*Is being careful of this turning into a full debate*

I don't believe that science as we know it at the moment is the complete picture. We are discovering new things every day that we thought impossible yesterday..

I mean, at one point there was no proof whatsoever that the world was anything but flat.. etc etc blah blah..

With this topic I go with the same thought I have on religion.

We may think we're clever and all that, but we're not. Humans do not, at this moment, have the capacity to truly understand some of these concepts and are no where near having any kind of knowledge needed to explore such topics in depth; all we can do is guess with what 'facts' we have to hand.

I'm with Joeman, even with recent discoveries, not 5 years ago we had no proof of them; doesn't mean they haven't always existed, just that humans were too undeveloped at that time to know any better.

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Seems to me like there might be some truth to the idea of unpleasant things that keep coming back to haunt you...


Id be surprised that any physicists would rule something out based solely on lack of proof.

How many physicists do you know? I've met a fair few now and they're not the most reasonable or rational lot :lol:

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Id be surprised that any physicists would rule something out based solely on lack of proof.

just because you can't prove something doesn't mean it's not real or doesn't exist.

yes theres a lack of scientific proof, but there is a huge amount of witnesses who swear to have seen something paranormal.

Look back through history and every single civilisation has documented the concept of ghosts... they have all documented extraterrestrials too.

Can every single civilisation throughout the history of mankind really be wrong??


Every civilisation has the one thing in common. A brain.

It tricks you daily. Filling in details for you like colour and interpretations. Our brains are very prone to little malfunctions. I've seen tiny amounts of a drug make the silly sod doing it believe ninjas were jumping between bushes to come and steal from them. They woke up genuinely believing it had happened.

Also ghosts are inconsistent. People have seen dead relatives, monsters, demons, gods, Angels etc. No two are alike and the popular theory on this is because no two brains are perfectly alike. They can malfunction in similar ways but not perfectly identical ways.

Look at it scientifically. Does a ghost have mass? No? Then how is it bound to the earth? The earth despite not feeling it is barrelling through space at 67,000mph. Like neutrinos they'd pass through the earth and carry on.

If they have mass and can be observed by a human they are detectable yet never have been. So the conclusion is they don't exist and it's much more likely a weakness of a brain capable of imagination.

I wonder if belief in them is partly down to a fear of death. Pretty much everyone would like there to be something afterwards and ghosts which is also why pretty much every civilisation has had their own version of religion and afterlife.

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Fozzie, I know you like a good debate, but on this thread.. Can you not?

If you don't believe, that's fine! You are well an truly entitled to that view.. But this thread was members comparing their experiences and it was a friendly chat.

If you don't have any experiences to share, just leave those who have to chat to one another without having to tell them that it's only a figment of their imagination. It's not a friendly thing to do and this thread was really friendly..

This wasn't a "Do you believe" thread.. Just leave it be.. :?

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The op asked if anyone had freaky experiences with their kids. People who don't have kids also contributed and some who questioned ghosts existence also did so.

I am being casual and friendly in my explanations.

I didn't call anyone crazy or even wrong. I believe them when they say they did see something. I want to give the probable reason of why they saw it from a scientific perspective however. I do this in person in the same good spirit I do so here.

The world thrives on diverse views.

I once believed in ghosts but I listened to the scientific community and took it with a pinch of salt. As I grew more confident, I've never seen or heard anything remotely abnormal again, even in the presence of others who did.

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I have seen them. For me, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that I never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue my journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now I know that the Invaders are here, that they have tak...

...Oh hang on, I'm getting confused... :scratch:

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