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Number plate rules?


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I try to ride within to law, but In the same way that having a good lawyer on call is not the same a being guilty, I see no reason to make identification easy. I know that there are rules for number plate sizes and borders.  That's covered.  Are there rules for position, angle, lighting etc?  If so, where?

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The basics are covered by the MOT.


If the plate is not visible from a following vehicle then that is going to attract the attention of the police. as it makes a mockery of the ANPR system that they have on board. They will assume the worst and they could treat you as if you have no number plate fitted at all. so, you walk unless you can fix it.


Ive seen plates fitted at all kinds of crazy angles.. but for the most part they could still be read. The worst I've seen is a plate on an outrigger that had been turned sideways. I didn't know what to make of that. Can the ANPR read it? I'm sure that question was eventually answered by some copper following the rider.

Edited by Gerontious
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At every MOT I've had they check that the number plate is illuminated. I bought a tail tidy from the States which has a red lens with no lower section that is clear and my options were to either fit secondary number plates lights, such as the bolts with LEDs in them, or get a lens with a clear section that throws white light on the number plate.


I went for the latter option. 


However, if you look at the gov.uk website there's no actual mention that a vehicle number plate has to be illuminated. I suspect there is a distinction between the rules for the plate itself and the rules for the vehicle displaying the plate. 

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23 minutes ago, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

At every MOT I've had they check that the number plate is illuminated. I bought a tail tidy from the States which has a red lens with no lower section that is clear and my options were to either fit secondary number plates lights, such as the bolts with LEDs in them, or get a lens with a clear section that throws white light on the number plate.


I went for the latter option. 


However, if you look at the gov.uk website there's no actual mention that a vehicle number plate has to be illuminated. I suspect there is a distinction between the rules for the plate itself and the rules for the vehicle displaying the plate. 



You're right.. and so Ive edited my post.


(2) Where the vehicle is being used on a road between sunset and sunrise the registration plate fixed on the rear of—

(a)the vehicle, or

(b)where the vehicle is towing a trailer, the trailer or,

(c)where the vehicle is towing more than one trailer, the rearmost trailer,

must be lit in accordance with this regulation.

(3) Where a vehicle (or, in a case where the plate is required to be fixed on a trailer, that trailer) has been constructed so as to satisfy the requirements of the relevant type-approval directive, whether or not it is required by law to satisfy them, that plate may be lit by a lamp which complies with those requirements but if it is not so lit it must be lit in the manner required by paragraph (5).

(4) Except as provided in paragraph (3) that plate must be lit in the manner required by paragraph (5).

(5) This paragraph requires the plate to be lit so that it is easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area having a diagonal length—

(a)in the case of a plate displaying a mark having characters with a width of 44 millimetres, of 15 metres, and

(b)in any other case, of 18 metres.



The law also defines how the plate should be fitted.


(3) This paragraph requires each plate to be fixed—

(a)in a vertical position or, where that is not possible, in a position as close to the vertical as is reasonably practicable, and

(b)in such a position that in normal daylight the characters of the registration mark are easily distinguishable, in the case of a plate fixed on the front of the vehicle, from in front of the vehicle and, in the case of a plate fixed on the rear of the vehicle or trailer, from behind the vehicle or trailer.

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3 hours ago, Yorky said:

So what you're saying is that you try to ride within the law when it suits you??

No. Not at all, but in the same way that you have the right to remain silent - even if you are innocent, we only need to comply with the letter of the law, not the spirit.  I'm just saying that I have no requirement to do the Police's job for them or make it easy.  Also, we need to know what modifications are permissible so that a "down on quota" plod  doesn't hit us with a technicality that we didn't know existed.  There is no such crime as "failing to display a reasonable number plate. So, what is the letter?

Readable from behind - but not above?

what height? How far from other text?

Sure it needs to be illuminated, but how brightly? What colour? What angle? 

I've seem plates at a reverse angle so there is no way that a gatso could read them.  I've seen them on their side too!

What else?

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The law is quite clear. if you want to play silly buggers then Im sure you can twist it any way you want. until you get stopped by a traffic copper who knows the law inside out.

The problem with being stopped for something like this is that coppers tend to treat it as the thin end of the wedge and will pay a lot more attention to you and your bike and are far more liable to treat any other acts of naughtiness or rebellion rather more seriously.

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Many years ago I got stopped by the police and was told that my tow ball was partially obscuring the middle character on my number plate and would I please rectify it. Oh and by the way your indicators are not flashing at the prescribed rate. ( to be fair when the revs dropped and brake lights were on the indicators stopped flashing). 

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