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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. SO....MUCH........WANT!!!!!!!!! OMFG that is *gorgeous*! Got me all green eyed!!!! I'd probably open up the throttle and die immediately - either from the thrill or being a total bellend on such a powerful bike!
  2. How could we forget?? You alright lovely? Stiil on your Bandit?
  3. Chain cleaner (or parafin), toothbrush and/or j cloth, then rinse and use bike chain lube. I also put newspaper or cardboard on the ground, and when using the toothbrush I hold a bit of cardboard behind the chain so none of the gunk sprays on my wheel when cleaning. I was told on here when I started out to never use WD40 because it dries out/repels the chain lube...
  4. It did when I had it - fully charged battery and electric start never worked, was forever kickstarting - almost broke my bloody foot once haha! Tbf kickstarting a big little bike like that looked cooler anyway!
  5. Your daughter is gonna freaking LOVE you!!! Looks like it is gonna be epic - love the little porch area and plant pot under the window! I spent SO much time in my little wooden playhouse as a kid, encouraged me to play in the garden as much as I could, got really into gardening and I still have green fingers . I had a Playmobile house inside it that I loved to bits, or I'd torture bugs in there with my bug dissection kit (don't ask! Was from a bug magazine...) , fed worms to my dad's koi carp, and tried to 'dig to Australia' in a patch of grass beside my playhouse. My mum recently told me she used to put all the mud back in the hole and stamp on it when I was done! THE DECEPTION!!!!
  6. And men I'd like to add not that I find them attractive, just sayin
  7. No worries, thanks for helping make my monthly £8.50-ish subscription to using Photoshop worthwhile! Fixed
  8. ARGH just wrote my post after HOURS of editing these pics and bloody Firefox crashed!!!!!!!!! And again...here are the rest of the pics from the rideout at last! Took a lot of time to do as despite having a fab Panasonic Lumix camera, due to camera shake a good few were blurry (over 30mph was a challenge with the wind pushing the camera away!), some had overexposed skies, taken at an angle etc etc, so I wanted to correct them...then I got a bit keen with layers and levels and dodging and burning and such...but was so worth it! The quality of pics from this rideout were far superior to the last tho, pretty freaking chuffed ('mazin crimbo pressie from Fozzlebags!). It was difficult taking pics on the back of Tango's Speedie but I loved being able to do it again, was v scared I would knock the protruding lens, arse trying to escape the seat constantly , I needed my hand on the tank at times with a big compact in my hand (always wrapped in my hand so as not to damage the cam or the beautiful Speedie tank!). Wearing a thickly gloved hand I could just about manage to shoot in Sport Mode as my thumb kept knocking the dial in Shutter Priority - then it kept leaving Sport Mode and I had to fumble to adjust it, but ended up with another awesome shot of Joeman thumbs-upping me in accidental Miniature Mode (hence the blurred edges but I cropped it)! : P1010644a - RQ.jpg[/attachment] And SO MUCH MORE (Fozzle's most hated saying!) . Enjoy and feel free to PM me if you'd like me to send you original large files . Cheers for the awesome ride everyone, was great to see all of you and I look forward to the next one
  9. I've not had time to edit I'm afraid, expect the rest of the pics by the weekend lovelies... Great vid Phil, was hoping to see Fozzles burning rubber chasing you tho ! He really enjoyed that bit, nice to see him enjoying riding again... Off out to attempt my first proper drive in my cage...is it weird I find it way more scary than biking?! Also, I used to go to Business Networking International mettings all over London and really enjoyed it...mainly cos I was being paid to chat to lots of hilarious people, eat exceptionally posh breakfasts and think up amoosing 60 seconds selling my dad's business. Lol @ the pic btw Wolls, tho didn't know who any of those characters were of course haha, Chris had to elaborate. I like BonnieBird's the best!! Defo got the boobage right there!
  10. I've just deleted the slideshow link cos it was pants, and I prefer the Story layout - you can click to enlarge too Nah, I just made an album and it says 'Story' under the share links - I think it looks great - they've stolen the idea from Google+ I think.
  11. Yay, video footage! Here are some of my pics - about 10 mins past the petrol station so still got a lot to go!! Check back to see the rest in the next few days... http://s766.photobucket.com/user/BikerM ... Fers/story Was hard to take pics as it was a bigger camera, a windy day and I didn't want to damage it as the lens extends but did alright despite that mostly piccs of us all chatting or in 30-40mph zones
  12. You young uns! I'm knackered We got back about 6.30ish We got back at 5ish and I went to bed hahahaha! Just had a lil rest - was v sore, and the ride back the buffeting from the wind on the M25/M23 was mental too!! Chris and I both had a hand on our helmets to stop our heads being pushed around so much and I had to ask for a break at services ! Shouting to him, wind in my face, to pull over at 80mph was v hard!!! Was a fab day though, glad we came and I got more pics to make my monthly Photoshop subscription worth it ! Hahaha!
  13. Hahaha, I know! I have SO many pics...I've edited up to the fuel-up so far. Just seen a close-up of you! Didn't get many with you in though, must've been much further ahead of us . Trying to bash em out as quick as I can cos I wanted to drive my cage tonight Doubt I'll finish today - I'll put up what I get done before I hit the hay
  14. I created a Rideout Report for us to natter about the ride today and share pics and videos and such - see link below viewtopic.php?f=23&t=56684
  15. I created a Rideout Report for us to natter about the ride today and share pics and videos and such - see link below viewtopic.php?f=23&t=56684 I know how you feel, I had to have a lie down when we got in & didn't even do the whole day!
  16. Hope no one minds me making this Ridout Report thread - I thought it'd be a better place to put our pictures, videos and any chat regarding the awesome rideout today (seeing as we currently have 2 separate threads for it for South East and Cambridge peeps). A huge thans to Phil and Mr Fro who arranged it ! And for the non slip stuff Phil . ...had so much fun today, sorry Fozzles & I didn't do the last leg but would've taken us hours to get back and Fozzles is up v early for work and some general life stuff to do before next week - and tbf I was *majorly* struggling on the ride home anyway! Was a very successful, very fun ride and I got to put more names to faces and drool at lots of shiney bikes. A huge thankyou to Tango for letting me ride pillion again - apart from my arse not wanting to stay on the seat, it was immense, like old times! I was giggling ang grinning like crazy and got a few good pics where I could (when the wind wasn't battling the camera and when the settings didn't keep changing cos I couldn't feel myself pressing buttons in my bike gloves)! I will get more pics up later - but this is the group photo http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/Rideout%2004%202015%20Shandy%20Drinkers%20and%20Cambs%20TMBFers/P1010505b_zps9utt9wyg.jpg You guys rock!
  17. Feeling tempted! May even be able to ride myself if my steering bearings and clutch are fixed by then . Never been to a *big* rideout event like this, would love to aswell!
  18. So SOOOOOO jealous! And only found out about Highland Cattle in Cambridge after I moved away...lived there for over 10 years!! FFS My first job this morning was to take Minty her carrots and cornflakes with molasses and give her some fresh hay. She's in quarantine because she broke her pelvis. Then fresh hay and water for the other seven. They came galloping over And tomorrow I get to do it all again! OH. MY. GOD! So where are they? And is there any way you could make it happen so I can feed and stroke them (pleeeeeease!)! To say I am obsessed with cows is putting it lightly and these are my freaking FAVOURITES! I do also understand they can be dangerous, but I tend to know how to approach them...and when to not bother and walk away . Love the name Minty! Hope she gets better soon - how did she do that?? Also, can we swap jobs?
  19. Leathers (jacket)! With a hoodie and long sleeve top underneath (I are cold ALWAYS!) And textile trousers...cos I have my favourite RST's WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shoooo excited! That reminds me, need to charge up my compact and put a bigger SD card in - moo gonna be taking pictures! Joeman, need another one of you with your thumbs up or doing something different haha! . Not gonna bother with my Go Pro...I should really sell that thing!
  20. Haha true! We are making our own way there just to avoid the crazy traffic, being lazy sorry! Chris pulled a massive crosshead screw out of hos rear tyre yesterday, he plugged it up with tyre weld and hoping it holds out! It did for his SV and my CBF, hopefully all will be fine! See you all tomorrow - I will forget your forum names no doubt and struggle to remember both forum names and real names...everyone should just buy TMBF tshirts to make it easier!
  21. Bic ink and a charity shop jacket sounds like the best plan to me . But seriously, that really is horrible. Keep all your valuables in your locker always... Let us know what happens!
  22. You told me this morning you are selling the Kymco today, use the dosh to help towards a second hand CBF125/more reliable Jap bike and save some dosh
  23. Ah ok, I was always told you should call immediately after an accident, rah rah. No worries - I am now motherf***kin INSURED! Omg so excited!!!!!!!! Dear lord, I have to drive it home tomorrow!!!!! 45 min-ish journey on a Satruday, having never driven on a road before. Better get me some L Plates today!!!!! AAAH SO EXCITED!!!
  24. Cheers, Fozzles said that...what solicitor? Ever used one? Do ya know of a recommended one so I can add it to my phone and Useful Notes in my purse please in case the worst happens?
  25. Sooooo....any idea if I can get that added on elsewhere - or shall I just call them and ask how much extra for legal assistance? Any advice would be great thanks
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