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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. Cheers, Fozzles said that...what solicitor? Ever used one? Do ya know of a recommended one so I can add it to my phone and Useful Notes in my purse please in case the worst happens?
  2. Sooooo....any idea if I can get that added on elsewhere - or shall I just call them and ask how much extra for legal assistance? Any advice would be great thanks
  3. Wow - that doesn't even make any sense!! Definitely money better spent elsewhere...
  4. Hahaha, these are brilliant! I used my gloves to stop myself from getting rope burns when moving house - we were lowering possessions down from a first floor balcony to the ground in sand bags! Also wore my bike helmet when quad biking some years back...glad I did too, the helmets they supplied were pretty minging! . I'm sure I've worn bike gear for other things too, but these are all I can think of right now...
  5. So SOOOOOO jealous! And only found out about Highland Cattle in Cambridge after I moved away...lived there for over 10 years!! FFS
  6. Tbh, I like a friendly greeting, maybe can I help you, and that's it. Or a genuinely friendly chat about bikes etc...I'm more inclined to leave if someone hassles me/follows me around/watches me. There's a place not far from ours with a bike garage downstairs and gear upstairs where I got the damage estimate for Ermintrude (/Erminturd!) done after that guy reversed into her. I walked around looking at the gear and ended up just buying neckwarmers as the guy hassled me constantly. Given some time alone, I would've likely tried on a few jackets as I really need a new winter one, and I was genuinely interested in some converse-style waterproof boots and tank protectors, but didn't bother. Sounds like I need to borrow a 2yr old when shopping in Camden market next time, see if it makes a difference there too...only reason I avoid the market stalls is because you are hassled constantly . I am surprised tbh, defo go back alone in your gear and let us know what happens. And inform them at the end if you did notice a change in approach. Just because you have kids doesn't mean you aren't a hardcore biker!
  7. PM'd ya looks like we may be passing where you live if we go the slightly longer route via central London...
  8. Yep yep ! Can we meet you somewhere en route to the meeting point? We're in Sutton
  9. We are still planning on coming! But a little advanced warning - I am at home with flu and sinusitis today and will be off work again (unpaid for the 3rd time - grr!) tomorrow aswell - I've been prescribed a strong 7 day course of Amoxicillin. Hoping to make the rideout still though, have been ill on and off for over 2 weeks now...hoping Sunday will be a good day and the antibiotics will have kicked in by then . It looks like the sun will be shining and the leathers will be out in force!
  10. Oh nooooes! Just aswell you have a replacement for this weekend!
  11. Aww booo, these things can't be helped tbf! I have been the ruiner of a rideout with a flat in the past too, dw about it
  12. Hahaha, oh dear what happened? Saw a lot of bikes out, several weekend warriors with matching kit, matching bike and chicken strips wider than on my 125 , and one bike accident (aftermath of, lots of people there so didn't stop). Hope everyone had a great day, was lovely weather in the morning/early afternoon . I spent it with family and gave my nephew his birthday pressie (a big, plastic yellow ride-on digger!)
  13. Awwww, did ya enjoy farm time, Joeman? For Easter and part of my 30th burfday funtimes, Fozzles took me to see my favourite cows...ultimate day out for me!! http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/P1010229a_zpsc6ewz8ax.jpg http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/P1010244a_zpsbd4mmnih.jpg Also saw lotsa bunnies, guinea pigs, chicks, lambs, goats, other breeds of cows, gianormous pigs and cute lil piglets. Best day out for me! PS - your own teef are always the best
  14. That reminds me of one of the pressies I'm giving my 2 year old nephew tomorrow... Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 19.41.12.png[/attachment] Hope you enjoyed your chocolate coma! I was ill all last night, then decided having white chocolate Easter bunny for breakfast was a good idea... !!
  15. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Gonna go all dental nurse-y on you lovely bikey people just because I care , advice for adults and kids (not just for Easter!) - take it or leave it ; > Don't snack on chocolate lots throughout the day, try to eat what you are going to eat all in one go or a couple of times in the day to reduce sugar attacks on your teeth - and best to eat it with meals if you can. > After eating your chocolate, chew on sugarfree gum, rinse with mouthwash or water to reduce the pH levels in your mouth and wash away some of the sugar, and don't brush your teeth for at least half an hour or you risk eroding your enamel. Enjoy! I ate my chocolate rabbit's eyes so it couldn't watch me eat it...
  16. Yaaaaay, thanks so much! Have been wearing the same thermal vest my mum got me from the old lady's Damart catalogue since I was 14 ! Bought two - a hoodie one and a normal one - woop! I'm always cold so this is pretty exciting for me
  17. That reminds me, when I gave my mother her first PC, she phoned me up to ask, "Do I need a new internet if I want to send emails?" I have no idea how she reached that conclusion. Also, to this day, she refuses to believe that it is possible to send an email from any device with a mail client or web browser. She insists that she can only send emails from her home computer. I have no idea why. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! God help you!!!!!!!!!! I would just give up if I were you tbf My nan posted on Facebook all by herself in the week about having a lovely Chinese meal...an hour before she sent me an email just saying FACEBOOK - I think she thought she was searching for it! I then got an email saying she has had friend requests from a lady from church, and 3 family members, 'one of which is a man but for some reason he is dressed as a lady'...yeah, sounds like one of our family members!
  18. I had a quick look, it seems to be the SHARK S900 but they are £200 now. Blimey, I got a bargain then!
  19. Bless you, sorry to hear that lovely and glad your job continued to work out for you x
  20. If you find helmets don't fit you so well, you may find the ones that you can pump up to fit your face better work well for you. I have an awesome Shark helmet that has a pump - I put it on, press the pump on the side several times and it fits perfect, the field of view is great too and comes with an optional pin lock - which you probably wouldn't use to start with as it does restrict your view, but is of course optional. Not sure if other brands have the pump feature too, but worth asking next time you try one on. Mine cost £140 I think at the NEC bike show a couple of years back- bargain! Also have owned the basic black Spada helmets £60 - fitted perfect, have a high (is it Sharps?) rating and I had an off where I hit my head first and was like hitting my head on a pillow haha ! Worth a try...only bought the Shark one cos I dropped the Spada one several times and it was pretty http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/Mobile%20Uploads/5732d4c7-efeb-4d62-9905-6beeee7050f3_zpswewihzvm.jpg This is the best pic I can find of it right now - it has a bright green compass on the sides, looks immensely cool! Fozzles is a fan of them too
  21. Everytime I encounter your red writing it makes my eyes go all weird and the screen looks strange. Is this your desired intention? Also... guilty as charged with staring at things when I should be looking forward. It's shop windows that show my bike that get me. Have done it since I joined - I enjoy standing out from the crowd . You should get your eyes tested if a bit of red text makes them go weird !
  22. If it was a genuine laugh I' sure she wasn't freaked out, you probably made her day!
  23. I may or may not have done this staring at a puppy when I was very new to biking, with a little wobble...and again last year just going a bit too fast and not paying attention to people ahead braking, and had a big wobble....was impressed I held it tho tbh! I wonder if she noticed you perving then saw the almost-accident? Ego boost x 100 (or creeped out if she hates bikers!)
  24. 2 threads for one rideoout = confusing! *Really* looking forward to it already - got a really exciting few weeks ahead!
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