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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I WANNA SEE YOUR FREAKING BIKE!!! You *MUST* come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do something shit!
  2. I think I tense my legs up too much sometimes - and long straight motorway rides are mega painful as there is little opportunity to shuffle and literally stuck in the same position the whole time - and my knees were verrry cramped (aware they will be on an R1 too!). With a decent stop off after an hour or 2 max I'll be be fine...I'm willing to suffer a bit for some bikey funtime! I was ok on the last rideout after all, was sore after but not in tears like going Oop Norf on the motorway. Worst case scenario I can always get a train home . I'm happy to get the train to where you're all meeting/somewhere to easily meet Phil if Fozzles doesn't wanna join. I honestly don't mind you not going lovely, I understand ...I was there when I saw your heart break when the RR wasn't next to Ermintrude anymore, I changed your bandages and watched you hobble and lose interest after the accident and I know you're not enjoying it as nearly as much as before. All you used to do is talk about bikes, now hardly ever. You were always at The Oval working on the RR and SV now been once in maybe a year? Although I do reckon when the weather improves and all the bikes are out you'll be a keen bean again x I may take you up on that! Did you end up taking a pillion in the end then? If not I don't mind being the first victim .
  3. Woah! So sorry to hear that, and hope your knee is ok - hassle them for the soonest appointment if they mention a waiting list - you were involved in a nasty bike accident, you should be seen asap. Keep smiling
  4. How will ya get your bike there?? And I'm guessing it'd get cancelled anyway if it rains....... Indeed. You could hitch a ride though with enough people going... I feel bad/like an annoying tag-along having to rely on others, would likely be scared shitless riding pillion with peeps riding in a more...spirited way shall we say ...but would be well up for it . I could take lotsa pics again!!!!
  5. How will ya get your bike there?? And I'm guessing it'd get cancelled anyway if it rains.......
  6. Things have got a lot better since then... now I have a proper satnav with way points His call but today, me, Joe & Raabey had a 4hr twisty ride. Very good it was. And that route isn't half as good as this essex run. Aww, bless ya! It's not that - Fozzles has lost his enthusiasm for biking atm - I think due to the RR (which was his proper pride and joy) being stolen, then knocked off his CBR600F etc, insurance going through the roof too....can't really blame him. Is a huge shame though If you're all hanging round chatting for a while at the meeting point I could get the train or something. Would just like to see you all and have a catch up, see some bikes and get all excited! - and see some of the lovely Cambridge peeps too - really miss Tango, Bonniebird and co
  7. Haha, not fishing for offers - just a bit frustrated not being able to do stuff I wanna do - but thanks lovely! And don't be silly, you're not a shit rider, I've been behind ya
  8. So I stayed at my nan's and went to the church group free IT lessons (and complimented the nice guy giving his time up to help these small groups of oldies!). She can now use Youtube, search for things on Google and search for images on there, and use email. Facebook is a bit too advanced atm I think - also briefly showed her podcasts for Radio 4 and downloaded The Archers omnibus and some other old people shows for her ...she's doing well! Though I realised I can only send her one email at a time - she couldn't find the second of the 2 I sent her this morning haha! 10559847_1550148148586706_7488120465872057564_n.jpg[/attachment] I'm sure it'd be more tricky if it was something she relied on, like online banking though Have you given up now Xmister?
  9. Errrm, it's all about the 'barm cakes' apparently....f*cking BARM CAKES! IT'S A BREAD ROLL GODDAMNIT! ...count me in in a year or 2 when I get a full license and a proper bike! Hitch a lift on the back of fozzies.. No excuses! Lol He's not keen and my knee starts hurting after a bit. Tho tbf the last ride it got really bad on was a looong motorway run... Bah I miss meeting up with other bikers. I don't trust my 125 on long journies til the steering bearings and clutch are sorted (or I get a new bike), and most people don't want a 125 tag-along anyway! I can understand tbf. Next year will be my year for doing my test and upgrading and joining others for rides...lots to save for atm
  10. Seen it before, brilliant! I definitely never did this with the disc lock still on...
  11. A basic answer from a person who only knows basic stuff ... Yeah, just fill it a bit, wipe and check the dipstick (with it resting on the hole, not screwed in), pour more in, wipe and check...after doing it once you'll get an idea how much you have to fill usually. If you over-fill it's a mucky pain-in-the-arse job of unscrewing the screw from underneath and draining some out...I had to do that the first time I filled up and regretted not just taking more care when filling up. Had no excuse either really, that bike had a window so you could see how much you were filling up haha! Make sure the bike is on centre stand and you may find it easier using funnel. If you don't have one, put some cardboard or newspaper down first just in case. Make sure you use motorbike oil not car oil, keep that bike running happy and good luck! Don't forget other important stuff like chain tensioning and tyre pressures etc . And check YouTube videos to watch someone else do it first if you don't feel that confident
  12. Errrm, it's all about the 'barm cakes' apparently....f*cking BARM CAKES! IT'S A BREAD ROLL GODDAMNIT! ...count me in in a year or 2 when I get a full license and a proper bike!
  13. Awww, meeting some family for my belated birthday celebrations that day - boooooo ! Would've loved to join
  14. Xmister - sounds like your mum is defeatist and annoying haha! I hand wrote and drew my nan instructions for her why pad.... I'm staying over at hers on Friday actually to help her with it more - she has been going to lessons at Bromley College and with the Church Club to learn how to use it ...I spent 2 hours solid with her showing her emails and YouTube a couple of weeks ago and she's actually getting it - she said she learnt more with me than anyone else, hence me going back to show her more and will sign her up to Facebook so she can see family photos etc...really impressed with her. Bearing in mind my nan is 73 and has never typed on a keyboard before and I think iPads are way more annoying/difficult to use cos you have to be careful how you press them etc...I'm pretty damn impressed with her! I am actually going to the Church Club IT group with her at 10am on Saturday morning too...will be surrounded by IT impaired holy oldies! Wish me luck!!! Here's wishing you good luck too - try not to strangle her if you can!
  15. Beat me to it! No Toss Gear tonight either, so defo no excuse! Hahaha!
  16. Oosh, sounds like a tough one. But depending on how important your reference is, how your employer feels about it etc, if another job like this could come up in the future........ .....or you could make up a big white lie if you know they won't find out about it so it looks like you have no option but to leave? Something that requires you to leave sooner rather than giving the 3 months notice...but I suppose they might need proof...not sure and you don't want to get caught... ...good luck with it however you go about it . You do have to think about no.1 at the end of the day. Let us know how it all goes for you.
  17. Good luck! Sounds like a tricky one! Won't your new employers hold the position open for you? I'm guessing it's common in your industry to have to give 3 months notice?
  18. Come on peoples, where is everyone? Couldn't send a reminder today, was too busy teaching my nan how to use an iPad and fighting my dad to the death (very slight exaggeration!) for the last roast tatty and having a fun pillion ride home while slightly tipsy with The Fonz . Come join us! Hope all had a fab weekend
  19. It's funny finding posts about your bike you didn't know were still ongoing haha! Nope, Cambridge Motorcycles never had my bike for any kind of servicing - all I know is GuitarMan (John) who owned Ermintrude before me (she had 2 previous owners) got it serviced elsewhere, could ask him though not really sure what this would achieve. It wasn't him that took her apart previously, I just know he kept up with services to keep her in what he would've hoped was top condition. Since the oil change she has a lot more punch (not power, but generally just feels a lot smoother/not like she is gonna fall apart). I have got used to the scraping noises, effed steering bearings and fighting with her particularly when doing more delicate movements of the handlebars, particularly when filtering - tho Fozzles will be fixing soon methinks (grateful for all the help he's given me with her!). New brake pads and chain have made a big difference too . Atm I only use her for commuting, too cold for me to do any more than this anyway. Saving my pennies and hoping to do my test in the future, but so many other things I'd like to save for like an SLR and lenses and possibly a car...I may just keep her til she burns out. Yes, a car - I want something more practical for winters and getting about tbh. A 125 isn't gonna get me far when I have friends and family dotted all over the place, and when we move Oop North, it'll be wetter and colder and I'm likely to need to travel more than my current 4 miles to work! Will always have Fozzles for pillion rides at least and I hope to always have at least a little bike for fun runs and commuting when it isn't cold...Moo and cold are 2 things that don't go together well at all
  20. CHATROOM...7PM.....see you all in a bit! ...I'm off to make fajitas. Enjoy a picture of my hamster's swollen testicles in the meantime http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx302/BikerMooFromMars/1505349_1541296846138503_6555862147673030_n_zpsqiiviad0.jpg
  21. Just seen on Tarmac Terrorists on Facebook that a guy is selling (apparently his son's ) size 7 Sidi bike boots for £30 - he says nothing wrong with them, just wants rid. The guy is from Southgate in Crawley but guessing he could post... https://www.facebook.com/groups/ttadmin ... ment_reply If you can't find the post, search the guy's name (CTRL + F for PCs, for Mac it's Command + F); Tino Malino
  22. Ok, so not the most helpful feedback as I still only have the same summer gloves I have owned since I started biking a few years ago that I heat up on the radiator before I leave the flat...BUT! I desperately wanted these gloves, but couldn't justify the money this year as it has been a tight one...tried them on and felt so soft and warm and lovely! Looked online, tonnes and tonnes of good feedback. I'll buy them next winter and let you know The website description... • Richa motorcycle winter gloves with Gore-Tex • Visordown Verdict: The warmest winter gloves • Absolutely waterproof: Test verdict 10/10 • The right balance between bulk (warmth) & comfort • Knuckle armour, Superfabric (?! ) & Gore-Tex liner £99.99! (£100 then...! Hate the .99 thing haha)
  23. Yeah, I didn't notice a difference, but then I've not had any problems, others did! Thanks for tinkering though Is there a way we can share pics on there without having to upload and send links to photobucket/TMBF gallery etc please? Would be good - nw if not.
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