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Everything posted by Six30

  1. Seriously you know why that sticker is on there.... cause every fooker and his uncle has got one and it probably was so the previous owner could find it after parking it .
  2. im on about that massive sticker , use hot water on it or a hair dryer next time you have a go at it...second thoughts its probably hiding a massive scratch , leave it be.
  3. got out , weather good , did cloud over but no rain...
  4. your meant to rinse all that off mate....
  5. take it off and , bin it and oil it the proper way,
  6. they reckon he was trying to blow the bike up.... sour grapes.
  7. Six30

    A Fine Line

    Banksy would of done a better job.
  8. i couldn't live everyday like my last ... niece had a party for her 21st few week back , fook me was i ill on the Sunday and Monday and a bit Tuseday
  9. Enjoy life while you can , you just never know whats going to be round the corner in life.... cocaine and prostitutes hopefully.
  10. cocaine and prostitutes today then , just in case...
  11. imagine the revenue they will lose , no one will get speeding fines... if it gets to that stage biking will be shite, can see why so many do track days .
  12. Six30

    Any one …

    probably, my one indoors does it, i have 2 dont you know.
  13. Six30

    Any one …

    really Sherlock .... this laptop at work dont or i would of clicked on it
  14. Six30

    Any one …

    Recognise where this is , came up as screen saver on laptop, town in Germany Luxembourg ??
  15. keep your wig in there for when you stop at a posh lay by.
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