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Everything posted by bonio

  1. So I've just splashed out big time and bought myself a bluetooth headset from Aldi . The problem is... fitting it. It comes with a clamp that you fit to the side of the helmet, under the lining. But I've just to come to take the lining out of my helmet to find a big red notice saying Really? Should I just rip it out anyway? Or should I ponder my mortality, and, to safeguard my remaining time on earth, just take the headset back to Aldi?
  2. The way I've been recommended to try is to grip with your knees, and to try and keep relaxed - especially across your shoulders, since any tension there will result in a tight grip on the bars. Also keeping warm is a good tip like was said as you'll tense up once you start feeling cold.
  3. -> I want to live in a place where I can vote against politicians whose policies I don't like. (I don't mind if they get in again; I just want the chance to vote against them). But when do I get to vote against Merkel or Junkers or any of the people who actually run Europe? -> I want to live in a place where the elected government are the people who make the laws. This is no longer true in Italy or Greece. I don't want to hang around and until the same thing happens here. -> I want to live in a place that is happy to work with Europe and European countries, to trade with them, and enjoy freedom to travel, and still enjoy a good standard of living. Like Norway, say. So it's out for me, like Norway.
  4. I'd like to hear if there are any biker jeans that offer a decent level of protection. I had a pair once but lost confidence in them (too much reading forums like this one...) so I replaced them with some leather ones. But jeans are sometimes really convenient. And kinda cool too mode> .
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