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Everything posted by bonio

  1. Some cities make a fine sight when you arrive by sea. I've never done it, but New York must be one of them.
  2. Could be a hairline fracture in the radiator, one that opens up and starts to weep when it gets hot. I think if it we me, I'd try some Radweld, but I'm a bit of a bodger and others here will come along with more professional ideas. If you've got a pick of the bike with the leak, would be helpful.
  3. I've a feeling an engine strip down on the cards. Probably starting in the front room.
  4. I had a good friend once who had paranoid schizophrenia. When he was on a wobbly he would turn into one hellishly crazy dude. But most of the time he was good fun. Rest in peace, Chris. Sadly missed.
  5. Too busy this weekend to think about going away. Will have to get everything done on Friday.
  6. bonio


    @RideWithStyles is right: it's a 2023 bike and so under warranty. The dealer should fix it for free.
  7. bonio


    Welcome in! Very nice bike, looks like great fun. Abernethy? (the biscuit of course, not the place)
  8. I used to have it my Garmin, too, and it's useful. These days I use an app the has track logs, and I hope I can recognise where I was from the track. But as I've been able to show conclusively, it's not a fool-proof method.
  9. Fridays are days off for me, underserving scabster that I am. Bank holiday Monday, so only three more days at work between now and the Saray Grill. .
  10. In a different life where youre only 5 foot 5, you'd be ridng a grom and it would tick all your boxes. There was a nicely customised one at a local bike meet earlier in the week and it had crowds of admirers. But in this world, you could do a lot worse than an sv650.
  11. Happy birthday mate.
  12. Can recommend the ibis styles at petite foret, valenciennes. Very comfortable, free brekkie, easy parking, next to a small army base so there are men with guns watching over your bike, and loads of places to eat and a petrol station all within 400 yards.
  13. New boots for the DRZ. Had to replace the inner tubes too, as they'd had glued themselves to the rims. All in all 400 freakin pounds . Free coffee while I waited, which makes it all fine.
  14. Run some online insurance quotes. It could narrow the field.
  15. Welcome in! What bike you got?
  16. No need to redo the course. The only thing that counts is collecting those passes. But quite which you need to collect, I'm not sure. As said, best to call a school for advice, even if you don't book any lessons.
  17. The Schloss? Here are my thoughts. In the words of one of the local kids, it's "old-school". It's not luxurious. It's a bit dated. But it's clean and very, very friendly, a family-run place. They've a bike garage if you want, but there's no need to use it - it's a very safe area. The rooms are spacious, and have en-suite showers. At 55 euros a night half board it's not pricey, and although the cuisine isn't going to feature in Delia's Central European Tour, you will definitely not go hungry. And all the roads in all directions are 100% fun. It's a great base for a holiday.
  18. When my bike got nicked, the insurers passed me straight over to deal with the underwriters (Markerstudy). They were fine, settled in a fortnight. But the issue is this: if what happened to me is the norm, then your experience is in the hands of the underwriter, not the insurer. And there's zero information on which underwriters are ok. Where the insurer makes a difference is what they do to you when you come to change your address, replace the horn, add go faster-stripes to the wheels and so on. General word on the ground is that they're all basically ok except MCE. I don't have an MCE horror story myself, but some here might contribute.
  19. bonio

    Hi all

    I found the bigger bike a lot more confidence-building. It holds the the road better and you no longer feel like your rightful place in the gutter. You'll do fine on it. I'll give you 15 minutes and you'll wonder you didn't do it sooner Bikesafe is a great course: a chance in a lifetime to ride with (and hopefully a bit like) a copper.
  20. If you end up in the Eifel, then here are a couple of great circular routes starting in Neuerburg. All you have to do is sign up for a free MRA account, and you'll be able to see them and download in GPX or however you want them.
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