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Everything posted by bonio

  1. Back home just before 8. All unpacked. Must go to bed
  2. You need an MV Turismo with an SCS clutch! Works just like a scooter, but with gears. Has a handbrake too. But more seriously, I don't know.
  3. POIs... Finchingfield is a great place to stop for a cake or a bite to eat. Postcard pretty. I think you can visit Long Melford Hall. There's a horse museum in Newmarket if that's of interest. If not, Reiten Motorrad on the 1092 do good test rides and reasonable coffee.
  4. Two suggestions. One is to take the m11 then left on the the 505, right at the next roundabout down to Newport. There's a left turn in Newport that will lead you on back roads through Debden, Thaxted, Great Bardfield, Finchingfield, Castle Hedingham and on to Sudbury. Great roads. Or stay on the A14 to the Quy junction, and make you way to Fulbourn. From there you do Balsham, Ashton, Finchingfield and then as before. Can't really recommend the route from Haverhill or Clare to Long Melford: too much traffic and too many speed limits. If you really want a shorter rote then you'll have to be prepared to pick your way through the villages. A sat nav is essential cos none of the roads go in your direction for long. Something like this: leave the A14 at Quy and follow the signs right into Newmarket where you take the right turn to Dalham. Then head towards Stradishall, but just before you reach the village take a left and head for Boxted. You'll end up on a lane that will take you down to the A1092 where you turn left to Long Melford. Right in Melford on the main drag where an easily-missed left hand shortly after the Hall takes you to the junction for Acton. Have fun!
  5. Too knackered to post. Will try to stick up some pictures when I get home.
  6. And we're off... Stopped for a sausage butty in Fressingfield and again in Kent to see the house where we lived until I was three. I've not set eyes on the place for almost 60 years... it used be down a dirt track; now it's in the middle of suburbia. Then down the M20 to Ashford. First of the bunch to get here....
  7. So the dealer has come up trumps and found a replacement rear indicator me. They called with the good news this morning; it's being fitted right nowwhile I grab a cuppa.
  8. That's a discouraging start My missus did hers at a place where they had VanVans - a great bike for shorter riders. I'd phone around a few schools to say you're looking to do a CBT and do they have a bike for someone your height.
  9. oops. pressed the button before thinking: wrong order.
  10. I've got just 10 more lavender bushes to destroy, and a rose bush to plant before I can start the repointing. Could do with the loan of your little helper, mate. Will need a holiday by the time I finish today.
  11. Mid country? I know what you west country folk are like.... you mean, like somewhere near Crediton?
  12. Lucky the beer came the right way up. I'd have been unhappy with it sloshing out over my keyboard.
  13. Hey matey @Bungleaio, give us a few tips on how to keep a brick weave drive free of moss and weeds. Yours is a masterpiece in tidiness. Done my last work of the week. Just got the garden to dig over before I set off.
  14. Sticky tyres, man. Like it.
  15. the perfect number of gloves (1 summer, 1 waterproof, 1 cold-proof) just the right number of trousers (1 pair jeans, 1 waterproof, 1 aspiring to be waterproof, 1 mesh for summer) too many helmets (1 full face, 1 flip up, 1 oldie that should be chucked out) a jacket tsunami (2 waterproof, 4 leather, 1 mesh)
  16. I only missed mine for the first three years. I'm more or less over it now... almost.
  17. Looks even better on wetter.de: warm, and dry
  18. You're right, a heavy bike isn't going to help build confidence; something mid-weight will work much better. Adventure bikes tend to be taller then sports tourers, and with their wide bars, they're easier to handle too. There are loads to choose from, as the sector has become very popular. I've neither ridden a Transalp nor a Tiger 660, so can't help you on those. Whatever it is you go for, at least try to find one to sit on before you buy - you will know from that alone whether it's the kind of bike you will be comfortable on.
  19. Happy birthday mate. Don't get too drunk; need you to be sober on Saturday.
  20. Some cities make a fine sight when you arrive by sea. I've never done it, but New York must be one of them.
  21. Could be a hairline fracture in the radiator, one that opens up and starts to weep when it gets hot. I think if it we me, I'd try some Radweld, but I'm a bit of a bodger and others here will come along with more professional ideas. If you've got a pick of the bike with the leak, would be helpful.
  22. I've a feeling an engine strip down on the cards. Probably starting in the front room.
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