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Everything posted by bonio

  1. bonio

    Bike training

    I reckon the best thing you can do is find yourself an instructor you like, someone you trust. Go visit some training schools near you and talk to the staff and explain your situation.
  2. Hi mate. Have a good day.
  3. Rode Dr. Z down a green lane to the beach.
  4. bonio

    Hi everyone

    Fine here too. How are you doing? aaaand - far more important than that - what bike do you ride?
  5. A short follow up: after several weeks of waiting for souvenirs of the trip to land on my doormat in the form of speeding tickets: none at all. A happy end to a good trip
  6. This. I nod to 125s but I've given up on scoots.
  7. Best go talk to a few face to face. No-one's going to offer you a job on the spot, but you should get a feel of whether instructors are two-a-penny or impossible to get hold of. Almost certainly it's one of the two.
  8. I thought that was only if the other person answered. If they're out, you press button B.
  9. Had to put ours on to "away on holiday" a couple of days ago as one of the bedrooms had got down to 13C. Still managing to hold off turning it on to full blast.
  10. Definitely get in touch with them before the bill is due and say you're contesting it. You could try and get them to agree to defer the payment date while they're sorting it out.
  11. Oh no that's so discouraging. Really bad luck, buddy. Next time, though.
  12. So, one thing I've never understood. How come it's the coil that's mortal?
  13. You probably know this already, but make sure the person you get will give you a FENSA certificate for the work. It'll make things easier when you come to sell the place.
  14. Thank you sir. For the "young chap" bit, I mean.
  15. I've had my Rukka kit 7 years. it's a bit discoloured now from the sun, but still works perfectly. But layers are the answer for sure. To keep really warm, merino base, then a fleece, then something windproof, then the jacket. For the windproof thing, I use a thin nylon running jacket, but anything to stop the wind coming in will improve your warmth many times over.
  16. Wonder if the problem is the ignition barrel? It's possible it might be wearing out. I get that it's only done 4000k, but if it's made of a hard cheese, say parmesan, then it could be showing signs of wear. The thing that make me suspicious that it really is parmesan, is that it started doing it when the bike was new. That's no way ok. Have you tried squirting some WD40 into the lock and seeing if it improves it a bit? Otherwise you might be looking at a putting in a new ignition barrel.
  17. 3 cubic metres for £350 still isn't that bad... that used to last us a whole winter in our last house, with a fire every night. Might need to think about installing a wood stove. Probably too late for this winter, but chances are I'll still be around for the one after, so sensible to plan ahead for it.
  18. bonio

    New PM

    That might be perverse, but nowhere close to what happened in the 2015 general election: SNP: 1,454,436 votes. 56 seats Lib Dems: 2,415,916 votes. 8 seats In what way of thinking does this represent "the will of the people"? But when we were all given the option of what system we wanted, back in 2011, this is the one we voted for. Only got ourselves to blame.
  19. There's no benefit to be had for anyone if Putin were to fall: plenty there ready to take his place, and many far worse. The idea of a benign, liberal opposition ready to take power in Moscow is nothing more than an idol the West has created in its own image.
  20. In the situation you describe where you can't see ahead, single track roads are a problem, as you can't plan ahead and stop where there's space for two of you. When you do meet a car, you can't reverse, you don't want to stop in the grit and filth by the side of the road, so you haven't any option except to stop completely in their way. I don't see a way round it.
  21. I'd file the chargeback claim today. You've done all you can to try to get hold of what you paid for, and the company has refused to listen to you. Don't wait any longer - all you're doing by waiting is increasing the likelihood of running out of the time you have to appeal. The sooner you apply, the sooner you'll get your money back and move on.
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