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Everything posted by bonio

  1. ...but it's a good start drawing up a shortlist.
  2. This is good advice. You can't really know what a particular bike is like until you've ridden it. A bike is a really individual thing; one person will think a particular bike is amazing, but it will leave another person cold. And although you're 100% right in saying that 100mpg is important for a commuter bike, when you happen on the bike of your dreams, you might find a way to adjust how you see the situation.
  3. Rookie insurance mistake: asking a reasonable question and expecting a rational answer.
  4. bonio

    Hello Everyone

    Sometimes, @goat, you can be a little bit scary
  5. bonio


    Must be gutting for your son, but it's a hard fight. You're best off trying to put pressure on the company to pull their finger out. If it's a dealer you can write to the dealer head office. As Pie man say, write down what happened and when. If its a repair under warranty or for a recall, the consumer rights act says these have to be done in "reasonable time", so if they're delaying for no reason, you do have a claim, and you can ask the consumer advice bureau for advice. You won't get any compensation but you might them to get their act together and stop delaying.
  6. Good grief. Did you ask whose mistake? Mrs bonio had an appointment with a consultant at St Thomas' in London. They phoned the day before to check that she was still able to go. All fine. So off she went on the train, two and a half hours to get over to Tommies. When she gets to the reception, she was told there is no clinic, because the consultant's away on his holidays. No apology. Two and a half hours to get home.
  7. Oh no, that truly sucks. Hope the insurance take good care of you.
  8. I put a small screen on the DRZ because 70 mph in winter was to way too cold. Made it much more comfortable. Also made it easier to reach 80. As above, private road.
  9. What a freakin miserable journey. I don't know how you picked the thing up on slippery roads. Well done mate on getting it home.
  10. It's so clearly obvious what you need - a MV Agusta TV . It's definitely not an adv bike, it a sports tourer with the emphasis on squarely on sports, but still enough of what makes touring comfortable: comfy seat, panniers, cruise, decent screen, easy ergos. Hey, at least go and try one out.
  11. bonio

    Just joined in...

    You'll find there's a jokes thread which is perfect for your post. A mod might even transfer it for you .
  12. Me too. When covid started,I stopped commuting and I've become soft.
  13. Problem is the care varies even from one ward to another. My father in law was admitted 13 years ago with a renal problem and left in a bed on one ward where he was neglected for weeks, no treatment, no care. As a result he developed bed ulcers on his heels. They didn't notice them until they had become infected and painful. Then they tranferred him to a renal ward, where the nurses were basically lazy and heartless. The place was filthy: shit and pee everywhere. Visiting was strictly 2pm to 4pm. He was left there in terrible pain for five months while the doctors made no decisions about his care. In the end the infections had spread so far that he had to have both legs amputated above the knee. He spent three weeks on a third ward, for the amputations, where the nurses couldn't have been kinder. The ward was spotless. We could visit when we wanted. For him, those were three happy weeks in six months of utter misery. To his horror, they sent him back to the second ward, but they soon discharged him after that. He never walked again, and had to spend the rest of his life in a nursing home.
  14. Happy birthday @manxie49. Hope it's been a good one.
  15. Still waiting for speed cameras to arrive here
  16. bonio

    Hi Everyone

    That is beautiful
  17. bonio

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome in. Any pics of the bikes? I've even seen a DT175mx.
  18. You're far too easy on the programmers...
  19. I got one of the these because it was on kickstarter, and I thought hey why not? Actually, why not is obvious: it's not cheap. I paid $125 delivered. I see they're current doing deals on their web site (https://oakandiron.tech) so perhaps you can get it cheaper now. So why review it? Simple: it is amazing. First, it is beautifully made. It's feels nice in the hand, it looks pretty cool. It has a torch function so you can fix a puncture in the dark, and comes with its own velvety sleeping bag to keep it snug. Ok, still not worth $125, you're right. But the main is this: it's so easy to use. Just switch on, set the pressure you want, twist twist twist to get the hose on the valve, and press the button. Job done. It's so much easier than my old stirrup pump: pump pump pump then hose off and test the pressure, oh no a bit more, hose back on, pump pump, hose off, test again, oh no, etc. But this is the that bit wins me over completely: the stirrup pump I had was too long to go touring with, and so I had a back up foot pump that was 95% useless, which meant ages of pumping to get the tyre pressure up a couple of psi. This thing, though, is about 5" x 4" x 2" and fits into any bag or top box. It charges by USB, so it can be done while riding. If you need it, that is. I've already topped up 8 motorbike tyres and 4 car tyres and it's still showing 3 bars of charge out of 4. Conclusion: Rolls-Royce product. At a Rolls Royce price.
  20. Need to get an aftermarket screen on that boy
  21. bonio

    First Bike

    Spot on. A good laugh over 7k, and under 4k - polite as ninepence.
  22. Filled the MV up with E5 for winter. It's the DRZ or nothing until April or so.
  23. bonio

    First Bike

    CB500S It was a great bike, reliable, fun, easy to ride, and I was sorry to see it go. But overtakes took a lot of preparation (looking back, I can see now that I needed an even lower gear and a lot more revs). But they would have been less of a performance with a bit more power.
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