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Everything posted by bonio

  1. How are you doing with the mount [mention]raesewell[/mention] ? Is it still holding up? Asking as I'm tossing up in my mind between phone mount or satnav. I'd like find a way to use the phone as I don't want end up with a phone / sat nav fight like Stu has.
  2. That sounds like the one. He rides an S1000XR, so 50% wild, 50% sensible.
  3. 26 and 29 on the DRZ. I think it's 17 all round on the VanVan. But 36 and 42 has worked well for me on everything else.
  4. Don't know if this is much help: The older guy who runs the Helmet City store in Cheddar is getting a lid done for his wife. If you're passing that way, it may be worth dropping him and asking him.
  5. bonio


    All the best!
  6. To be fair the OP probably wouldn't have got pulled for the exhaust either,he got tugged for displaying illegal number plate Hmm. I think I had one of those as well
  7. Bad luck My old GSX-R600 had an unmarked exhaust. A bit on loud side, but it passed the MOTs cos the guys said they had no way to measure the noise level. I was just lucky that I never got pulled for it.
  8. [mention]Kevtherev[/mention] Hi mate. All the best with your appeal. While you're here, why not pop over to the Newbies section (here) and say hi
  9. They're supplied with sunglasses to protect your retinas from its raw beauty.
  10. Yupper. Can't quite get my head round it tho. Here's the dealer's pic Rides like a dream.
  11. Well it ain't no honda. And it doesn't have a Yam engine. Close. Very close
  12. No [mention]goat[/mention] mate. It's a bit bigger. And a bit less sensible. And I hold you completely responsible.
  13. Nope. Was tempted, mind. Something smaller.
  14. Ohhhhhh.... in my dreams. I need one dream for the bike, and another to be able to bend enough to sit on it.
  15. Yes mate. Really chuffed and still getting over the shock of making a decision
  16. Went to Aldeburgh and back. Nice conditions for riding here.
  17. Thanks guys for all your suggestions. In the end I got the first service thrown in plus a bit of a reduction on the grips - all more than I might have got otherwise. It comes in a few weeks.
  18. So a bit more information in case anyone's interested... Why buy new? Tbh I'd prefer something 2 or 3 years old (older than that and they have issues) but there are next to none around... I went to see one, but it was a bit bashed about and rusted in places after 6000 miles. There's another being sold privately; the guy says that in the he's 4 months he's had it from new, he's had it lowered, put new pipes on and had it remapped for more power (none of which I want) and he's holding out for no test rides. There are a couple of ex-demos around too, but they all come in at more than the new one.
  19. I've found a bike I'd like to buy. It's a 2019 model, but new and unregistered. The only 2019 thing about it is the colour, and that it comes with panniers included. I like the colour and I would get the panniers anyway. It's about £1700 cheaper than the equivalent thing in the 2020 model. It's a good saving, and comes in part because it qualifies for a £750 "manufacturer's deposit contribution" (available until the end of the year), but the new model doesn't. But here's the bit where I am clueless -how to go about negotiating a price? I'm thinking of saying something like this: if I buy it now it's just going to sit in the garage and depreciate, and that's going to cost me £500 or more, and ask if they can offset this with free labour on fitting some extras (heated grips, a scottoiler) and a free first service. Does this seem reasonable?
  20. Ohh is the quest for a new bike nearly over? Fingers crossed your insurance Co is playing ball about the old one. I'll answer in a new thread....
  21. Probably not. They were riding blades years back, and they'd reach max warp on them too. Round here though the police have been cutting back on their motorcycle department. My guess is they're considered to be a bit unwoke.
  22. Cheers [mention]Gerontious[/mention], [mention]Mississippi Bullfrog[/mention]. Currently looking at a new, unregistered 2019 model bike. Only difference with 2020 is the colour, which I happen to like. Works out £1500 cheaper. Dont really want a new bike but if they'll take a deposit and let me complete the sale in March (new plate, longer warranty) it might be a good option.
  23. It was @Lateralus I think, haven't seen him post in ages though. Yes sir, you're right. Couldn't for the life of me remember until I read this.
  24. I've always found multibike insurance was more than insuring two bikes separately. Not a clue why.
  25. That's way too much shite for one year
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