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Everything posted by bonio

  1. Me. Small lane. Lady on very wide horse, so I stop, forget foot down, keel over, leg pinned under bike. Lady on high horse asks if I'm ok. Bloke in 4x4 rescues me. End of story. Damage
  2. Nice work, [mention]goat[/mention]. Two bikes is the perfect number: one to ride and one to mend.
  3. wot wot wot wot wot? New thread with pics please
  4. Blimey. Looks just like Suffolk!
  5. Not sure you need a piece of paper, mate. Your bike's already been branded with the number
  6. Dunno if there's much you can do, but some of the others will no doubt already be hammering some creative ideas into their keyboards. If it were me I'd write a pen-and-ink letter to explain how unhappy I was, how disappointed in the BMW brand (this is a key phrase that they're trained to watch out for; it sets them up for what's coming next...) and that, in consideration for the inconvenience you've incurred, and as a token of their goodwill, you'd like the (first and second service / Navigator VI / quickshifter)* free. Which dealer is it? * delete as appropriate
  7. Welcome to the forum mate. Why not head over to the Newbies section and tell a bit about yourself, your dream bike and that kind of stuff?
  8. I've managed to follow [mention]oldgrump[/mention] AND [mention]Grumpy Old Git[/mention] 100th Bomb Group Memorial Museum Bressingham Steam and Gardens Cafe 33 Stradishall On Yer Bike Charney Manor Snelsmore Common Honesty Inkpen and then a beauuuuutiful road to the Hawk Conservancy Trust Tubby's Good Food Cafe, Dunkerswell Wing Farm. Impossible to find. The Haven. Foxholes Farm RAF Sawbridgeworth Memorial Great Saling RAF memorial Colchester Zoo The Shed, Sproghton. But I'd left my sign behind at Colchester Zoo, so I've made a "77" out of grass cuttings.
  9. Final suggestion: this one's a complete loop between Epping and Cambridge. It takes in some of the roads I've suggested, and includes some cracking roads in Essex too. It takes about the same time as your route between the two. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Cambridge/52.7469908,1.6434449/Blythburgh,+Halesworth/51.6095578,0.2669671/@52.2139588,0.2715726,9z/data=!4m71!4m70!1m25!1m1!1s0x47d85d89f32a012d:0x63a320e1a35e3d21!2m2!1d0.121817!2d52.205337!3m4!1m2!1d0.3822558!2d52.557796!3s0x47d818732a4066e7:0xc208fa08e4007bf5!3m4!1m2!1d1.0164376!2d52.5788179!3s0x47d9da5cf6be8521:0xa02f8623b5b5db97!3m4!1m2!1d1.439043!2d52.8729689!3s0x47d74fd0f0763433:0x85431e52f0faeda5!3m4!1m2!1d1.5508613!2d52.8005548!3s0x47d7530a4f2eee83:0xb3717ceb01a9cb48!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d1.6760293!2d52.4050634!3s0x47da19331e55b4f9:0xaec7f3a5639308!1m35!1m1!1s0x47da2050454505ab:0x1f661be096d6fb60!2m2!1d1.5984999!2d52.3219241!3m4!1m2!1d1.588018!2d52.2731837!3s0x47da20b77d903cf7:0x9b581133baea9fcb!3m4!1m2!1d0.835792!2d52.0841126!3s0x47d9ab96659055a1:0xdb6f73650e2495ee!3m4!1m2!1d0.5768038!2d51.9771507!3s0x47d8f82ad6179a41:0xebfd40079b85c95a!3m4!1m2!1d0.4175942!2d51.9357535!3s0x47d8f482c61cc0b1:0x6e69d7c1d8f6385f!3m4!1m2!1d0.3582512!2d51.8183979!3s0x47d892dd04cfa2c9:0xc0ad0875694356bc!3m4!1m2!1d0.2627329!2d51.6777405!3s0x47d8bdf4be947f49:0xb2322b9dbe5e8c63!1m0!3e0 The only rider is that the A10 between Ely and Cambridge can be really busy in rush hour (with traffic mainly going south in the mornings, north in the evenings). It's worth it though: the A10 between Littleport and Downham Market is great fun. The only speed camera was torched years ago and never replaced. It's the fens.
  10. [mention]goat[/mention]'s suggestion of taking the A143 up from Bury, off at Stanton to Garbolisham and then the A1066 to Thetford is a good option. It's a nice improvement over the A134. As for the rest of your loop, I can't add much, it's not an area I know well.
  11. Your route from C to D is nice. The stretch from Yarmouth to Lowestoft is a bit built up and gets a lot of traffic, but south of Lowestoft, the A12 is nice and wide and some sections are reasonably bendy. If you go that way, be sure to stop off at Covehithe, look at the church, and walk down to the beach and the broad. It's just a couple of miles off the main road. If you fancy a different way, here's an alternative. It keeps in the best bits of the A12 (including the option to stop off at Covehithe) but takes you through the hearts of the southern Broads, crossing the Yare on the ferry at Reedham. Have £2 ready for the ferryman. It's a really nice route, but there's a few miles of fairly straightforward single track roads which you'd have to be comfortable with. https://i.imgur.com/VMMaZeQ.png' alt='IMGUR>'> https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Rollesby,+Great+Yarmouth/Blythburgh,+Halesworth/@52.4889119,1.5092594,10z/data=!4m29!4m28!1m20!1m1!1s0x47d0aa82cdb8cd95:0x2f2e60f342895330!2m2!1d1.6193721!2d52.684591!3m4!1m2!1d1.5381433!2d52.6193935!3s0x47d9ff287376247b:0xd30f51ef51ae2ea4!3m4!1m2!1d1.5547848!2d52.5622636!3s0x47d9f85efa0ad6ab:0x2f41ccfda63a876a!3m4!1m2!1d1.6760293!2d52.4050634!3s0x47da19331e55b4f9:0xaec7f3a5639308!1m5!1m1!1s0x47da2050454505ab:0x1f661be096d6fb60!2m2!1d1.5984999!2d52.3219241!3e0
  12. The A14 is like a 4 lane motorway; it's not much fun for bikes unless you're just trying to get somewhere else fast. So, a couple of suggestions for segment D to E: First, one that includes the classic A1120, a road that is forever changing from wide to narrow, fast to bendy. Best when traffic is light, as there are some sections where it's hard to get an overtake in. It also has the blinding, short section north from Stowmarket, a little-known local road. https://i.imgur.com/o22cA1H.png' alt='IMGUR>'> https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Blythburgh,+Halesworth/52.2563788,0.7187185/@52.2272647,1.1088619,11z/data=!4m29!4m28!1m25!1m1!1s0x47da2050454505ab:0x1f661be096d6fb60!2m2!1d1.5984999!2d52.3219241!3m4!1m2!1d0.9953245!2d52.2025371!3s0x47d9bab8aefb7681:0x1d181d446cfeaf45!3m4!1m2!1d1.0028326!2d52.2281834!3s0x47d9ba58b7a3d99f:0x86600a2fdbea341d!3m4!1m2!1d0.9436015!2d52.275237!3s0x47d9b7347db76b69:0xd745b573892b0c70!3m4!1m2!1d0.8360951!2d52.2715639!3s0x47d9b387eb6354fb:0xd9be17035221f04a!1m0!3e0 Or this one, which is probably the one I'd recommend. The B1123 from Halesworth to Metfield is truly sweet. Follow the main road all the way; don't take the shortcut down Christmas Lane. You will want to go back and do it again. The A143 is a nice, wide, flowing road with some sweeping bends, and plenty of opportunities to overtake. https://i.imgur.com/o22cA1H.png' alt='IMGUR>'> https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Blythburgh,+Halesworth/52.2563788,0.7187185/@52.3318686,1.2053356,11z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m10!1m1!1s0x47da2050454505ab:0x1f661be096d6fb60!2m2!1d1.5984999!2d52.3219241!3m4!1m2!1d1.384562!2d52.3592595!3s0x47d9f2b215b9707d:0x8b88f940d15bd1cc!1m0!3e0 Here's a variation on the one above: the B1117 from through Heveningham, Laxfield and Stradbroke. Classic Suffolk countryside and a good road to boot. https://i.imgur.com/xDdas2u.png' alt='IMGUR>'> https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Blythburgh,+Halesworth/52.2563788,0.7187185/@52.3214823,1.2437019,11z/data=!4m24!4m23!1m20!1m1!1s0x47da2050454505ab:0x1f661be096d6fb60!2m2!1d1.5984999!2d52.3219241!3m4!1m2!1d1.3432708!2d52.3069359!3s0x47d9925e1034d0bb:0xc02af2489163679!3m4!1m2!1d1.1925245!2d52.3203054!3s0x47d9957387b90025:0xeea7530c31ae6aaa!3m4!1m2!1d1.0622821!2d52.3410473!3s0x47d9b8b767ab78b5:0xddea22108f2c7880!1m0!3e0
  13. [mention]onesea[/mention] No mate, don't do this route. The roads are mostly shite. I'll post some suggestions here. Just give me an hour or so.
  14. [mention]Pbassred[/mention] No, not just you. I got a good half a dozen gloves from sports bike shop before finding a pair to fir my stubby fingers.
  15. Don't do what I did: 1. Ran out of paint half way through job 2. Rushed to Lowestoft to buy a second can 3. Placed in passenger footwell. Drove home. 4. Braked... you can guess the rest We spend 5 hours cleaning the car out. Fortunately the stuff was water-soluble.
  16. bonio


    niccccce biiikes welcome in
  17. I like the register idea. Most of the people coming will be regulars, so you just need the sidesman to tick their name off on a sheet of paper. If someone's not on the list, they can give their address too.
  18. bonio

    What can I ride?

    Your CBT died in 2002. Since then, you're eligible to 1) to ride a moped up to 50cc, no 'L' plates 2) to take another CBT, and after that ride a 125 on 'L' plates Another CBT is probably the right route for you
  19. [mention]Mississippi Bullfrog[/mention] I done gone and bought me a sprocket
  20. [mention]Jaups20[/mention] The VanVan forum is here: https://suzukivanvan.forumotion.com/forum It still seems to be running.
  21. No I haven't. That's a good call. I think I'll go do it!
  22. You can get a test more or less at the end of our road. They've not much to do, so you just turn up and job done.
  23. [mention]Gerontious[/mention] ta. I've got one, a 2011 FI version, but other than much the same as the 2004 one you're looking at. Most VanVans are people's summer toys, so they tend to be pretty good condition. My impression is that most people buying them want one of those nice-looking ones, so my advice would be to buy one of them, and avoid anything that seems to be less-than-average. That way you'll have no problem when you come to sell again next year as long as you keep it nice. See later, though, about winter commuting... But there are a few reasons I wouldn't get a VanVan for what you describe. First, they're a bit underpowered compared with other 125s. I am featherlight (about 9 stone) and with me on and no luggage, I can wind the bike up to 50mph fairly easily. Anything beyond that, though, is a gift of the wind, or the hill, or some other happy circumstance. It *can* do 65mph, but only at special moments. Tbh it will fine for commuting in town and on 40s, but you will quickly tire of its underperformance on faster roads. The other reason is the wheels. Perhaps it's just me, but spoked wheels and commuting don't work well for me. They're a pita to get the pressure gauge in to check the tyres, and when you come to wash them they chew your knuckles off and still look filthy afterwards. Up to you though: no reason for spoked wheels to put you off if you're happy to live with them. There's one more point you might want to consider, and that the condition of the bike after a winter of commuting (if this is what you're planning). Commuting on salty roads is bad news for any bike: the chrome goes sad, even stainless corrodes. I don't know how the VanVan will stand up - mine only goes out on sunny days - but not many people buy a Suzuki for their unparalleled build quality. If it were me, I'd get a CG or a YBR. They will weather the winter fine. You'd be able to pick up one in average condition and sell it on next year for the same price. Either will go faster than the VanVan.
  24. I miss the Lime Button *sigh* those were the days.
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