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Everything posted by bonio

  1. Trying to find your lost youth, mate?
  2. I read your first in a bit of a hurry and saw FJR1300 instead of XJR1300 so I imagined you liked the sports tourer look. Ok, now I'm reading it more carefully, you want a largish naked or semi faired beast? Honda NC700X? Yamaha XSR 900?
  3. BBR is better than nothing, but it's good to be aware of its weaknesses - people have uploaded all kinds of routes they've done, whether they were any good or not. To get the best out of BBR, you need to look beyond the map, and go click on each road you're interested in and read what the person said. Too often it's something like "lot of boring straights but it got me to my Mum's in time for lunch". The Bikers' Britain books are excellent - I've never followed one of their routes and been disappointed. There are some apps like kurviger that will find twisty routes for you, but to me there are a lot of ingredients to a good road - sight lines, traffic, road surface - as well as bends', and I've not found the apps to be a replacement for local knowledge.
  4. bonio

    New to this

    Have you found the review? ... https://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-reviews/suzuki/gsx750f/1998/
  5. What about a VFR800? Triumph Sprint? Z1000SX?
  6. [mention]Mercer91[/mention] All us nobheads here learned to ride. So, pretty much anyone can.
  7. Good on you mate. Have fun. I like the idea of posting pics here so you'll know how it should go back together. I've got some pics of how the clutch fits, if you need them.
  8. Got an MOT for the VanVan. Just one advisory: L plate covering the rear reflector.
  9. I've got the Oxford Premium jobbie. It takes the Tiger fine, and I can wheel it about a bit too, as long as I don't go wild. With the VanVan and the DRZ, they both feel safe as houses. Only issue with paddock stands I find is it's tricky getting the bike kind of upright as you're lifting it. But with a 125, you can hold the bike up with one hand, no problem.
  10. Try one of these https://www.oxfordproducts.com/motorcycle/brands/oxford/workshop/big_black_bike_rear_paddock_stand/ or if you're feeling posh one of these https://www.oxfordproducts.com/motorcycle/brands/oxford/workshop/oxford_premium_rear_paddock_stand/ (look around for the best price, though) And you can fit bobbins if you want: see here Personally, I don't think I'd wouldn't bother, though. The paddock stands include hooks for bobbins and rests that you can use directly on the swing arm. Which is what I do on the DRZ and the VanVan.
  11. Best one I ever heard of was Randy Sarah
  12. I've heard of him, mate. I've even read his book. It was ok. Don't have the book any more, mind.
  13. Another thing that comes into play is experience. The first time I insured my 1200, the premium was around £1000 for a year. When I came to renew, it down to a quarter of that. The difference was that I could could say I had experience riding a 1200cc bike. If you want to save money, get a Bandit or a Fazer 600 for now and buy your beemer next year. Or you could explain the problem to the dealer and see if they're able to arrange some discount with BMW insurance But BMW aren't used to dealing with hard-up customers, so don't hold your breath.
  14. Did the original training with the Cambs group; had a great observer, a young lad riding a Pan. I wasn't a fast learner (in either sense), but he was very patient For this last retest, I did a couple of observed rides with folk the Suffolk group, and then the test was up your way by a bloke from Long Stratton. I'd say go for it. Worst that can happen is that you don't get on with it, in which case you just move on.
  15. Are you sure it's fuel? K&R air filters are meant to be soaked in light oil, and this can smell a bit like fuel. This surprised me a bit when I first found one on a bike. But possibly it is fuel, and then you might have found your problem. Definitely shouldn't cut out; like you said, it's dangerous.
  16. Is that a euphemism? I mean, I did clean my bike's exhaust a lot during lockdown. But also... Didn't know you smoked!
  17. I'd forgotten you'd done that mate. I learned loads too. I had to retake the RoSPA thingy last year. Still lots to learn.
  18. Nice one mate. Looks completely awesome. Join the ex-Beemer club
  19. Me too. But I also took the odd day's holiday and did some cycling. https://i.imgur.com/317wlKh.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>
  20. just look at that terrain still think you should get an xr 250, XT I do as well......but the problem with all these stations is the distance from where I live. Today was an hour on the Autovia/Motorway to get there......that's a hard slog on a small trailie. DRZ for you then. Even the 400 can provide the luxury of an hour on a motorway and leave you biologically intact.
  21. Been stung like that too. If only I'd had a TMBF buff...
  22. [mention]Magpie84[/mention] oh nooooes! Done that. So easy to drop a new bike..
  23. ... reminds me of the time I was hooning down the A14 on the GS, looked to my right and saw I was been soundly overtaken ... by a Reliant Robin.
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