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Colin the Bear

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Everything posted by Colin the Bear

  1. Thanks for the heads up Just what I need, womens pants
  2. And when buying bike gear, assume the riding position. It's not walking gear.
  3. Practice switching to reserve on the go. One day it may be important.
  4. Recommended tyre pressures are a guide. Tyres made by different manufacturers will perform differently at the same pressure. Different loads will need different pressures. Road temperature and ambient temperature will affect tyre running pressures too. Use the guide as a starting point. Adjust up and down in small increments , 1lb/sq", to find the sweet spot for conditions and loading. But more important, check 'em regular.
  5. Colin the Bear

    Slow idle

    It's the throttle stop screw or the idle set screw. Look what moves when you twist the throttle and you should see it. http://www.carlsalter.com/motorcycle-manuals.asp
  6. The first movement of the choke lever increases the revs. Further movement of the lever chokes off the air. If the bike ticks over fine but a little fast with a little choke the tickover needs adjusting. This is nothing to do with the choke lever, most bikes have an easily accessible screw to adjust the speed of the tickover. If you can't find it you need a manual which will show you where it is
  7. Manualy lubing the chain is fine for short trips in fine weather. For longer trips in foul weather a continuous system is beneficial.
  8. I can't think how water would get into your petrol from the cooling system. Is rain getting in through the filler?
  9. A smear of silicone may help to weatherproof it.
  10. Doesn't the zip sew onto a piece of elastic? Any seamstress should be able to replace it with a matching zip. I use the zip to keep draughts out. Don't forget to undo it when you go to the loo
  11. WD40 is good at what it does but is a very poor penetrating oil. Buy a specific penetrating oil preferably with graphite, and follow the instructions on the tin. The exhaust is held onto the cylinder head by studs and nuts. The steel studs screw into the alloy head. Nuts then screw onto the studs to hold the exhaust. Try warming the engine. Don't go mad and use excessive force. If you snap the studs or strip the thread in the head you will have big problems. Soak it with penetrating oil. tap it, work the socket both ways, tighten and loosen, warm it and cool it. Be patient. When you refit use copper grease to help prevent binding. Might be an idea to see what the bike fails on before undertaking repairs.
  12. Is it any wonder the guys at the bike shop talk slowly to you when you wait for grinding noises before checking the oil. Check your user manual for, daily, weekly and 500 mile checks. If the engine seizes at speed, you may die.
  13. A second pair that have failed in the same way may be a design fault or poor quality. I'd push them for a full refund as not fit for purpose. As a last resort, if it's a good shop that has kit you want, perhaps a credit note. There's lots of good boots around for less than £100. Depends if you need to try them on first, as to wether you order on line. http://www.jtsbikerclothing.com/cgi-bin ... lAodBxXXNA http://www.getgeared.co.uk/Motorcycle_B ... 8Ta38Pchv0
  14. http://www.pittedforks.co.uk/index.php
  15. Colin the Bear


    If you need advice you need to be specific about what you're asking. It's hard to offer solutions to problems that don't make sense. Bike , model , symptoms , would be a start.
  16. Wasn't it Harry Worth that used to say "Have you tried thumping it?" I think it was the fix all before turning it off and on again.
  17. Not wanting to state the obvious, but it will be the same as the new one, won't it?
  18. "Should be fine" won't do. Check it
  19. If it's the same as the Virago the Haynes goes about it a very convoluted way. With the side case off a pair of long nose circlip pliers can remove and extract the circlip holding the starter clutch onto the shaft. Slide out the clutch mechanism and slide in the new one. Mate of mine got fed up with them going and welded it up on a 750. Worked fine and still going strong.
  20. http://www.maplin.com £4.99 till 24.12.09
  21. Sounds like your battery has had it. A full charged battery in good condition should spin the engine no problems, till it primes and jumps into life. New plugs always help with poor starting reducing the drain on the battery.
  22. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&so ... =&aq=f&oq=
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