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Mississippi Bullfrog

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Everything posted by Mississippi Bullfrog

  1. I do have one means of being free range but I hope it doesn't happen.
  2. You can bet that if you get stopped Plod will figure out that you're nowhere near the direct route between work and home. I'm a bit stuffed on that lark as work is literally 2 minutes walk up the road.
  3. Washed the Honda and cleaned the chain. And I mean cleaned until it looks like new. It took me a couple of hours with paraffin, brush, pipe cleaners, Gunk and a hand pumped sprayer filled with detergent and hot water. Then dried it all with a compressor and applied fresh dry wax.
  4. If they can get it they give it to those who need it. It's mainly non-perishable food items and household necessities which is why people have been stealing from the Foodbank collections or not putting as much in in the first place.
  5. Not so good . I've hardly eaten a thing all day because everything just tastes weird . As long as I breathe really shallow I can avoid having to cough . But once I start coughing it goes on and on until I start to feel light headed . My head hurts like hell when I cough too . I've never known anything like this . So I've actually taken a turn for the worse . It really hurts to swallow as well . I've had flu with just the same symptoms, but given the current situation I wouldn't take anything for granted. I'd get some advice sooner rather than later. Hope you improve soon.
  6. Most of the volunteers at local Foodbanks are over 70 so they're losing most of the people who run it. Operations have been streamlined but for some people the Foodbank is needed now more than ever. In some supermarkets shoppers have been taking things out of Foodbank collections So good people - two things: 1. Please remember that the foodbank collection points are still open and need goods more than ever. 2. Many local foodbanks need younger volunteers. Particularly people able to deliver emergency food parcels to people who are isolated. I know we have some old farts on here (myself included) but we're still mostly in the age bracket younger than the volunteers who have had to stop working. Hope no-one minds me posting this. I have more time available to me right now so I'm going to be delivering food parcels.
  7. That is unacceptable behaviour and piss poor parenting.
  8. I had you more as the George Michael type
  9. A simpler version might be: Dead Not dead ........yet.
  10. Some companies just want laptops taken home for security reasons of course. I used to work across several sites and carried a laptop in my topbox. As said already, get a good quality padded laptop bag. Also be careful in cold weather. I destroyed one of mine when I switched it on after riding in icy conditions. Condensation had formed inside the laptop and it went bang as soon as I powered it up. Make sure it's switched off and can't power up in transit.
  11. Before all this went mental I woke up one morning a few weeks back with a banging headache, raging temperature, endless cough - but also a very runny nose. I just assumed it was a dose of flu. I took a few days working indoors and then got on with life. Of course I've got a mental age of 7 so I'm low risk. Chances are it was just normal flu - but how do we know what's going on any more? People with the same symptoms today self-isolate and are told they've got Coronavirus.
  12. I see Wayne Rooney was complaining he was forced to play football thereby sacrificing his health and that of his family for a mere paltry few quid. I wonder if he has any idea of what life is like for teachers, supermarket staff, NHS staff, or any of us whose jobs mean close contact with a large number of the general public in a confined space?
  13. You did that wrong. A real biker would have been going flat out, hit the front of the tank, cartwheeled several times and then blamed the driver who was blindsided. Going at a sensible speed and being able to brake in a safe distance - not bad, but no cigar.
  14. If I give my mum a pack of paracetamol and she gives me a tin of tomatoes.....does that make me a badass drug dealer?
  15. If you do solder (which I do when crimping) add a length of heat shrink to the end of the cable. It prevents the problem Stu mentions about vibration.
  16. Blues Brothers.....Flip, Flop, Fly, don't care if I die. From which my username is taken
  17. Don't tell anyone but I've just been to Sainsbury's and they had bog roll on the shelf. Only snag is it was only packs of 24 so I have unintentionally stockpiled them. Oh, and Wagon Wheels. Those I did stockpile intentionally.
  18. Well a close colleague I was working with yesterday has just emailed to say they are running a temperature so we shall see what happens next....
  19. You mean every time I ride my bike it makes Greta sad?
  20. It's not about the MPG its about the emissions that are put out at the exhaust I get that, but surely something that does 50% more mpg and has a catalyst is causing less pollution?
  21. I agree it's fairer, but regulations rarely take fairness into consideration. Plus with the move to electric vehicles they're unlikely to switch road licence costs to fossil fuels at this stage. I don't get how the current system works. My wife's car is £30 a year to tax but both my bikes do more to the gallon but cost more to tax. How does that work?
  22. Is it sealed or can you get at the acid? I used to use a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of the acid, that tells you for sure.
  23. If we had someone on here who worked on a boat they could make a few bob smuggling bog roll from Spain to the UK. Just saying.
  24. I have been out panic buying this morning. My wife ran out of her favourite perfume so I was outside Boots at 9.00am this morning in case they have a rush on it. Good job I did because I asked for 25 bottles and they said they only ever keep one in stock. So I have emptied their shelf.
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