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Mississippi Bullfrog

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Everything posted by Mississippi Bullfrog

  1. What adblocker and what browser? I will have a look to see if there is a work round. Although I think some of these adblockers just block everything My work pc has Adblock and generally uses Chrome. I can turn it off for TMBF of course.
  2. I guess it helps if people turn their ad blocker off for TMBF. I can see the link on my phone but my work pc doesn't show it. I buy a fair bit of stuff from them, though for clothing and helmets I prefer to be able to try things on and J&S is literally just a couple of miles down the road. Hmm - update on that - the link has just started showing on my work pc as well. So no worries.
  3. hahaha. so were all chunky butts? all good I believe it has been scientifically proven that heavier riders are less prone to high speed weave. At least that's always my reason for seconds of pudding. I'm only doing for safety reasons.
  4. There is an RC flying field in Warwick by the race course. Been there forever. Developers built houses nearby a few years ago. Residents then complained and have got the allowed flying time reduced and if a restriction on IC planes. Like the guy who bought a house next to a church that has been there since 1300. The house sale blurb waxed lyrical about the view of the bell tower. First week in he made a complaint that he could hear the bells ringing.
  5. I remember this coming up before and someone who knew what they were talking about in terms of recording sound levels suggested that in their proessional opinion it was all a load of what comes out of male cattle backwards. The technology to record sound levels attributed to a specific vehicle other than by hand held and personally administered tests just doesn't work.
  6. I live between farms and Oulton Park - so I get the stink of one and the noise of the other. Personally I suspect I may have died and gone to heaven without noticing. But back to the point..... I have never been to the IoM and to be honest can't see that I am likely ever to do so. The idea of an unrestricted speed limit puts me off. I have seen the carnage caused by riders going beyond their ability too often. But I would also be put off by a blanket 40mph limit. Surely a safer environment for everyone is possible without going from one extreme to the other? That seems rather silly.
  7. Use engine oil is carcinagenic. Don't use it anywhere where people will come into contact with it. I have sometimes used it to soak wooden fence posts in to prevent them rotting. I have also used it to paint onto the rusty undersides of old cars. But generally it goes to the recycling centre.
  8. Is it just me or has the standard of driving actually got even worse post lockdown?
  9. Halfords Pro stuff is good. I once broke a socket, doing something silly to be fair, it was replaced no questions asked. The rest of their stuff I've had for years and it's survived several car rebuilds.
  10. Guilty as charged. They are actually a fetching red and light blue. I find it pays to distract the competition at key points in the race. Though why are you checking out the arse of the other boater? You might notice there is a large white item between me and the other chap. It is called sail. I cannot see through the sail. I was actually only able to see the wake of his hull which enabled me to avoid a collision. This is why a boat on the starboard tack has right of way. Historically the rudder on a ship was mounted on the right hand side of the hull, like a big paddle. This was the steerboard, or starboard as it became known. The helmsman could see to his right but not to his left. So a vessel on the starboard tack has right of way as the helm cannot see to the other side of the sail. Because the rudder or steerboard was mounted on the right hand side of the ship it always had to enter a dock with the left hand side of the ship to the quay. That was originally known as the larboard side, easily confused with starboard of course, so it became known as port - ie the side of the ship that made contact when in port.
  11. Guilty as charged. They are actually a fetching red and light blue. I find it pays to distract the competition at key points in the race.
  12. What's wrong with the good old hammer a screwdriver through the filter? Apart from the fact that if it doesn't work you are then left with a jagged flesh slicing monstrosity welded to your engine. I have several types of oil filter wrenches, but the best so far is like this one - so long as it is isn't recessed
  13. Our sailing club reopened, no racing but we're allowed to lark about upsetting motor boaters to our hearts content. So I took my Laser out to see what mayhem and mischief I could create. Sorry about the shorts, they are an offensive weapon to distract lady sailors on awkward marks.
  14. The thread is 12 years old. I reckon the OP has probably moved on by now.
  15. I'll be interested in how well you can get the carbon fibre & resin to adhere to the plastic, I always found it doesn't make a good bond to anything subject to vibration. You could always try drilling a series of holes so the resin effectively forms a rivet into the structure of the box.
  16. Go for the 24 inch. You don’t always need it but if you do then you’ve got the leverage. Otherwise it just makes life easier the rest of the time.
  17. Sadly there are only two bottles left and I plan on enjoying them at our daughter's 30th next week. If I make more then a TMBF party may be in order.
  18. Yes, honey from my hives left to ferment naturally. It's how the Vikings made it. The trick is to turn as much sugar into alcohol as it makes a very crisp dry mead rather than the sweeter kind. It tends to make you fall over a lot though.
  19. A glass of chilled mead, and behind the ladies who made the honey.
  20. A possible alternative - if you put your location into your profile there may be someone near you who would be willing to dismantle the bike for you and then you can sell the parts to those who can make good use of them.
  21. Blimey, £1.5k for a welder. That's got to be a good bit of kit. Mine was £40 second hand off RetroRides. To be fair it's kept my runabout on the road for more years than our MOT station thought possible. Mind you one of my DIY exhaust systems caused great mirth and comments of unnecessary cruelty. But it didn't leak so it passed. I am a bit of a magpie with tools so it's hard to say which is the favourite. But the one bit of kit I could not live without is my cordless Dremel.
  22. Yes. If your missus finds out how much your new transmitter cost your health is going to be seriously compromised. Otherwise, in terms of the output from transmitters, they are so small you'd never have any issues. Only when you loose the signal and the aeroplane lands on your head. I remember a guy whose signal failed and his model went haywire. It was a fast .60 installed in a thing called a Cherry Bomb. The damn thing hurtled round us totally out of control, we gave up watching it and just got ourselves inside a shipping container which served as our field clubhouse. Waited there until went quiet. It had hit someone's car, punched a hole through one door and the engine came out of the opposite door. But I know of a few cases where radio failure led to fatalities. A glow aero engine is running at about 18000rpm with a rotating blade attached to the front of it. You do not want to make contact with such a device.
  23. Yes. If your missus finds out how much your new transmitter cost your health is going to be seriously compromised. Otherwise, in terms of the output from transmitters, they are so small you'd never have any issues.
  24. Its funny you say that as when I had the TL there was owners in the US of A that would only use the cheapest wallmart oil they could buy and just change it every 2k One of them had over 200k on the bike and he stripped it to rebuild it and it was perfect inside! He just put new gaskets on and put it back together I've always stuck to frequent oil changes and last time I took my car engine to bits at 130k it was like new internally. I only dismantled it because that engine had a reputation for snapping timing chains and self destructing. There are not many places that refine oil so even your bog standard Wilko's oil is from a reputable source. The issue is the additives. It's the detergents which break down first so frequent oil changes keeps fresh detergents in the engine so it stays clean.
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