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Everything posted by Bender

  1. The problem with all this is that at any point in the chain it could have had an impact that caused an issue, if it was down to a manufacturer error there would be cases of them, if it had a condom or a part of a machine in then you could pin the fault to a controlled part of the process.
  2. For you I would have thought it perfectly normal
  3. As you can't directly pin the blame to them I think it's best to just move on.
  4. My instructor said he didn't know how to help me lol, least he was honest, practice as much as you can, mix it up with other slow control and have a relaxing ride home afterwards, don't let it get you down its all doable
  5. I practiced in a narrow road with kerbs both sides, concentrates the mind, it really is best practiced to the point you don't have to think about it.
  6. You have to practice, and practice and practice, I hated the fookers, failed twice just on u turn, everything else from day 1 was fine, you need to practice so that you know what the mistakes are, even replicate them ie do it too slow and learn how to recover. By the time I passed my mod 1 I had about 6ft spare after doing the turn and had to ride to the line at the side so It didn't look like I had stopped in the middle. Good luck, I'm glad I don't have to do it at test center anymore, but I still do the odd one just cause I'm mad lol.
  7. Bender


    Wonder how much the six million dollar man would cost today, a decent lotto win and you could nock up a Steve Austin
  8. Could have saved a bit more but I don't mind supporting local shops, if everything is bought online there would be nowhere to try things on.
  9. Bought a few items for the wife, Frank's jacket and tcx boots, looked at a few lids but went home first, did a bit of google and found same lid 50 notes cheaper, sent them an email and price matched it. Found staff to be very friendly and email was answered very quickly.
  10. Bender


    Stretch Armstrong next?
  11. From what i can see on the video it looks like the road has a join running down it and is in pretty poor condition, you can clearly see it when you stop, also alot of crap on the road from where the wobble started to where you stopped, once it started you can see your drifting to the edge as the bike is standing its self up, think you were lucky to have stopped relatively safely. Could you have done something else probably, best off avoiding riding in the center line, after that you could have tried lots of things but thats the same with life, best to try avoid situations in the first place, could have backed of, put weight forward, could have gave more throttle and risked leaning it over more whilst trying moving your weight back, you did what you did and your ok so probably best not to dwell on it too much. Glad your ok and no major damage
  12. Bender

    ed sheeran

    He's not that bad, least he's given james blunt a rest I could happily swap places with him, ginger and all, he had so many songs in the charts as crap as the charts are now, they had to change the way they list them to give new music a chance.
  13. Glad to see things are looking up, hope you enjoy the new bikes
  14. Yup some form of mold/bacterial growth, just ask a student they probably fry that up as extra protein
  15. you shure thats not a dead goldfish
  16. Great news, been keeping an eye out for an update, I'm smiling for you. What a difference a couple of months and a bit of focus does for you,
  17. To be honest I don't think that's a bad price, every one forgets that dealers are a business, by the time you take out someone's wages, pay into the contributions for said wages, put something into the upkeep of the business, then pay tax on the business then pay tax on whatever the owner takes out if the business, it's not like they are robbing you blind. I am aware that some charge silly money for the stupidest of things and I agree that they should be avoided if possible, but sometimes needs must. Hope the new bleeder sorts it and it will come in handy in the future.
  18. Can you borrow a vacume bleeder?
  19. Practice and patience, it's like learning to drive, once your hands and feet know what they are doing you can concentrate on the riding. After cbt just find a quiet place and practice starting stopping and junctions, industrial estate on an evening is usually a good place. Don't worry if things don't go as well as you expect it's a steep learning curve but one to enjoy. Good luck
  20. Have you got anything else to put the compression tester into to make sure it's OK, you seem to have consistent pressure, the chances of every cylinder being down the same amount is very slim, unless you put a thicker headgasket on to lower compression to put a turbo on it.
  21. Fuel tap is on? What bike and what year, more details will give an idea as to what it may be. My Honda stood for 7months and fired up instantly with no addstives.
  22. That sounds like a lot of air, if master was OK before you started it's unlikely its packed in to that extent.
  23. That sounds like a lot of air, if master was OK before you started it's unlikely its packed in to that extent.
  24. Well done I think it looks good, hope you get the bugs inroned out.
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