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Everything posted by Bender

  1. I was actively discouraged from it by instructors, but I do it now, you can see logic for full on braking, you have more strength in all your fingers, I wonder how many via used
  2. I've got a Denali SoundBomb on my bike for just these sort of occasions. ..... Having used the horn as a warning I was wondering if a bicycle bell would be better, not seen the sound bomb before but will be looking to see if I can fit one now.
  3. Well done, the ride back without instruction is great.
  4. Your saying cuts out as in spins but won't fire or just clicks?
  5. Well done, better to be told your doing too many life savers, because had it been too few that would have been a fail.
  6. The best way to do it is to have a thick box made out of 8 or 10mm steel and have the lock inaccessible under it, the lock where you slide the pin out are great, as its on a door its easy to make and it will offer more protection at a fraction of the cost, I could be through those locks way quicker than i could be through a one for 20quid that's properly covered.
  7. What he said, I had my honda a year and got back what i paid for it
  8. DD is not restricted to sex or race, other illegal substances are available.
  9. Are plugs sparking, are plugs wet, simple things first
  10. Why? What yer thinkin' of nicking?..........(PS - Joke! ) Any thing that takes my fancy, I have lots of batteries
  11. Probably be fine, just be water under the bridge by then
  12. Need speed and power to match thickness your trying to weld, set power, and adjust speed till you get constant smooth crackle from weld, plenty of YouTube vids, it's just practice.
  13. That's de feet ism, get what I did there
  14. Now is perfect time for tig, you have lots of spare time
  15. Can't get my stupid phone to copy the link grrrr Got a stick a mig and a tig but not a battery one. (yet)
  16. Think it's kempi do the battery welder I have nearly been tempted My bad fronius do it
  17. There is no replacement for the stick you can give a mains grinder but a battery one is so handy once you have one you won't be without one again.
  18. I recommend angle grinder if you don't have one.
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