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Everything posted by Bender

  1. There was a new section of fence where some one tried that at my test center, I'm pretty sure they weren't allowed to continue.
  2. U turn was my downfall too, sorry to see the fail but we get to read another day lol Most of the u turn issues are down to nerves and panic I'm sure, just relax and go through it in your head, don't have a point to turn by, turn when your moving and stable although it needs to be done before you hit the fence, just saying. Good luck.
  3. Good luck with the mod 1, on mod 2, its safety safety safety, plenty of observations, safe road positioning, life savers a plenty, keep an eye on the speed limits.
  4. Why can't you just bypass the switches to rule them out?
  5. Looks good hope you find a good one, will be interested to see what you think after living with it for a while.
  6. I never had any issues with the slalom, but I did the same thing when practicing on the 125 I had them spaced really close together when it came to the test the correct spacing seemed huge so i can see why he did it.
  7. Dont need cbt but you do need a provisional license
  8. What do you fancy ?? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-41035766 Although thats last years, it gets bigger every year, if you dont have one sorted by august bank holiday weekend, you could pop up, always bikes for sale and definitely the biggest collection of HD's you will find in the uk, good weekend of drink and music and lots of other bikes too.
  9. If things dont go as you planned just take a deep breath and start again, its a great learning journey your setting off on dont forget to enjoy it along the way. Good luck
  10. Just looked like a lot of squiggly lines till I zoomed in, top artistry
  11. I could bin it? Noooooo where would the fun be in that. I do believe op has genuine concerns which are very real
  12. http://www.jesterstrickbits.co.uk/products/Eazy-Rizer-Original-Red-Motorcycle-Lift.html
  13. I think we need a redwood section and this thread needs moved to it......
  14. Unfortunately I fear your missing nothing lol, I'm in the same boat.
  15. Read through most of the updates but confused as to what your doing with regards pistons/rings/bores, sorry if i missed something but if your just putting back together what you took apart there is likely to be little to no improvement in compression ??
  16. Looks good and nice low profile, will have a further look cheers. Didn't win the stealth, got highest bid in with 2secs to spare, got outbid just as it ended . Sena is fetching a helmet out with built in camera but prob a tad over budget.
  17. Have you looked at the sena prism ? http://www.buysena.eu/pt10-01.html?sc=25&category=8024
  18. Advantage of helmet is it records where your looking, advantage of bike camera is just starts and runs with the bike.
  19. I would say your suspicions are correct sounds crap, sharing a bike, what were you going to do for the road stuff 2up? When i did mine there were 2 of us with no experience, by mid day the other girl left in tears as she just couldn't hack it, every one else was either just doing another cbt as current one had expired or had been riding since they were 3, It wasn't an issue instructors were great and no bike sharing. Start again and don't let the bad experience put you off and don't put pressure on yourself over how well you should be doing, everyone learns at a different rate just enjoy the whole thing it will be over before you can blink.
  20. Well I was a tad curious so got myself a quote for your bike, well same details, £330 fc 160 tpft, that was with hastings through confused, riding other bikes, Europe cover pillion, but no breakdown cover. Dont live in a particularly good area, no idea if any of that was remotely helpful i was bored
  21. I have the duke 2, its fine, i dont think its particularly noisy, does everything else its supposed to fine, flip front can be used in the open position if you want, flips up ok, when its hot could do with a bit more ventilation but thats nothing cracking the visor open a tad does not cure, feels good quality for the price and is 5 on the sharp safety site ( i think), just checked, it is. https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/helmets/caberg-duke/
  22. 2 alarmed disc locks one front one back, unless someone is specifically after your bike the random toe rag will pass it by.
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