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Everything posted by Bender

  1. It's had to draw more than 10amp, it might not be the pump, have you checked wiring for any damage or anywhere it may be able to short out, does the circuit power anything else?
  2. What is the difference between absorbing and bending? It can only bend so far till your head starts to take the pressure regardless of what is between you and the shell, carbon composites fracture and disperse the energy better over a greater area. I have no issues with plastics I have one, but that's because I couldn't afford the carbon equivalent which was another 400 notes, I got the safest I could afford, when funds allow I will however be getting one.
  3. I think the difference with sharp is the impact testing data from inside the helmet where your head lives, I would agree an the kevlar/carbon would sustain more damage without snapping into large sections which thermo plastics will, they will also disperse and absorb impact where thermoplastic will just be bending I would not rule out the sharp tests though, they have some expensive lids with very bad test data from side impacts especially.
  4. Sena 10upad The intercom that fits inside a helmet, it comes installed into replacement pads that are designed to simply snap into your lid (specific to helmet make). HJC IS 17 in this instance. Fitting is very straight forward, bit fiddly getting the very edge of the pads fitting snug into the thin lip around the outer edge but no more difficult than taking them out to clean and refit. Stealth fit nothing visible from the outside and no mic/cables or speakers to fiddle with, whats not to like Well a lot as it turns out. Although the lid was a good fit prior to the install, the left pad which has most of the tech inside it is very un squishy which turned it into a bit of an uncomfortable exercise getting it on, has not and will not get any better as the buttons and main control wont get any more pliable than they are and they aren't Only 3 buttons on the underside which are a reasonable size, center main button is inset so its easier to locate, but with thick gloves on its not the easiest to operate. Sound quality intercom/phone/music when working is very good. Issues, many, out of the box it failed to charge fully or failed to show full charge, would not hold charge for more than a day or two, contacted sena who were very helpful, went through everything possible, firmware update, pin reset, software reset, charged via pc, charged via good phone charger, charge/discharge cycles, took almost a month to get it to hold a charge for more than a day, thought it was eventually sorted, connected phone to it, no problem, connected sena 20s to it errr no, spent hours trying to connect, nothing, sent another email to sena with regards connection or lack of it to the sena 20s, sods law as soon as i sent the email the bloody thing connected. Worked flawlessly between it and the 20s, checked battery on return, showing 2/3 full, switched off, checked next day, wont turn on, intermittent discharge still occurring. In short, its pants. I don't believe they are all like this but mine was, sena have been great and have offered to sort it out should i have any issues with returning it to the supplier and were willing to intervene after about 2 weeks of trying to sort the problems with charging, It was me who kept trying to resolve it (my bad) In short 1 If your helmet is a snug fit, this may make it a very snug fit 2 You may be better off shouting at each other 3 If you get one that works it will be good 4 Be prepared to loose hours of your life you wont get back.
  5. Set to volts see if you have any at bulb end, usually have a continuity setting with an audible setting so you can check cable, use resistance setting to check for poor connection, Google using multimeter they ain't complicated.
  6. There is a small chance of damage, how lucky do you feel?, I would clean it up with make shift hoover attachment and start it up, I have run a few turbo conversion with no filters on inlet for a couple of years, I wouldn't recommend it but hey ho
  7. East Coast splitters, don't listen to then the west is crap honest, mind you John o g is a bit pants too, so flat and boring when you get up there, nice wooden tesco that's about it lol.
  8. Not English as we know it do you never take your pub to the pub
  9. Sena has ability to mute music during comes and start it back up again
  10. Sena did/used to do an adapter for pmr, but would you not be better off with pmr that has Bluetooth then any of the sena stuff could connect to it as a device, I would go with anything from the 20s up over, currently having issues with a 10 that I'm going to do a review on and it's not going to be good lol. 20s evo is great though.
  11. for me not a chance, I'm stuck doing my job aint getting replaced by no robot
  12. Most of the Highlands are great, it is however getting to the midge season, don't underestimate the wee beasties.
  13. Keep at it, no one that's been through it will take the mick no matter how long it takes.
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