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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. Indeed it is with SBS, I still need to get around to sending back an open return of an item I bought months ago (must do that this weekend)
  2. If I recall correctly you said it was his first holiday. I sincerely hope he enjoys himself
  3. As a newbie to the world of motorcycles I'm enjoying looking up each of these bikes as we go along
  4. Well, if Bristol Airport can be ten miles outside Bristol....
  5. Well maybe the designer had one of them Motorola flip phones that are about 2 inches in length, so you sit may have a bigger and more girthy one than the designer A flip phone would definitely prove problematic when trying to use a sat nav functionality
  6. The idiot of a product designer at Oxford who thought this was a suitable size phone holder on top of a tank bag. No chance my phone is getting in there and I only have a five inch one (stop sniggering at the back) let alone fit in a lead to connect it to a power bank. I only wanted a small tank bag for this and thought this was perfect, back to the drawing board then. ps the dog didn't design it
  7. OK... so happy to stand corrected. My friend (who like I say unfortunately has a lot of experience in 'this sort of thing') has said it's not something he's ever been aware of - toes aren't something that aren't a massive factor in RTCs, ankle and foot fractures yes but not toes. He will endeavour to pay more attention to toes in future incidents he attends though just in case
  8. Another vote for Kriega. I admittedly have limited experience but have the US-20 and it works really well. I wouldn't hesitate to get the smaller bags and connect it to them, I just don't have a need for them at the moment. If you have any other random loads Rok straps are really good and versatile too. I've got them for the bike but have also used them in and on the car too.
  9. Yes but, this is what you learnt on, not what you got as "your" first bike I'm interested to see how the bike school bike du jour has changed over the years, now a lot of schools seem to use (from what I have seen) SV650s and ER6Ns.
  10. A chat at lunch with work colleagues made me think of this topic. What did you cut your teeth on in the motorbike world? We often talk about first bike or current bike but not so much what you learnt on. I did my CBT on a Yamaha YBR125 I then did my A licence training on a Kawasaki ER6N (2009-2011 version) Car wise, I learnt to drive in a Renault Clio (Clio II (1998–2005))
  11. Absolutely and I do try to check myself for beliefs and assumptions that when I look into them further don't actually hold up (Being a cyclist trust me, more than enough claims are made about us that isn't backed up by data.....) Nobody is perfect of course and I think we all have views that occasionally can be legitimately challenged. One other random side effect of medical people I know is how they'll say "oh gosh, no way would I cycle on the road, I've seen the people they bring into A&E", yet manage to discount the many more car wreck occupants that are brought in on a daily basis. I guess there is a potential here that they remember the one unlucky bugger who has their toes sliced off vs everyone else that ended up losing a foot in 'normal' boots..
  12. She'll tell you herself, she's six foot 1 on a Yammy 125, bulky or not her head is in the wind some
  13. I do know that medical staff can be bad at only ever treating what is in front of them (eg tales of someone on a bicycle getting crushed by a HGV, yet them saying "and he wasn't even wearing a helmet") so there is that possibility I'm happy to be wrong too
  14. That is all true. I've dropped a line to a friend who is quite high up in the ambulance service and is part of response planning and working on best practice for trauma incident management. It would be anecdata for sure but I'll see what his experience is.
  15. Indeed, just yesterday I rode home with [mention]Magpie84[/mention] and we hit a bit of NSL, I accelerated up to 60 only to have her giggling behind me because despite pinning the throttle the headwind was pushing her back again. (Clearly she needs to tuck in a bit )
  16. I used to have one of these when I lived in a house without a hosepipe and my car parking space was a little walk from the property https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Manual-Pressure-Washer-Sprayer/dp/B01H34FQ2C
  17. That relates to a weight dropping on the shoe. I imagine the forces in a motorcycle accident are quite different. Sure I've never seen it, but it was mentioned on the Biker Down course that they'd attended a few such incidents.
  18. Simple: in an accident metal plate goes into foot. Toes detach.
  19. "New road, check me mirrors cancel me signal" worked wonders for me when I needed to concrete in a process to ensure I cancelled my signals after every junction
  20. It's been a few weeks since I watched it but just thinking what you could be referencing... would it be the appearance of Number One?
  21. Please please please swap these - in an accident you're very liable to lose your toes
  22. I watched a very small bit last night (it was late), if I was to give immediate feedback it was that I saw 30 minutes and thought "crikey". If you go down the vlogging route I suggest making sure there's a theme to the video (obvious in the title) and that it's not overly long. I don't mind listening to rants (even or maybe especially if I don't agree with the rant) but I've seen a few channels where people are literally "I'm off to the post office so thought I'd record the journey" and I lose interest very quickly.
  23. I look to the right [mention]Piggy[/mention] and spy a mk1 gsf600 and a xl600rmg in your profile, so do they make up for it?
  24. The guy who dropped diesel down the middle of the road for about ten miles First properly noticed when I put my foot down on approach to a roundabout and it slipped sideways...
  25. This thread is probably related, in that I would assume soap is soap and as long as you wash it off fully your bike won't melt. https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=69168 However, if your chain is grimy I'm not sure if basic soap is going to really shift much.
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